The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF however does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be serious and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_ bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF, however, does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be severe and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
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- Non Vendo Vite | gatti norvegesi
Un gatto di razza non è un oggetto di lusso da possedere. Un gatto di razza è “qualunque gatto” perché seguito, perché amato, voluto, perché è conosciuto, e perché per questi motivi, potrà rendere felici gli altri. Meticcio non è sinonimo di "bastardo", di gatto di nessuna importanza, ma dovrebbe essere solo segno di “gatto nato da genitori di diversa, sconosciuta o non definibile razza”. Meticcio potrebbe voler dire anche “essere unico” e per questo forse ancora più particolare, prezioso.... I DO NOT SELL the life of cats Let's clarify a concept immediately: "I don't sell the life of cats." I, a 21st century farmer, ask to pay the price for my work. That's all. Follow the cats day and night, every day of the year, all life, always without holidays, always available, with the expense of many investments made to make them feel good, feed them every day as best as possible, to pay veterinary expenses, well all this has a price! And this price someone has to pay since the animals don't go to work alone, they don't decide to get married and set up a house, and they don't bother themselves to raise their puppies. Since cat weddings have to be decided by us, being pets, since the cat's health is in our exclusive hands, since veterinarians, feeders and specialists get paid, it is impossible to carry out the task of breeder without perceiving a reasonable income, not based on the value of the life of a living being, but based on the cost necessary to reach him. Each cat is as good as the other. A half-breed is no less than a purebred cat. A purebred cat is not a better living being or having more rights by its birth than a foundling. The choice of going to the cattery to get a cat can be as noble and as noble as that of going to a kennel, you just need to know what you are doing! Very often people do the math in your pocket, and wonder why you can ask for a certain amount for a cat. They make two quick calculations, how much the feed costs, how much does a vaccine and a microchip cost and they ask, or ask you, or think about it, how you can ask for such exorbitant amounts as hundreds of euros. Many from ignorant buyers, become ignorant breeders, thinking of making tons of money, and mostly end up giving up after some time, when they are tired and worn out from the effort it takes to be breeders, leaving their cats to the first that happens or to the nearest cattery, or they end up becoming vine traders. Breeding does not mean giving birth to a litter .. He is not a breeder who, having a female in his house, makes her reproduce and then arranges the puppies, as it is not to generate a child that makes you a mother, or is minimally so, but rather to raise him, love him, protect him. We as parents are mostly the fruit of how our parents were with us .. You are a breeder when you are able, litter after litter, to give birth to healthy little ones, who will be appreciated, loved, understood, and when you make a contribution to the species and breed in question, improving it, when you help people understand their own. animals, improving their life, or preventing them from ruining it by taking an unsuitable four-legged friend. A purebred cat is not a luxury item to own. A purebred cat is “any cat” because it is followed, because it is loved, wanted, because it is known, and because for these reasons it can make others happy. Mestizo is not synonymous with "nothing", "bastard", cat of no importance, but should only be a sign of "cat born of parents of different, unknown or not definable breed". Mestizo could also mean "to be unique" and for this reason perhaps even more particular, precious ... The fact that a mestizo has fantastic qualities does not make all mestizos suitable for the same person. I love any cat, but I breed purebred cats because I try to give birth to cats suitable for my life, cats suitable for certain people, cats that are happy, and to do this, it is more practical and safer to be sure of how they will be. these cats, rather than relying on chance. This is how the races were born .. In a hypothetical perfect world without chains, only the strongest and most useful animal would win and reproduce. In this life, the only one I know, the strongest cat is the most useful to man, and he has more chances of having a good life, and I want to give birth to lucky and beloved cats, cats that are important to someone. Giving birth to useless cats would always make me tremble for their life ... I don't want my cats to pity and be taken blindly, out of mercy. I want my cats to be useful, that people recognize their qualities and want them with them even if it costs money to maintain them, because they realize that they give something more to our life. A serving cat is a cat that can find accommodation even as an adult, in the unfortunate case its owner can no longer take care of it. Un cat taken only for mercy will always be in the hands of his god man, at his mercy, and I do not want_cc781905-5cde-319458-bb3cb-136d. **** Say that i cats should all be taken in the gattili and that the_cc7905 -3145b3b-84bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_do not buy, it is pure e stupida demagogia_cc781905-5cde-3194-bbcia_bad5 who does not need to exchange animals for no one objects, and it is unfortunately often to say this ***** Maybe the best, the kindest and most unselfish of us stop having children of their own to go and adopt all the starving children in the world? Perhaps we give up the joy, the happiness of having our child, a little one who grows naturally, happily with us, without ever having suffered stress or having had problems or illnesses, due to the fact that many children suffer in other parts of the world? The suffering, the sadness of life, can make us all stop living a natural life and for this reason it also makes us happy? Should the feline species all go through abandonment? will we have to have one day only cats born by chance due to some criminal who has abandoned, abused, indiscriminately mated? Cats are not all the same. They must all enjoy the same rights of course, because no one is to blame, but they are very different from each other, in terms of capacity and health. We cannot allow "pathology", abandonment, to become the basis of the cats of tomorrow . Altruism must not and cannot lead us towards illness, towards an unnatural life, just as it is unfair that sick purebred cats are born, full of pathologies that can be cured only because medicine today has made considerable progress (a cat of sick race is the most disgusting thing that can be!). So why are many often ready to cheer up farmers? Why are they so quickly ready to do the math in their pocket? When animal rights activists take it out against breeders, well, I always think that we have not understood each other, that they have not understood that we are on the exact same side, that of the defense of animals. I could never blame those who love animals, even if they make wrong arguments in many other ways. I hope that by reading these lines of mine someone will realize that we are not all the same, neither they nor us. In many other cases, however, the problem is money ... and sometimes ignorance, and the two things joined together, do the rest. Well, whoever thinks that breeding means making money at the expense of animals, may he try it himself, that you spend a lifetime getting up at night to check on puppies, to follow dying or ailing elderly people, that you answer the phone all day long to people who need advice for growth, that you collect tons of poop (this particular fragrant of our life does not many calculate it, but perhaps it is the most present constant), that he deprives himself of vacation, private life, of a normal life, and after we will see if in the end he will still think so. Oh sure, you can not do all this .. You can be architects, engineers, bankers, and in the leftovers of time go and serve a meal to two animals kept in cages. You can find time to deliver the puppies but not time to meet people's needs. You can find the money to pay for advertisers and almost always illegal workers to better sell your goods ... Even today in Italy, you can be vine merchants, but this does not mean that we are all like this ._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ It does not mean that the fact that there are those who take advantage of the gatti and the naivety of others, we are all like that. Maybe a babysitter doesn't pay? Maybe a teacher or a doctor shouldn't get paid because they are all figures who should think more about loving than surviving? But how? But you should do it out of passion, some say when they have to pay these gentlemen's fees .. But since when do people who love their neighbors and animals live on nothing? Shouldn't she be paid just more, because life is based on it? The foundation for everything else? Why instead of trying to reward better those who in addition to providing us a job also gives examples of pure love, we do nothing but mortify them and try to give them as little as possible by leveraging their love for life and for what they do? A kennel does not have the costs of a single litter, but those of an entire human life to get to that litter. In a farm there are gatti sani that reproduce and gatti_gatti sani that reproduce and gatti_gatti_cc3b5 -136bad5cf58d_con some disease and that will never reproduce, gattianziani, but who are equally loved and_cc781_bad-136-badd5-136 often spend a lot of money, and these must also come through the lucky ones. In the farms look for i gatti olders, because these will be a guarantee for the farmer is always good, money is not always good. they are more and more beautiful. For a litter that is born and grows up healthy, there are often others in which everything went wrong, in which good money was spent to travel far in search of a worthy husband for our female, but maybe few puppies were born, maybe the mother had to undergo a caesarean surgery, maybe all the little ones died, maybe she didn't get pregnant and there are only the costs to pay .. A farm also has all the very expensive costs due to health and administrative permits to raise, to building ones, the structures necessary to make all animals feel good, at the expense of surveyors, agronomists and accountants, but nobody thinks about this. It is one thing to have a healthy female who has a wonderful litter in her own home, and everything looks beautiful and goes beautifully, and makes the joy of birth seem like a trifle, and another thing is to give birth and repeat this miracle of life over and over to give. this joy to many people. Nobody talks about all the people who, having a litter at home, found themselves faced with the shock of a first-parent mother, taken by convulsions, or the one who cannot give birth ... or the one who had ruptured uterus. The comparison to diminish the work of breeders is always and only with the very lucky litters for which few expenses were needed. A private individual who has a lot of knowledge on the gatti, who has spent all his free time for the passione on felines and who is willing to give all his love to others in terms of puppies is often a wonderful choice to find a puppy, I say this first, but there are very few of these people if you relate them to all the people who instead want and need the affection of an animal. The breeder and his way of breeding are nothing more than the fruit of the society that surrounds us. If there are vine dealers it is because there are people who al gatto degive the value of an object, who_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d the fact that they are rewarding an exploiter of lives. If animal life were given more value, it would be much easier for farmers to make animals feel good too, and only animal lovers would proliferate, because people would immediately recognize traders as an end in themselves and would always be ready to reward well for what really matters. And do we forget the tax authorities? Being a breeder also means paying taxes eh! Yet as soon as you name the VAT, people instead of being happy to have an invoice in their hands for the money given, instead of being happy for contributing a part of their money to this Italy that is doing so badly, instead of being happy to have a dealing with an honest person, takes and changes the air. (we are talking about professional breeders, when we are talking about amateurs, the equivalent is to have the contract in hand)) Having an invoice in hand for a purchase that will live at least ten years, it seems to me anything but silly, even economically and commercially speaking, considering the unpredictability of life, the difficulty of breeding well and the mysteries of genetics . It is one thing not to pay VAT for a coffee (and this is also wrong), and an account, much more foolish, is to have no trace of an often substantial payment, for something that will be with us for a long time. When money has to be perceived, they are all ready, kind, fast… but when the money is gone, things change, and all this kindness becomes a memory. Merchants have no time for kindness, and they even respond to rude ones, because they only have money in mind ... Will it come or won't it? This is their constant thought. A trader does not waste time in a thousand photos, he does not know the details of the life of his gatti. He doesn't waste much time in visits, he goes fast, he has no time to waste, yet there are people who from this false demeanor, from this icy coldness, sometimes from a jacket and a tie, from two notions about race that anyone could learn, gets intimidated into submitting to it, and end up rewarding it. A breeder should always have the answers ready to all or most of the questions of every buyer ... He should at least know his subject inside out. **** It is for this reason that nowadays we don't even reply to e-mails where they spartanly ask us only the price. ****** _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ When we feel full of philanthropism, we try to educate the most obviously ignorant without malice, but when someone asks us about gatti based on the stains of the coat, on the basis of sex to type of pedigree and that's it, well then it will just find a wall in your face and won't have any answer. We all love beauty, we all want to choose, we are all curious, we want to think for ourselves, but many of us also have to learn what it means to breed, and what are the important things to look at. Many think that if they choose first they will get the best cats, something to brag about forever and that will also give them love, because they are taken by an inordinate feeling of victory and optimism. "I want the certainty that the cat will become huge" ".... This is heard every now and then .... Please go elsewhere, I answer ... Given that to make the first choice and actually get a cat with certain skills it takes a lot of knowledge about the breed, the bloodline, cats in general and the ways in which kittens are managed, not always the first choice. , even on many, it is equivalent to a cat with great gifts. It all depends on who the parents are, what these puppies are like, who they choose. The best cat for me, to breed, to compensate for the shortcomings of my other cats, is not necessarily the same for a person who will have that cat and that's it for life. The best cat for me, who love taciturn and not very clingy cats, is not necessarily the best for another. Finally, tell me how I can best do my job as a breeder, how can I find a happy home and people who love my kittens, when I am asked for a cat with spots on its back well arranged vertically? As if you were choosing home furnishings? Tell me how I can think of animal welfare, when people want to take the cat for the festive occasion, regardless of the fact that the kittens need a certain amount of time to spend with their mother, to be sociable and safe cats when they grow up. of himself? Sometimes for three months I constantly change my mind about puppies, I have an enormous effort to understand which are the qualities of a puppy that are most suitable for me, yet many people, in no time at all, are convinced to come and play Bingo! How can curiosity, arrogance, haste ... and finally the money that each of us can spend up to a certain point can be reconciled with the most important thing: the life of the animal? When you have to get a cat, consider your life well, and look for the most suitable cat to make it happy and serene. If you get the right cat, everything will appear easier and even giving love and cuddles will be simple. It is useless to go and get the cat from the cattery filled with a sense of pity, not having enough feline knowledge to recover an often traumatized character, not having the money to pay an educator to recover this traumatized character, and not taking a cat congenial to ours. life needs .... and often having a complicated one too. What can the lady who lives in an apartment full of crystals and antique carpets do with it, with a cat that as a puppy was in so much pain and needed help, but when grown up by its nature and not its fault, loves to jump from one piece of furniture to another, nail the carpet or the armchairs ?? _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Doing good is wonderful and I recommend it to everyone, but you also need to know how to do it. And choosing a cat may seem easy, but it isn't. You have to know yourself well to the extent that you are ready to accept the life of a cat with us. We often want cute and hyper active cats like Bengals, but then do we have time for them? Almost always we want the puppy and not the most grown cat, but then maybe we work all day and we don't have the time to follow the growth of this puppy. What do we need then to indulge this morbid desire of ours? To make an animal grow badly? Feeling lonely and insecure and making him become a frustrated adult to be led to re-educate, if not worse, that he can no longer bear? Wouldn't it be better to take an adult who may have returned to the farm due to bad luck, life cases, and who would require less time to devote to him? An adult is no less than a puppy. So first advice: let's take the breed that suits us, but not only! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ After studying the characteristics of the breed, let's see if the cats of that breeding correspond to the standard. Let's go and see if those individual cats, that male, that female, that breeder, are as we imagine them. It does not matter if you take a cat that is not standard, spotted differently or that does not have the characteristics of the breed. It matters to get a cat that suits us first! It does not matter to take it purebred or mestizo, it matters to take it easy to love, suitable for our life and healthy. The purebred cat should just be the right cat for us. It should be a cat that gives us certainties or at least greater probabilities of health than the orphan or the cat born by chance and whose character we cannot predict. The latter will not therefore be a worthless cat, it will only be an unknown factor, and therefore a more difficult cat "in theory" and for which owners even more experienced and prepared for "everything" will be needed, but welcome! A breeder must pay for the work on knowing the character of their cats, not the fact of owning them. When someone asks me for a cat to go to the show, you can see that he didn't understand anything about me. I am looking for owners who love my cats for who they are and for themselves mainly. I don't care if they win fashion shows with my cat. And even with this, like everyone else, I love beautiful cats. Does it seem irreconcilable as what? And why? Maybe there is the need to show the beauty or the love that one possesses? Of course, you can also do exhibitions and parades, as in fact we do every now and then, enjoying victories like everyone else, you can have fun doing everything when you are comfortable together and happy, but this cannot be the basis. for a relationship. I don't want people who win cups with my cats, I don't want to satisfy someone's delicate aesthetic sense with my cats .. I want to give them friends forever. Cats to love and who are able to return this love. I want to give cats suitable for people and I want people to be suitable for them. I want to be clear about the characteristics of my cats, and when they differ from the standard or the average of other dogs, I mention it. I want to be called in the middle of the night if my cats are sick, I want to be tormented with questions because this is my life and there is nothing more beautiful than being able to teach what you know. There is nothing more beautiful than having a passion since we were children and passing it on, sharing it, making it grow day after day thanks to the questions and doubts of others, thanks to experience. This is paid for by a breeder ... the experience ... the knowledge ... not the possession of a cat, not the possession of a life. Everyone is good at buying, you just need the money. The aesthetic sense could have anyone, even the most selfish person or animal abuser in the world, but time, this simple thing, availability, humility, the ability to get dirty with mud and laugh with your cat, can to have only one father, only a breeder who truly loves his animal children. Always try to find out about the real characteristics of the breeding and the cats present. Pay someone for the good they have done and will do, not for their animal collection. First worry about whether a given animal is right for you, and about finding it, because once you find this, money is the least of the things. The expense for the purchase of a cat is really nothing compared to the good they can give us, but nevertheless we understand first, having never been rich, even this difficulty. Well, better wait then, and get the right cat from the right person, rather than running towards a trader, towards disappointments, towards a wrong relationship with an animal with which no one will help us later. A cat can cost a hundred euros, but an intervention to treat it can cost thousands of euros immediately and thousands more throughout life to continue the care. A cat can be healthy but if it has a bad temper, it will not only require basic education, but the expensive advice of a behaviorist will be needed. And how much does mental health, tranquility, joy inside a house cost? I'll tell you ... it's priceless. For this reason I never try to saddle my cat on the first come as if nothing had happened ... The best advertisement for me as a breeder is not the cat who wins a trophy, but the happy cat who lives with his human friend who is radiant with joy to be able to share his life with him. This is the image of my cats that I want to have in my mind, this is what I want to convey. In this kennel no show cats are born, cats with a label other than the one that first of all are cats that I like and are useful to my life, because without use, without real passion, nothing can come well. Disir Nornir cats are born here- If you don't need a cat, you can't love it, it's not useful to you, then you won't be happy and you won't be able to build anything good. If, on the other hand, you live your cats to the fullest, if you know everything about them because they make you happy and make you want to deepen your knowledge every day, then you will grow in your passion and pass on something concrete to people. It is not important to own champions, it is important to love your animals and to be able to talk for hours. Standards change, cats get sick, they get hurt, but the joy they give us remains forever. It does not matter if a cat has smaller ears than the standard, it only counts if that cat is in standard with my life and that of those who ask me. Cats do not take themselves for show as they do not take for pity. They take themselves to love them and to be loved. There is nothing immoral in longing to be loved, just as there is nothing immoral in longing for a wife or husband who will make us proud and happy. Purebred cat must mean "easier cat for our life", "easier to love", "cat with a family that will help you in difficult moments" .. For this you pay a breeder…. To reward him, to help him do better and better and to have help in turn. Here, I hope with these lines I have given some help to understand us, to those who often ask themselves “why buy a cat”…. "how much does a puppy cost"? cats are not bought, but anyone who works pays for itself. For your sake always look for someone who talks, who explains, who can be found often, not who is there for an hour a day, who is never found, who asks only and gives nothing, because if someone does not have time to respond to you, it almost certainly doesn't even have time for cats. Who does not know the weight of his cat, the condition of the coat, the nuances of the character, the details ... is someone who owns it but does not love it, or does not have time to love it ... Always get a contract or bill or a receipt for how much you pay, because whoever has nothing to hide and does everything right will have no problem guaranteeing your pet, and will give it perfect ... vaccinated, registered, guaranteed forever. Those who love their cats give them away with difficulty and are suspicious, they want to know who is on the other side. On the other hand, those who want to get rid of them or make money will often make everything easy, will answer briefly but also to dry and rude questions, will not be offended because they have no pride or love to defend, but only think about income. Who does not want to leave traces in the life of the cat, does not give answers by e-mail, no prices except live, no receipts, no bills or extremely low bills compared to the truth, no vaccines or chips, is someone who wants to hide, and of which one must be wary. If something is done right, it can be done in the open, it can be talked about anytime, anywhere. Avoid those who invite you to the kennel instead of answering your questions on the phone, because they want to lure you to move you with a few puppy eyes. Run away where you read "prompt delivery" .. "Puppies always"…. "Puppies for every pocket"…. Remember that puppies are always healthy except for exceptions, and that problems, diseases, come after a while, but they last a long time and are more expensive than buying a well-paid puppy. As a machine of any brand it will work well in the early days .. the difference of a dog based on quality you will only see it in the years to come. On the other hand, do not expect the moon, cats are not appliances, and if a puppy should show problems, try to understand that it is not possible to foresee everything. They are beings of flesh and blood, the imponderable will always be there. Do not think it is good to pay a puppy to take it away from a badly behaved breeder, because with your money he will give birth to double the unfortunate ones. Leave that puppy where it is to prevent others from suffering like it. If you have big doubts rather report! For all these reasons we will always have a lot of time for those who have it for us, we will ask to be paid for what we have worked and everything will be regularly billed, we will always be traceable for every question, we will avoid providing too many photos of small puppies or showing them continuously. , or to choose them before the age useful for fostering, to avoid indulging people in a hurry and not really fond of cats, since you cannot say much or advise anything about a puppy that is too small. -136bad5cf58d_ But then when the puppy passes by we will give a souvenir album of all the photos and details of the baby's growth, because we do not want to hide, but to avoid growing morbid curiosity and impatience. A puppy must be chosen calmly because it must be loved deeply forever, so if someone is in a hurry, we prefer that he change direction compared to us. We do not like exhibitors, a category that should not exist, but this does not mean that we will give birth to ugly dogs, useless or contrary to the "sense of race". Simply for us they are all beautiful because our children are desired, but we will not charge more for those capable of indulging the taste of some judge. Our work is the same whether we do our utmost for the puppy that fortunately is born more beautiful, or for the one that is born appreciable to the tastes of fewer people. We don't sell luxury cars, we don't sell lives, and we will never go out of our way to satisfy anyone's aesthetic taste. The costs will vary a little from one litter to another at times, depending on the difficulties encountered or the expenses incurred to get to those data puppies, but they will never be astronomical or miserable. We ask to sign a contract to all those who will take one of our puppies, where they will undertake if they have to reproduce it, to take the same responsibilities as ours towards the new families and the health of the species and the breed, but we will also be generous with advice for those who wanted this joy. We who nurture are the first to understand the joy of birth, care, of being mothers and fathers, how could we not help those who want to do the same? But as with all things, everything must be done well, if it can be done, and without haste ... We will forever be friends and a second family for all those who love animals like us .. We don't run a shop, so you can't show up at the gate as if we are always open or have a collection of butterflies to show you. We have many commitments with our cats, a lot of care to give them and therefore we must first of all perform these, and then by appointment, also show the fruit of our work. I know, many times it is said in the environment that the ideal to understand how they work in pensions and farms is better to fall upon them suddenly, and it would also be true, as it would be for each category to be able to control phone calls, conversations, private life … .But it is illegal as well as impractical. Certainly those who have many difficulties in meeting people, do not give a good image of themselves. We always try to be as available as possible, but we also need to plan our lives, so if it comes to your mind to improvise, know that we would certainly be forced to send you back home, from wherever you have arrived. Announcing a visit in time is also a matter of good manners. We will not jump to the throat of those who tell us that they want to give a cat to their child, on the contrary, we are pleased that children are educated in love for animals, but as a parent, it is he who we will ask to take responsibility for the cat, and we would also like to know the life expectancy of the cat. They are not toys but living beings! We do not sell cats to give to third parties without knowing them, and we do sign a contract in which they declare to take the cat "for themselves" and not for sale or transfer of material to third parties. We ask for the right of first refusal in case a person no longer wants our cat to avoid that dishonest ones we don't want to give cats to, send them complacent friends in their place. We sell cats only to those who plan to keep them for life, not to those who think of taking them on trial as objects and then getting rid of them if they don't go well. ..... TEXT READAPPED BUT COMPLETELY COPIED BY http: // I feel totally in tune with what these dog breeders have written and I don't find any difference in breeding cats. If all this were not enough to understand the breeder's profession ... here is an attempt to quantify the above: https: // of-forest-farming-idisir-nornir / receipt-how much-does-it-cost-to-a-breeder-norwegian-forest- / 483172488392725
- Non solo Macinati Barf | gatti norvegesi
Perchè non è corretto nella dieta barf usare solo i macinati? Hai mai guardato nella bocca del tuo gatto? Does it seem natural for a cat to lick a pulp of minced meat reduced to pate? If possible, do not mince, minced meat is not natural for the cat! There are a number of great reasons to completely avoid chopped foods in your diet of your cat, one of the most important reasons has to do with its teeth: the truth is that those teeth are the only mincer your cat will ever need! Nature designed cats' teeth millions of years ago, long before humans invented meat grinders :-D Cats have used those teeth to "grind" their prey since then for many millions of years .... until today Creating a meal with various pieces of a hypothetical prey is called a "Frenken Prey" feeding. In this diet when preparing a meal, the idea is to use Mother Nature as an example to feed them as naturally as possible. All cats have been created, equipped with a built-in meat grinder .... ;-): the incisors, which are positioned so that they have a very strong closure, are intended to be used for tearing, the canines are for the tearing and cutting of whole pieces. A cat's sharp teeth can also crush large edible bones in pieces small enough to be consumed. It is perfectly natural for cats to use their teeth to gnaw part whole, carcasses, pulpy bones. It seems natural for a cat to lick a pulp of reduced minced meat to pate? Those sharp teeth in your cat's mouth are there to cut, to crush and grind whole prey and large pieces .... don't you think? If your cat doesn't use its teeth, they were designed with the purpose of be used, they are very likely to get sick, get covered with tartar or cavities, fall out or need to be extracted due to severe infections. Teeth and dental formula of the adult cat The adult cat has 30 teeth, real hunting weapons: 12 incisors, 8 premolars, 6 molars and 4 canines. The incisors are very small and are used, together with the tongue, to scrape the bones of the prey. The premolars and molars are blade-shaped and serve to sever muscle fibers and tendons (the meat of the prey) and to break bones. The last premolar in the upper jaw and the only molar in the lower jaw are called carnassial teeth. The 4 canines, as in all felids, are particularly long and sharp, they are very robust, and richly innervated, this makes them specialized sense organs: with the canines, the cat feels the exact point in which to bite to kill the prey. instantly. The compact and globular skull allows the cat to develop optimal chewing strength. The cat's jaw, like that of all carnivores, exerts only a vertical movement which is mainly used for grinding and cutting. Actual chewing (use of molars) is minimal. The saliva begins the preparation of the food bolus and lubricates the esophagus. Between the canines and the premolars there is a space, which the cat often uses to lay down and "carry" small prey (eg lizards) without killing them or bite them, keeping them alive. Feeding a whole pieces improves oral health and. Over time, a diet of chopped foods cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_may cause plaque and tartar that inevitably go to fix themselves on the teeth, this can cause gum irritation, which can lead to a myriad of problems; such as weak, inflamed g engives e unhealthy, which n cannot so support firmly i tooth causing loss. Gingivitis and periodontal disease are also an indication of a presence chronic increased amount of unhealthy bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria, regularly ingested, they volta affect the entire system of the organism. Over time, this can be a major factor in that contributes to the onset of molte serious systemic diseases. Avoid the risks of professional dental cleanings Many people take their cats to the vet for regular grooming teeth. This procedure is not only expensive, but it is also very stressful for the cat, and requires anesthesia, which always carries with it some degree risk. Alimentare i gatti as nature intended, in most cases eliminates the need for this procedure. This is because the "natural scrubbing" and "flossing" action it is in able to carry out raw meat, meaty bones, the connective tissue, helps keep teeth white and clean, pink, healthy teeth e strong. Raw chopped meat is more digestible In addition to the question of oral health, there is another point against meat ground, is the question of digestion. Ground food facilitates ingestion fast food by the cat e because need no effort to tear, break, etcc it takes very little time food to arrive direct in the stomach_cc7819094-136c3bad5 often does not have time to produce the necessary digestive acids . Such quick meals can end up causing irritation or digestion and this is the cause of the vomit that we can often notice in the cat . One of the great benefits of feeding whole pieces is that requires some work on the part of the jaws and teeth; Tear away le fibre carnose, cut tendons, snibre_cc781905-136bcc7-594_bc5890_bsc7bd3-136bcc5-3194905-bbcc3bd3-136bcc5-319490-136bcc5 -136bad5cf58d_tutta la flesh with meaty bones takes a certain amount of time, precisely time necessary for the stomach to activate its gastric juices. Why avoid commercial ground food. There is currently a great movement of the market around production of ground food type BARF for our animals, together with the other grounds mentioned above, c and there are many other to not feed our cats with food commercial chopped. One of these reasons has to do with checking you have on the procedures for handling the food you buy; we don't have idea of how the food that was used is stato managed, what kind of facility has been used, what kind of sanitation procedures, how correctly it is been kept frozen from processing until it arrived at our home. And speaking of purchases, in principle, these preparations are very expensive. Often they contain bone ground, organi ma _cc781905-5cde-3194bdd -136bad5cf58d_ what are the proportions of flesh, bones or organs but , how much liver / heart o_cc781905-5cde-3194cfbad. In addition to this, many preparations also contain vegetables, fruits, rice and psyllium, which are often used as cheap fillers. Since these mixed ground foods, often contain a bone overdose, (because bones are cheaper than meat boneless) many producers regularly include vegetables e psyllium in their recipes, because if this were not the case, excessive amounts of bone would cause chronic constipation in our cats. On the contrary, Mother nature draws its prey with the correct proportions, therefore, compared to the model of nature, processed, frozen products with their own proportions often distorted of flesh and bone, vegetable ingredients inadequate, are actually far inferior to a diet of whole pieces of meat, not ground. By looking at nature and following the basic guidelines for the proportions of flesh, bone and organs present in a preda, we are able to feed our pets with the healthiest and most natural diet possible. Natural Project Invertito Many people are so used to thinking of cat food as a mushy pile of "goop" that they have even decided to buy their own mincers _cc781905 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_elettrici e con grandi spese , macinare il proprio raw cat food according to different recipes. Such an investment of money and time would be much better spent per high quality raw food, as the quality of the meat with which _cc781905-5cde-3194_badcb3b-136 our pets, carnivores, is the key. Grinding the meat, affects significantly decreasing some of the nutrients naturally present in raw foods, grinding increases the surface of the exposed meat_cc781905-bbc3b-3194 that in this air bad way is attacked more quickly by the bacteria that start their work, destroying amino acids essential for the life of the cat. ( see section Taurine ) Another benefit of feeding with little transformed whole chunks is the fact that their nutrients remain essentially intact, just as nature made them. The ground Barf, whether pre-packaged o made at home is, in essence, nothing more than an attempt by humans to reverse the nature of naturally designed foods " for carnivores. The natural way is always the best alternative. Finally, as if all this were not enough reason not to feed your cat a diet pre-chewed, we can consider the overall mental, physical and psychological implications of feeding with _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_whole raw foods. The nutrition for your cat made with whole foods, stimulates him, not only involving him in the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136__bad5cf58d 136bad5cf58d_mastication process, but all the muscles are involved .... from the legs, to the neck, etc. e eating as his body was designed make sure you _cc78194-5bad5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc78194-5bcc5-3194bdcc5-31c5890-3194bcc5-136c bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ in a way that just licking mushy food could never do. Something comes alive in a cat that is fully fed, which involves all of its sensi ... If you feed your cat this way you know exactly what this means ..... if you never do it, you can't _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_see what it means to your feline friend, when that spark of carnivores in him comes to life ... reminding him to be a real feline! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Reasons to feed whole rather than ground pieces: Teeth , gums and general oral health improved, Increased digestibility Greater control over food handling and sanitation Less spread of food-borne bacteria Less nutrient loss Cheaper than commercial ground barf There is no need to spend money on expensive electric meat grinders The challenge of eating whole foods psychic engagement, restoration of the nature of the carnivore. If by any chance, for some reason your cat does not have all of her teeth and you intend to feed her a raw diet, she will need to grind at least some, if not all, of the ingredients in her diet. In this case, you can find a lot of info on the page dedicated to the recipes of mashed food HERE, or you can visit you can find recipes and tips for preparing meals which must include bones and organs. Please remember, though, that there are some cats who no longer have all of their teeth, but still manage a chewing large enough pieces of meat. PLEASE NOTE: Although a whole raw food diet based on the "natural prey" or "assembled pieces of prey" model is the most natural healthy way to feed i our cats, it is not a panacea for any or all diseases, nor should it be considered as such. If your cat is sick, we recommend that you seek a veterinary nutritionist who will be able to advise you on the best diet for your cat. The material contained in this site is the opinion of the author and has been translated by me karin Pedrona, for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing written here is intended or should be regarded as a veterinarian's opinion, and the author assumes no responsibility for the reader's use or misuse of this information. THE PARTIAL OR INTEGRAL REPRODUCTION OF THE TEXT IS VIETATA- TO USE THIS TEXT IN A PARTIAL OR INTEGRAL WAY, PRICE MANDARIN@SIA.NET RABANDARINKA © 2010 Linda Zurig All rights reserved - Article translated by Karin Pedrona SOURCE: Original article: Page being updated, come back and visit us for more info- L' Alimentazione a pezzi interi migliora la salute oral e. Nel corso del tempo, una dieta a base solo di alimenti tritati può causare placca e tartaro che inevitabilmente vanno a fissarsi sui denti, questo può causare irritazioni gengivali, che possono portare a una miriade di problemi ; come ad esempio gengive deboli, infiammate e malsane, che non possono così sostenere saldamente i denti causandone la perdita. Gengivite e malattie periodontali sono anche un'indicazione di una presenza cronica di una maggiore quantità di batteri malsani in bocca. Questi batteri, regolarmente ingeriti, a loro volta influenzano l'intero sistema dell organismo. Nel corso del tempo, questo può essere un fattore importante che contribuisce all' insorgere di molte malattie sistemiche gravi. Molte persone portano i loro gatti dal veterinario per la regolare pulizia dei denti. Questa procedura è non solo costoso, ma è anche molto stressante per il gatto, e richiede l'anestesia, che porta sempre con sé un certo grado di rischio. Alimentare i gatti come natura vuole , nella maggior parte dei casi elimina la necessità di questa procedura. Questo perché il "lavaggio naturale" e l'azione "filo interdentale" che è in grado di svolgere la carne cruda, le ossa polpose, il tessuto connettivo, aiuta a mantenere i denti bianchi e puliti, gengive rosa, sane e forti. La Carne a pezzi cruda è più digeribile Oltre alla questione della salute orale un altro punto a sfavore della carne macinata, è la questione della digestione. L' alimento macinato agevola un ingerimento veloce del cibo da parte del gatto e poichè non c è bisogno di nessun sforzo per strappare, rompere, etcc. S erve davvero poco tempo al cibo per arrivare diretto nello stomaco che spesso non ha tempo di produrre gli acidi digestivi necessari. Tali pasti così veloci possono finire per causare irritazioni o indigestione. Uno dei grandi vantaggi di alimentare con pezzi interi è che richiede un certo lavoro da parte delle mascelle e dei denti ; strappare via le fibre carnose ,recidere i tendini, sgranocchiare le ossa, strappare tutta la carne dalle ossa polpose richiede un certo tempo, appunto il tempo necessario allo stomaco per attivare i suoi succhi gastrici. Progetto Naturale Invertito Molte persone sono così abituati a "pensare" al cibo per gatti, come un patè, che decidono di acquistare i propri tritacarne elettrici e con grandi spese e macinare il proprio cibo crudo per i loro gatti usando diverse ricette. Un tale investimento di denaro e tempo sarebbe molto meglio spenderlo per preparare cibo crudo di alta qualità, siccome la qualità della carne con cui cibiamo i nostri animali domestici è "la chiave" La manipolazione della carne , influisce diminuendo sensibilmente alcuni dei nutrienti naturalmente presenti nei cibi crudi, macinare aumenta la superficie della carne esposta all aria, che in questo modo viene attaccata più velocemente dai batteri che iniziano il loro lavoro , distruggendo aminoacidi essenziali per la vita del gatto. Un altro vantaggio di alimentare con pezzi interi poco trasformati è il fatto che le loro sostanze nutritive rimangono sostanzialmente intatte. La Barf macinata, sia preconfezionata o fatta in casa è, in sostanza, niente di più che un tentativo da parte dell' essere umano, di invertire il progetto che madre natura ha pensato per gli animali carnivori. SE tutto questo non fosse una ragione sufficiente per non alimentare il vostro gatto una dieta pre-masticata, possiamo considerare le implicazioni mentali, fisiche e psicologiche complessive di alimentazione con cibi crudi interi. L' alimentazione per il vostro gatto fatta con cibi interi, lo stimola, non solo coinvolgendolo nel processo di masticazione, ma vengono coinvolti tutti i muscoli; dalle zampe , al collo etcc. Masticare per come il suo corpo è stato progettato fa sì che si impegni in un modo che il solo leccare del cibo molliccio non potrebbe mai fare. Qualcosa si anima in un gatto che è alimentato a pezzi interi che coinvolge tutti i suoi sensi... Se nutrite il vostro gatto in questo modo sapete esattamente che cosa questo significa..... quando quella scintilla dei carnivori in lui RI-prende vita ricordandogli di essere un vero felino! BARF "COMMERCIALE" MACINATA Attualmente c è un grande movimento del mercato attorno alla produzione di cibo macinato di tipo BARF per i nostri animali, insieme con gli altri motivi citati qui sopra, ce ne sono molti altri per non alimentare i nostri gatti con cibo commerciale tritato. Una di queste ragioni ha a che fare con il controllo si ha sulle procedure di manipolazione del cibo che si acquista; non abbiamo idea di come il cibo che è stato utilizzato è stato gestito, che tipo impianto è stato usato, che tipo di procedure di sanificazione , quanto correttamente è stato mantenuto congelato dalla lavorazione fina a quando non è arrivato a casa nostra. E a proposito di acquisti, in linea di massima, questi preparati c ontengono osso macinato e organi MA non è dato sapere quali siano le percentuali ed espongono solo la scritta: " adatto al cane e al gatto" come se avessero le stesse necessità nutrizionali ! Oltre a questo, molti preparati contengono anche molta verdure, frutta, riso e psyllum, che sono spesso utilizzati come riempitivi a buon mercato. Dal momento che questi alimenti misti macinati , contengono spesso un sovradosaggio di osso e cartilagini , (perché le ossa sono più convenienti rispetto carne disossata) molti produttori includono regolarmente i vegetali e psyllium nelle loro ricette, perché se così non fosse, le quantità eccessive di osso ,causerebbe costipazione cronica nei nostri gatti. BARF "ARTIGIANALE" MACINATA In italia, ad oggi ( 25/10/2024) esiste "un solo produttore di BARF MACINATA" bilanciata e appositamente formulata per il gatto con carni di origine italiana , lavorata artigianalmente, ed è la Barf dell' azienda Mr. BARF ITALIA di Marco di Candia .LINK:---- ( dichiaro di non avere interessi commerciali sul prodotto) RIASSUMENDO: COME UTILIZZARE i MACINATI BARF IN MANIERA UTILE, ANNULLANDONE LE CRITICITA': PROBLEMI: Denti, gengive, salute orale, digeribilità, soddisfazione, coinvolgimento psichico, ripristino della natura del carnivoro, mantenimento del peso forma, obesità. SOLUZIONE: PREVEDERE all' interno della DIETA l' inserimento di pezzi di carne interi, Quaglie, Essiccati di carne etcc.. PROBLEMI: Maggiore controllo sulla manipolazione, diffusione di batteri, perdita di nutrienti, scarsa qualità delle carni, prodotti non bilanciati esclusivamente per il gatto. ( i gatti hanno necessità nutrizionali molto diverse dal cane) SOLUZIONE : 1) Scegliere un azienda ARTIGIANALE che produca prodotti esclusi , al posto di aziende COMMERCIALI. SOLUZION E : 2) Preparare in maniera Casalinga la BARF macinata, seguendo i corretti bilanciamenti per il gatto Se non ti senti sicuro e senti la Necessità di un BARF COACH che ti aiuti passo a passo a transitare il gatto, comprare, gestire , preparare e somministrare la dieta BARF , puoi contattarmi privatamente via E-Mail : oppure telefonicamente al + 39 3894984632 - Sono Karin Pedrona “Tecnico della Dietetica e Nutrizione Veterinaria” Specializzata in Dieta BARF per il Gatto. LA RIPRODUZIONE PARZIALE O INTEGRALE DEL TESTO E' VIETATA- PER UTILIZZARE QUESTO TESTO IN MODO PARZIALE O INTEGRALE SI PREGA DI MANDARE RICHESTA SCRITTA A : © 2010 Linda Zurig Tutti i diritti riservati - Articolo tradotto da Karin Pedrona FONTE: articolo originale: Pagina in aggiornamento , tornate a trovarci per più info- Whole prey feeding o Rebuilt in pieces. Why is it harmful to grind meat. How to prepare food for our cat at home. Back to Barf
- Adulti in Adozione | gatti norvegesi
Alcuni gatti vivono male la convivenza con i loro simili, in questo caso cerchiamo una nuova famiglia che possa accoglierli....questa pratica di ri-affidare gli adulti può dar luogo a critiche e pregiudizi pesanti da parte di chi non ha mai allevato in vita sua e ha la tendenza ad accusare l’allevatore di non amare i suoi gatti e di sfruttarli, abbandonandoli quando non ne ha più bisogno..... Adopted adults PHOTOS DO NOT ALWAYS MIRROR CATS IN ADOPTION They are looking for a loving family two cats of about 7 years If you want to know all details and photos, I INVITE YOU TO CONTACT ME at phone 3894984632 - A presentation e-mail is welcome The TAXATION is required to secure windows, balconies and if the garden is present, the construction of a "catrun" (fence) that does not allow escape is requested. A cognitive visit is required in order to establish if there is a feeling between you and the cat. "BUT WHY DON'T YOU KEEP IT?" Preface: this practice of re-entrusting adults can give rise to severe criticism and prejudice from those who have never raised in their life_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and has a tendency to accuse the breeder of not loving his cats and of exploiting them, abandoning them when he no longer needs them. However, although it cannot be ruled out that in the breeding world there are shady figures more interested in their own self-interest than in the well-being of cats, it is important to understand this practice without making a bundle of all the grass. In fact, the first and most important thing to keep in mind is that the role of the breeder and the reason why he breeds is not to "collect" cats but to select the most suitable specimens to carry on the breed. But making selection means contributing to the maintenance of the genetic pool that determines a breed in a constructive way and not producing puppies that are always children of the same parents: in fact, to reduce the degree of consanguinity between the specimens as much as possible, it is necessary that there is a "turnover of blood "(and therefore of individuals) constant within a herd. Conversely, a cat for which there is no longer a breeding plan needs to be neutered / sterilized, as would be done for a house cat. Notwithstanding, therefore, the need to cross always new bloodlines and therefore, to insert cats of different family strains over time, if a breeder kept all the cats he sterilizes with him, he would soon have overcrowding problems which, once, they would cause discomfort and stress in cats, putting their own hygiene and health at risk. In fact, one of the most important causes of physical and psychological stress in cats is the forced coexistence with a too high number of specimens: the idea that cats need only love and cuddles to live well is a real cliché. Cats also need large spaces, privacy, exclusive attention, conditions that are impossible to reproduce in a place crowded with other conspecifics. This is why the choice of a breeder to entrust adults to serious families in which cats can become the true and undisputed darlings of the house, princesses of the sofa, always at the center of attention, is an act of great responsibility and love. by the breeder as well as by immense courage. In fact, always it being understood that one can also run into breeders who are not very attached to their animals (alas, the news often tells us), for many others, giving up the presence of a cat with whom they have shared part of family life is not an easy detachment to face up to. But how can you give them away?!? ... it means you don't love them enough! There is no sentence that hurts me more! And here I want to speak in first person like Karin, without making a generic speech, but telling you about my experience: I started my passion in 2006, when I adopted my first Norwegian named Cagliostro , I then adopted Genny, his partner and from them Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket were born. All of them have aged here at home with me and Genny, to date (July 2022) is 16, while Cagliostro, Willy and Charlie have crossed the rainbow bridge. I lived with them old age, illness, I treated and supported them with all my love and dedication, with some of them I lived the ordeal that you live with cancer patients ... . I cut myself into a thousand pieces to take care of them, the puppies, the adults simultaneously and be always present at 100% BUT, it is useless to deny that if they were cats adopted by a family and not from a breeder, surely they would have had many more cuddles that instead despite all my dedication and commitment, it was physically impossible and I had to choose who to cuddle less. All this generated in me a sense of guilt but also a sense of dissatisfaction, for not having been able to fully enjoy my old people ... This prompted me to ask myself a lot of questions and to make some reflections: Is it love to force neutered cats to live in an environment where there are other cats who experience conflicts related to the condition of fertile cats? It is love force them to interact with puppies who stress them because they always want to play, to the point of forcing them to retreat up to avoid them or to blow continuously because they would like to keep blowing peace, how is it right for an adult cat? Is it love, begging for my attentions and caresses, that must be divided for everyone? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Is it love, to keep them with me just because I feel such a strong bond in my stomach that it becomes a physical discomfort, at the thought of separating myself from them? Is it love to collect cats thinking only of their pain caused by detachment and making them live in overcrowding? It's love not to give him the opportunity, in another family, to have exclusive cuddles on the sofa, serenity, a comfortable home without having to stand aside or have to fight? What does it really mean to love my cats? I can't answer this question without crying ...... and listening to the voice that screams from the bottom of my stomach ...: _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ If they do not live in peace ... t find them the best family that can make them live "retirement age" as they deserve! You have had the honor of walking a stretch of the road with them, they have given you so much affection, you have seen the birth of their children who are here with you and they will pass on their genealogy e will make many families happy who they will adopt them. You have had the honor of learning thanks to them what respect means for those who are different from you, you have learned to take care but to let go when the time comes ... Every day, Raise, it is a challenge with your own limits, it teaches you to confront your feelings and to correlate them with the well-being of others ... Trying to do their good is always the main point and ... I think it is an act of great humility to accept when our cat might be better off somewhere else than in our house. Entrusting your cat, which may have been born to us, which we have raised and loved, which has been important for our breeding, when it does not live satisfactorily in our home, is actually a BIG act of love ... Of love for our cat, which we want to be happy no matter where he lives. This to me means really loving my cats . ( If you want to use this text, please give the source, thanks) In the photos below my beloved Cats who have been rehoming Crystal who lives with her nephew Sole, Castella who lives with her son Nelson and Brunilde, Black Coral who lives with her beloved Favetta. A special mention goes to these REALLY Special Families who, to welcome them, have created catrun, balconies and spaces enriched in safety and the best possible food, synonymous with Great Respect and Great Love for them. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I can only say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving them the best Life possible .
- Video Storia | gatti norvegesi
Video dedicati al gatto norvegese delle foreste, carattere, cure, cure, storia della selezione , come è nata la razza, la sua preservazione dall estinzione, foto storiche dei gatti norvegesi, intervista a karin pedrona, Video about the Norwegian Forest Cat and its history
- tabella taurina contenuta nella carne
tabella taurina contenuta nella carne
- Ricette barf per gatti
Ricetta barf macinata, com preparare un pasto bilanciato per i nostro gatto RECIPE WITH MINCED MEAT : PLEASE NOTE: These recipes are not recommended for cats with CRI (Chronic Kidney Failure). As Dr. Lisa Pierson points out, there are other recipes that are more suitable for cats with this problem. Raw meat recipe made with real bones (not flour): 2 kg of muscle meat with bones (chicken thighs or thighs or, even better, a whole chicken or rabbit weighing about 2 kg; if you do not use the whole carcass, opt for cuts of darker meats such as chicken or turkey legs, removing 20-25% of the bones; if you use a whole rabbit, which has a higher percentage of bones than chicken, dilute the extra bones by adding 20-25% of meat of muscle - with skin and fat - of rabbit, chicken or turkey). 400 grams of raw heart (if possible avoid the beef heart; if you do not have the heart available you can replace it with 4000 mg of Taurine) 200g raw liver (avoid beef liver if possible; if you don't have liver available you can replace it with 40,000 IU of Vitamin A and 1600 IU of Vitamin D but try to use real liver instead of supplements) PLEASE NOTE: if you cannot find heart or liver and decide to replace them with supplements (Taurine / Vitamin A and Vitamin D), remember to REPLACE the quantity of organs missing with the equivalent in weight of meat. In other words: if you don't have the heart, add another 400 grams of meat with bones and if you don't have the liver, add another 200 grams of meat with bones. 480 ml of water 4 egg yolks (if possible use organic free range eggs) *** 4000 mg of salmon oil (see note at the end of the recipe *) 800 IU of Vitamin E 200 mg of Vitamin B-50 complex (four capsules of B-50) 7 gr of Morton's Lite Salt (iodized dietary salt) (optional: 16g Psyllium powder; 32g if using whole Psyllium seeds; see notes at the end of the recipe **) PLEASE NOTE: If you are not going to use the food immediately and freeze it for more than a week or two, add an extra 4000mg of Taurine to compensate for the amount that may be lost during storage. It is a good idea to add a little extra Taurine to the food, when it is served two or three times a week, to make sure that the cat is getting enough of this essential amino acid. 1. Remove approximately half of the skin from the meat. Cut most of the muscle meat (without the skin if you are using chicken or turkey, with the skin if you are using rabbit) into 1-inch pieces. Set the pieces of meat aside for later. Do not chop them. 2. Chop the raw liver, skin, pulpy bones and raw heart. When everything is ground, mix the bone / meat mixture well and place it in the refrigerator. 3. Put 480 ml of water in a container and mix the other remaining ingredients, except Psyllium: if you need to replace the liver with vitamin A / D or the heart with Taurine, add the vitamins to this compound. If you have chosen to use it, add the Psyllium at the end and mix well. Finally, add the three compounds: the liquid you just mixed, the minced meat, bones and organs and the hand-cut pieces of meat. After mixing everything well, portion into containers and place them in the freezer. Do not overfill the containers. Food expands when frozen and we don't want the lid to pop. Defrost as needed. Food should not be left in the refrigerator to defrost for more than 48 hours before serving. To serve it, place the food in a freezer bag and warm it under hot water. NEVER heat food in the microwave. Cats love to eat their food at a temperature similar to that of a mouse's body. * Every two or three days I suggest pouring a few drops of salmon oil into the cat's food. The essential fatty acids contained in salmon oil are very fragile and until we know the exact amount that is dispersed during freezing, it is prudent to add a small amount to food a couple of times a week. Some cats love the taste of it. ** Not all cats need extra fiber (Psyllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality industrial food for many years, especially dry food, she may have lost some intestinal motility and would benefit from the extra fiber intake. As a general rule, I recommend using Psyllium with an adult cat that is approaching a raw diet for the first time. Personally, I rarely add Psyllium to my adult cats' diet. Keep in mind that some cats may be constipated from lack of fiber while others may be constipated from an excess of it. Each cat is unique and you have to judge what works best for yours. *** If you don't want to throw away the egg white that is left over from the recipe and you don't intend to make an Angel Food Cake (a typical American cake made with egg whites), boil it, chop it and add it to the meat mixture. It is a good phosphorus-free protein source. _______________________________________________________________ Raw meat recipe made WITHOUT real bones (not recommended, except sporadically) PLEASE NOTE: This recipe is of lower quality than the previous one. How come? Because it contains no bones and relies on the use of an isolated source of calcium. Cats should eat REAL bones. But if you don't have a meat grinder yet, this recipe may be fine for a short time. It also contains a part of gelatin to make up for the lack of cartilage. Do not use this recipe indefinitely. 1.4 kg of muscle meat (chicken thigh or thigh, remove half of the skin) 400 grams of raw heart (if you don't have heart available, replace it with 4000 mg of Taurine) 200 grams of raw liver (if you don't have liver) available replace it with 40,000 IU of vitamin A and 1600 IU of vitamin D but always try to use fresh liver instead of the replacement supplements) PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot find heart or liver and decide to replace them with supplements (Taurine / Vitamin A and Vitamin D) remember to REPLACE the missing amount of organs with the equivalent in weight of muscle meat. In other words: if you don't have the heart, add another 400 grams of meat and if you don't have the liver, add another 200 grams. of meat. 480 ml of water 60 g of bone meal (the type suitable for human consumption and not the one used for gardening) 30 g of tasteless gelatine 4 egg yolks (if possible use organic eggs from free-range farming) ** * 4000 mg of salmon oil (see note at the end of the recipe *) 800 IU of Vitamin E (Vitamin E "Dry E", capsules with powder is preferable) 200 mg of Vitamin B-50 complex (four capsules of B -50) 7g Morton's Lite Salt (iodized dietary salt) (optional: 16g Psyllium powder - 32g if using whole Psyllium seeds; see notes at the end of the recipe **) PLEASE NOTE: If you are not going to use the food immediately and freeze it for more than a week or two, add an extra 4000mg of Taurine to compensate for the amount that may be lost during storage. It is a good idea to add a little extra Taurine to the food as it is served two or three times a week to make sure your cat is getting enough of this essential amino acid. 1. Remove approximately half of the skin from the meat. Cut most of the muscle meat (without most of the skin if you are using chicken or turkey, with the skin if you are using rabbit) into 1-inch pieces. Set the pieces of meat aside for later. Do not chop them. 2. Chop the raw liver, remaining meat and raw heart. When everything is ground, mix the bone / meat mixture well and place it in the refrigerator. 3. Put 480ml of water in a container and mix the remaining ingredients, except Psyllium and gelatin. If you need to replace the liver with Vitamin A / D or the heart with Taurine, add vitamins to this compound. Add the Psyllium (if you have chosen to use it) and the gelatin at the end and mix well. (If you add the Psyllium and gelatin too soon, lumps will form.) Finally, combine the three compounds: the liquid you just mixed, the ground beef, and the hand-cut pieces of meat. After mixing everything well, portion into containers and place them in the freezer. Do not overfill the containers. Only thaw the amount that you are able to use within 48 hours. Put the food in a freezer bag and wet it under hot water to make it cool, serve it. * Every two or three days I suggest pouring a few drops of salmon oil into the cat's food. The essential fatty acids contained in salmon oil are very fragile and until we know exactly the exact amount that is dispersed during freezing, I think it is prudent to add a small amount to food a couple of times a week. Some cats love the taste of it. ** Not all cats need extra fiber (Psyllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality industrial food for many years, especially dry food, she may have lost some intestinal motility and would benefit from the extra fiber intake. As a general rule, I recommend using Psyllium with an adult cat that is approaching a raw diet for the first time. Personally, I rarely add Psyllium to my adult cats' diet. Keep in mind that some cats may be constipated from lack of fiber while others may be constipated from an excess of it. Each cat is unique and you have to judge what works best for yours. *** If you don't want to throw away the egg white that is left over from the recipe and you don't intend to make an Angel Food Cake (a typical American cake made with egg whites), boil it, chop it and add it to the meat mixture. It is a good phosphorus-free protein source. How much food do we make with these quantities? By following these recipes we will have just over 2 kg of food. Its duration depends entirely on your cat. I usually prepare about three times the amount of the recipe. If you use jars that contain about 400 grams of food, you will need five or six to contain everything produced with the quantities of this recipe (about 2 kg). These five to six jars should be enough to feed an adult cat for 12-14 days on average. Remember that cats have different degrees of appetite, needs, physical activity levels, body sizes and behaviors, so even food consumption can vary. Visit the FAQ page to find more information on how much food to feed your cat. (Warning: I do not know exactly the doses but I can help you estimate them). Continuously updated page, come back and visit it. Which utensils are used to prepare the food of our gatti? Back to Barf Minced Barf Recipes How to prepare food for our cat at home.
- Accompagnamento Empatico | gatti norvegesi
Accompagnare empaticamente un animale alla fine della sua vita è la stessa cosa che fargli l’eutanasia? EMPATHIC ACCOMPANIMENT Is empathically accompanying an animal at the end of its life the same as euthanizing it? Article written by Dr. Stefano Cattinelli Veterinarian When we talk about empathic accompaniment at the end of our animal's life it means that we have chosen not to euthanize it but to give it the opportunity to spontaneously die alone, when it wants. "Alone and when he wants" means that there will be no pharmacological help or homeopathic remedy that will anticipate his death but that he will choose when to die. I want to underline this passage because too many times I see that empathic accompaniment is confused with a path that inevitably ends with euthanasia. No! Empathic accompaniment does not end with euthanasia. The empathic accompaniment ends when the animal dies a natural death in his home surrounded by the love of those who accompanied him up to that moment. Accompanying does not mean accompanying him to the vet to do the puncture but it means waiting for him to die when he decides. In this article we will not deal with the issue of pain (already discussed in the following article: ) but we will try to go deeper into the theme of the choice to make and what it means for the animal to die "when I decide or when he decides". Here, just "when I decide or when he decides" is the theme of this article. So let's start, without further preambles, taking into consideration the first part of the sentence and that is the one in which it is I who decide when my pet must die. When it is I who choose for him. If you stop for a moment to reflect on the roles that have always characterized the relationship with my animal, you immediately realize that "interpreting" the role of the one who chooses for the animal is an extremely habitual interior position. I'm used to choosing for him. I choose what to feed him; I choose when to feed him. I choose for him the hours in which we go for a walk, I choose the places where I can leave him free and I choose when to put him on the leash, I choose what kind of surgeries to perform them, what kind of therapy, such as pesticides or supplements and what kind of environment I can offer to make him spend his life in the best possible way. At the origin of the relationship there is always an act, an action, towards him that comes from my choice. Most likely, among the many puppies, I chose him and I also chose his name. Or I chose to confirm the name it already had. Or, even if I met him "casually" along my way, it is I who have chosen to welcome him into my life. “Interpreting” the role of the person who chooses is really used to me in relating with him. This, of course, is an absolute good because the role of those who choose necessarily involves the development of ever greater levels of responsibility towards the animal that lives with me: trivially, starting from the questions I ask myself and the answers I find, I will be able to choose. a type of diet that is as appropriate as possible to the animal's biology and this will increase the animal's state of well-being. The sense of responsibility is directly proportional to the well-being of the animal: the more I am responsible for its life, the more my pet will promote its level of well-being. This is a fixed point in the Human-Animal relationship. We must know, however, that in the event of empathic accompaniment we come across a diametrically opposite experience. Why am I speaking of a diametrically opposite experience? Because empathic accompaniment is the path that guides us towards the experience which, by its nature, is the opposite of life and that is death. It is that last piece of road we travel together, the most difficult, the most intense, the most emotionally engaging, the most devastating and at the same time, if done with awareness and presence, the most harbinger of change and transformation. Paradoxically, the experience of his death, if lived to the full in the accompaniment, can truly represent a turning point in the life of each of us. The first transformation, whether small or large, certainly lies precisely in the fact that at this juncture, since we go towards the experience that is opposite to life, I am asked to experience the exact opposite of what I have experienced up to that moment. . If until now it was I who guided the relationship through my choices, in empathic accompaniment it is my animal who guides me through the mystery of his death. This statement is absolutely not intended to be a provocation but rather represents the fruit of my twenty years of scientific-spiritual research in this field, The more I will be able to abandon those parts of me that want to give direction to the event, that want to control it, that want to choose for the animal and the more the animal will have the opportunity to guide me in the most important event of its existence: the end of our love relationship. After twenty years of experience in this field, I can say with certainty that animals know exactly how to die. Through my attitude of acceptance of what is happening to it, step by step, having progressively abandoned the "controller" that is in me and allowing the animal to enter its last period of life in a fluid and progressive way, here I am I will realize that for the animal, death is really something natural; an event that he deeply accepts starting from the feeling that the physical forces are progressively diminishing. The more we give him the time to get in touch with the decrease in physical strength, the vital energy that runs out and the more we create the basis so that he can "enter" more into the naturalness of his death. Yes, because it is his death that we are talking about. I know it may sound absurd a statement like this ... but he only dies once. So who, once again, has the greatest weight in the unfolding of this event? Choosing to accompany an animal at the end of its life means choosing to "enter" a dimension of wisdom and infinite love that knows exactly the exact moment in which this experience must end. To access this different level of experience, my "controller" has no other option than to leave the command post. And then we will discover that in empathic accompaniment it is not I who decide; but it's not even him! Who "decides" is the Consciousness of the relationship between me and him which moves, with infinite Love, the conclusion of our relationship according to the times and modalities that make sense in my biography. Only by fully going through the experience of my pet's death do I offer myself the possibility of accessing new levels of consciousness. And of Love. Thanks to him.
- leggende gatti norvegesi
Qui potrai leggere e guardare video e fotografie nonchè tutte le leggende gatti norvegesi delle foreste The code of COLORS or EMS code - Easy Mind System The EMS (Easy Mind System) code is the system that the Associazione FIFè uses to identify the breed and color of cats through codes. It is a system that works with all cat breeds but we will focus on the color codes attributable to the Norwegian Forest Cat. Each breed is identified with an abbreviation of three capital letters, the Norwegian Forest Cat is indicated with NFO (Norwegian FOrest) Once the breed has been identified, in our case NFO, we have the letters indicating di what color is the cat and that is: n: black, a: blue , d: red, e: cream , _cc5c1-581e -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ g: blue cream, w: white, nt: amber, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3bbad : , dt: amber-based red, et: amber-based cream, ft : amber7905c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ gt: light amber tortie After having identified the color if Il gatto is silver or smoke or golden, the letter s or y must be inserted after the color. If the cat has white according to the quantity and distribution will be indicated according to the following table : 01 van, 02 arlequin (harlequin), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 03 bicolor. 09 any quantity of white If the cat does not have white we will not find any of these indicated numbers. If the cat is brindle, then we will have the numbers indicating the type of brindle: 11 Shaded, 21 Undefined tabbing , 22 Blotched tabby (classic tabby) _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b81-136bbad5cf58d5-1390 tabby 3190_backer_5cf58d5 -136bad5cf58d_ 24 Spotted tabby 25 Ticked tabby And finally the color of the eyes: 61 blue, 62 arancioni / _cc79094-bad5-136cc5_arancioni / _cc7905-bad5-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 63 unequal eyes, 64 green three colors blotched with white - f0322 three colors with white - f09 tortie blotched f22 tortie f tortie mackerel with white f0323 tortie mackerel f23 three colors harlequin f02 tortie smoke fs blue cream with white g09 blue cream (ems: g)
- gatti norvegesi- esposizioni
mostre gatti norvegesi, esposizioni gatti, stress gabbie esposizioni, tratti morfologici, aspetto estetico, patologie gravi, occhi sporgenti, sofferenza animali Feline exhibits When "beautiful" means "genetic abuse" GENETIC MALTRACTING The breed standard is that set of specific morphological and behavioral characteristics that a subject - be it a dog, a cat or any other animal - should have in order to be included in a particular breed. Therefore, the standard is a point of reference both for breeders, who should aim to create a good "subject" and always improve it, and for owners who wish to have a dog or cat that meets the "sacred canons" "of the breed object of their desire. However, when selection is pushed to the extreme to privilege some exclusively aesthetic characteristics without looking at functionality and resorting to extreme inbreeding, problems begin to arise and genetic maltreatment takes shape, a much more serious form of maltreatment than simple suffering inflicted on a single animal since, on the contrary, it affects a large number of subjects and can be perpetrated for many generations to come. WHAT FUELS GENETIC MALTRACTING? Obviously, the fault is not only of the breeders, of the judges and associations that push more and more towards extreme hypertypes in which the aesthetic qualities (and functional defects!) Are enhanced to the nth degree, but the responsibility is mostly to be attributed to the market demands and the desires of an increasingly demanding public that in doing so does not look without realizing it to animal welfare, but aims only at the satisfaction of a whim generated by the subliminal messages that arrive from society . History repeats itself and we have all had the opportunity to witness, over time, the boom of this or that breed, perhaps in conjunction with the release of a successful film or, more recently, due to the desire to own a dog or a cat like that of television stars or web influencers who hammer us daily with their images and videos on socials. Fickle, temporary and fleeting fashions with a huge round of money behind them, unfortunately at the expense of animals that, although aesthetically cute and "perfect", pay the price of our superficiality having to live with physical problems that they compromise their quality of life or even their survival. Already in the 60s of the last century , a certain awareness of the importance of the "healthy" over the "beautiful" began to grow within the veterinary world and something, at a European level, is starting to move, albeit slowly and with difficulty. Even in our country something is starting to take shape in this sense, such as the establishment of the Cbv (Bioethical Committee for Veterinary Medicine), in 2018, or the birth of associations such as Asetra (Association of ethological studies and protection of the relationship with animals) . Giovanni Cubeddu, former Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Sassari and president of Melefovet (study group of Forensic and Veterinary Forensic Medicine of the Italian Association of Small Animal Veterinarians), and Ferdinando Meregaglia, freelance from Turin and secretary of Melefovet, explained the legal implications of genetic maltreatment, an aspect that is too often overlooked, but which can also have important implications for the veterinarian. The need to satisfy market needs deriving from the rapid request for aesthetically pleasing subjects and respondents to the fashion of the moment inevitably involves the use of a pushed inbreeding, using a few breeding subjects that bring with them both the desired morphological characteristics and even serious problems, an issue that the WSAVA had raised as early as the 1960s. DOWNLOAD AND READ ALL THE ARTICLE HERE I think that you are missing a real awareness in people who approach, breed and buy_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb381-136_bad5cf58d-3194_bad5cf58d. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Some cat breeds have undergone extreme changes in the course of less than 50 years, which have taken them to the extreme in terms of morphology and therefore health, for which the evidence is still denied . Although Anfi (Italian National Feline Association) has moved in this direction r expanding the registration in the herd books of some of these breeds, in my opinion, there are still lot work to do. Below I have inserted some links from which I hope you will take some food for thought ... Happy reading and viewing- Video Documentary on the influence of exhibitions on cat health of breed. 5-part BBC video documentary on the influence of dog shows on the health of purebred dogs. WHAT CAN WE DO? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ download the pdf of the TICA association
- Arriva il cucciolo | gatti norvegesi
Il cucciolo sta per arrivare nella nuova casa, come prepararsi? quali sentimenti prova il gattino? come approcciarsi con lui? come farlo incontrare ai bambini? WHEN A KITTEN ARRIVES IN THE FAMILY: How do you understand what the puppy is feeling right now? How do you know if everything is fine e which sensazioni test? Will you be happy to be with us? Will he be able to settle in our home? Surely, soon, the little frightened kitten will become master absolute of your home and it will seem to you that he is always lived with you, but this over time. Now the little one needs to acquire security and only you, with your calm and your pazienza you can infuse it. It is obvious that for you who have brought it to your home with so much love that wad of fur is a source of pleasant emotions and great happiness. The children of the house, if you have any, will be very excited and impatient to be able to cuddle the kitten and it will not be easy to reign calm, which at this moment is, however, absolutely essential. A day like any other can truly become a special day if that day, in your home, a kitten arrives, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cfina we do not know and who does not know us. This premise summarizes our emotions, but he, the protagonist, the object of so much attention, what is he feeling at this moment? Let's imagine for a moment that we are in his shoes to try to understand him and make this passage as sweet as possible. We keep in mind that he with his mother and his siblings was fine and had no intention of changing residence. He is afraid, he finds himself alone with people he does not know, the environment in which he was born and lived is no longer there, there is no longer even the reassuring presence of a mother cat under whose belly you could run to take refuge in case of danger and then fall asleep happily to the echo of its purr. Those were good times! But what is happening now? He was put in a pet carrier and then, probably, in a car, sounds and noises frighten him and after the journey he will enter a house that is also unknown. he will hide, if he refuses food and does not use the litter box, all this is normal and, unfortunately, inevitable in the acclimatization phase, but we can really make a difference, our attitude, respect and sweetness that we will be able to use towards this creature, not only will it help him to overcome this difficult moment, but it will guarantee us a happy coexistence with a serene and balanced cat.The cat is, in fact, a very sensitive animal and its psyche, especially during childhood , is very prone to suffering trauma which can become very difficult to remove in the future.The password when the puppy arrives home is: CALM. The quieter the environment and the minimized noises, the easier it will be for the kitten to enter. As soon as you enter the house, place the pet carrier on the ground, in a secluded place, open the door slowly and observe from a safe distance (escape distance 2-3 meters). Remember that he does not know you and that, therefore, in his eyes, you represent a danger. His concern at this moment is safety and his atavistic instinct constantly sends him danger signals. The reaction, however, is not always immediate and not always the same, a lot also depends on the character of our kitten. There are puppies that need two or more days to relax, while others, more self-confident, already eat and play quietly the same evening. In most cases, however, the kitten remains motionless for several minutes curled up in the bottom of the carrier. Once it is ascertained that everything around him remains quiet, slowly, slowly he gets up and gestures timid steps towards the outside, his belly almost touches the ground and the gait is plush, all his senses are at maximum tension and any noise. even if weak, it makes him jump. With caution he looks out at the exit, towards the outside world and his nose, at the maximum of activity he tries to catch some familiar smell. The whiskers constantly move like radars in all directions and his eyes look for a safe place to hide. Let him do it, give him time to metabolize it all. Do not be tempted to go to meet him, this would be a very wrong move on your part, remember the "escape distance" and respect it. Probably he, after an initial moment of bewilderment, will run to hide in the place that will seem safest to him, under a sofa or under a bed and he will want to stay there until he feels more serene. It must be borne in mind that nature has wanted him this way, distrustful of everything that is unknown and that he must necessarily obey what his instinct imposes on him. Indulge him, always remember that the cat has no owners, the more you try to force him, the more he will rebel against you. He accepts you as you are, but he expects the same from you. You have to think that nature has given him all the weapons to look after himself without anyone's help, so he doesn't even remotely think he needs you. Unlike the dog that needs to belong to a pack in order to live, the cat is an individualist par excellence. His affection is never as obvious as that of the dog, obtaining it is an achievement that once achieved will be the greatest reward for our efforts. So be indifferent, surely in a short time you will see him reappear, always stealthy, but certainly less frightened. The stomach that sooner or later will claim and the innate curiosity of the cat will do the rest, especially if under his little face, the master, will make a ribbon move slowly and slowly and when he approaches, slowly, a friendly hand will gently caress him. It may be that in the face of so much confidence he will try to take refuge again in his hiding place. Nothing wrong with that, from his point of view, prudence is never too much, but if he won't do it and will allow you to keep touching him, know that the best is done at this point. Calmly try to pick him up by lifting him from under the belly and bring him close to the chest. He will sneak under your clothes, feel the heat of your body and your heart beating, just like that of the mother cat and this situation will remind him of when he slept curled up with his siblings. Caress him with confidence, your hand reminds him of the maternal licks, if when you touch his neck you exert a slight squeeze behind the ears you will give him a little thrill of pleasure, in fact, when the cat has to move her kittens, she grabs them with her mouth behind the neck and lifts them. This gesture of love causes the puppy to abandon itself completely. When you feel relaxed, a scratch under the chin will almost certainly trigger the start of a purr concert and a languid gaze will meet your gaze. Now the road is open, the relationship of trust begins to be established, from here to eternal love the step will be short, just abandon yourself in the wonderful eyes of your cat. Good life my puppies !! Karin - Disir Nornir Kennel Written by: Brunetti and Stroscio Veterinary Clinic
- Falsi Miti / Curiosità | gatti norvegesi
Falsi miti sui gatti norvegesi , come : "le femmine non hanno la gorgera", le femmine sono meno coccolone, e tante altre false credenze..... False Myths and Curiosities About Norwegian Cats Wrong news, hoaxes, false myths, wrong beliefs, curiosities and everything else that always has you said about cats, which does not correspond to the truth. The page is always evolving, with patience I will add below everything that in my 14 years of breeding I have heard about Norwegian cats, but which is absolutely WRONG! If you want to contribute to this page by giving us some falsa news or incorrect information, you can write to me at: infogattinorvegesi@gmail.com_cc781905__5cde-319bad2 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Come back and visit us. False Myths 1.0 🤣🤣🤣🤣 " Female Norwegian Forest Cat DOES NOT have a Gorgera (or also called a mane)" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 These in the picture are all my females _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _....... so as you can see this is wrong news; _cc78190- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the female Norwegian forest cats have of beautiful, thick and majestic gorges. Whether or not to have the Gorgera "does not depend on the sex of the cat, but depends on the age, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c5cds -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ especially if born in summer, they will have very little undercoat e for this reason they could look like short-haired kittens, but ......._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_do not be fooled! At the end of the second moult, about the second year of age, (some even earlier) when they begin to be adults, they will put their thick "gorgera" (the Norwegian forest is subject to the total loss of the undercoat in spring, therefore only what is called "guard hair" more bristly and longer, water-repellent will remain.)