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  • Allergia al gatto | gatti ipoallergenici norvegesi delle foreste

    "Scopri tutto sull'allergia alla Fel d 1, la proteina della saliva del gatto responsabile delle reazioni allergiche. Approfondimenti, soluzioni naturali e il nostro innovativo progetto per ridurre ancor di più , l' allergene dei Gatti Norvegesi delle Foreste. The Cat Allergy HYPOALLERGENIC CATS, HYPOALLERGENIC CATS, WHICH ARE THE FELINE BREEDS THAT DO NOT CAUSE ALLERGY? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ IS THERE A VACCINE_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfERGIAD_LAT ALLERGY ... FOREWORD: I have been breeding my beloved Norwegian cats for about 13 years, since 2006 e a lot of people have come to me because_cc781905-5cde-3194_bad5-bb3b "cat allergic" When I receive a phone call, from allergic people, or companions of people allergic to cat, the thing that strikes me the most and that involves me, is almost a sort responsibility from which I feel immediately invested, as if by me and my feline family depended on the happiness of others .... the realization of a dream: to be able to live with a feline companion despite the allergy! This prompted me to research allergy, and create this information page. The "allergy tests" in my amateur cattery are carried out free of charge e consist in staying in contact with my cats for at least an hour of time, in a closed environment. In 90% of cases, families leave my house happy not to have had any allergic reaction, and it is undeniable that my heart is full of joy for having taken an active part in the realization of their desire . About 10% of the population suffers from cat allergy ... In reality, the term "cat allergy" is improper, as is that of "cat hair allergy": in fact, the allergen is triggered by the allergen, a small glycoprotein called Fel d1, produced by the glands_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_salivari (saliva), lacrimal (tears), sebaceous (skin) and perianal. The perianal glands secrete the allergen on the stool. The highest concentration of Fel d1 is found in the perianal glands. The feline allergen (Fel d1) is found only in cats and accounts for up to 60% of cat allergies. Typical reactions to allergens vary, but include symptoms ranging from mild runny nose and itchy eyes, to severe reactions such as swollen eyes, hives, or difficulty breathing. Individuals allergic to cats and not to other animals are usually allergic to Fel d1 only. The allergen is very stable and can stay indoors for six months after the cat is removed. During the daily cleaning that the cat performs licking itself, la Fel-d1 from the saliva is deposited on the hair that tends to be distributed through the fur, with the highest levels which are located close to the skin. and is released into the environment; due to its small size and the particular stability it is possible transport and passive diffusion, through clothing and hair also in environments not directly frequented by the animal Litter boxes often contain the highest amount of Fel d1, as the highest concentrations do found in the anal glands. Some data: A statistically significant data collection was conducted in 2006 on the saliva of _cc781d_biberiano-136-specimens of siberian-136_biberiano-136-5c58d_biberiano-3194-136bad5cf58d_biberiano 3194-136bad5s and Abyssinian, from the INDOOR Biotechnologies Laboratory . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbiber3b-136bad5cf58d_ lower than those of a normal cat ed a good 15% of them were found to have levels so low that they are also suitable for those suffering from very serious allergies (asthmatic attacks). This 15% included both male and female cats. Data collection, confirmed that allergen production is linked to cat-produced hormones, for which_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d males are not sterilized those with the highest allergen values, the sterilized females those with the lowest dosage. Secondary Allergens There are no simple answers to questions about cat allergy . To date, thirteen allergens have been isolated which may cause allergic reactions, each of these allergens can cause a reaction in one person, but not another, and most some people are allergic to more than one cat allergen. People with severe allergies to horses, dogs, rabbits, (or food allergies to pork, beef or egg white) do not react with a cat that produces little Fel d1. Most secondary allergies are caused by Fel d2 (feline albumin) or Fel d4 (feline lipocalin) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Serum albumin is responsible for the greatest number of cross reactions between cats and other animals. About 25% of people allergic to horses also react to Fel d4. These individuals are considered cross-reactive horse / cat. Asthma and other airway reactions in animals are usually caused by lipocalin. When asthma is caused by exposure to cats, it is typically caused by Fel d4 (feline lipocalin) or Fel d1 (androgen binding glycoprotein). Several studies have shown that fertile male mice produce 500 to 1000 more lipocalin than female mice. Lipocalin levels in male and female mice are markedly reduced when spayed. These studies have not been performed in cats, but it is reasonable to assume that individuals with severe horse or rabbit allergies will have less reaction than a female or neutered male kitten. There are currently no commercial tests capable of measuring Fel d4 or most other cat allergens . Anyone with severe cat-related asthma should spend time with a cat low production fel d1, before purchasing a kitten. Testing with fur samples is not sufficient for people with a lipocalin or albumin allergy. This chart illustrates the most common feline allergens and shows the approximate percentage of people allergic to cats that react to each individual allergen. PLEASE NOTE: The recent death of a Turin woman following a severe asthma attack, and not from anaphylactic shock as erroneously reported in the press, which occurred while brushing the cat makes it necessary to clarify. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Among the inhalant allergens of animal origin, those of cats are particularly important in Western countries as the cause of respiratory allergies, in particular of_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b -136bad5cf of awareness varies in atopics between 10-15% of Europe and 36% of the USA. Feline allergens can cause serious and potentially fatal reactions in some individuals. The allergen information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. It is advisable to consult a doctor before visiting and / or purchasing a Norwegian cat VISIT TO FARM FOR ALLERGIC TEST Visiting a cattery that breeds cats with low FEL D1 production is an authentic allergy test that offers visitors a clear indication of their immune response, this also refers to the kitten they wish to buy as according to the analyzes carried out, the low allergen productivity is a genetic trait that is transmitted from parents to children . Most of the reactions to cats come from Fel d1. Reactions to other animals such as dogs, horses, hamsters or rabbits indicate reactions to secondary allergens. These allergies can cause a higher test failure rate. Visitors should always carry their medications - including eye drops, inhalers, and antihistamines. Should a reaction occur, visitors should promptly wash their hands and face with soap and water to remove the surface allergen . Whenever possible, visitors should consider not taking antihistamines prior to the farm visit, as it will mask the severity of the reactions. Visitors should always check with a doctor before stopping prescription medications. Most Fel d1 reactions occur within 15 minutes of exposure. The secondary reactions occur only after a longer exposure, in any case it is advisable to stay in the breeder's house for at least 1 hour and when possible repeat the test twice a day apart. For the breeder it is it is advisable to reduce secondary allergens by cleaning the rooms to remove surface hair and dust mites. The litter boxes should be clean and the house should be aired before the visit. Scratching posts and padded kennels collect large amounts of allergens and dust mites and should be covered or avoided by visitors. You should start your visit in a room a low allergen rate, in the cleanest room possible. Allergic individuals should briefly lay their faces on the mother cat. Kittens do not have the same allergen levels found in adult cats are therefore an insufficient indicator of allergic response. Sometimes visitors may have a reaction to kittens but not to the mother, this reaction can be seen in combination with allergies to eggs or to the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ milk, when these same kittens are older, this reaction is usually less severe. Litter box reaction is very common and can come from many sources. The litter boxes pusty o perfumed can both have problems_cc781905-badca5-badca5_c Feces and urine contain many cat allergens, including Fel d1. It is always advisable for allergy sufferers to keep the litter box in a room well isolated from the accommodation. NOTE: feline allergens can cause severe and life-threatening reactions in some individuals. The information on allergens provided by the NORWEGIAN CAT FARM DISIR NORNIR does not replace medical advice. It is advisable to consult a doctor before visiting and / or purchasing a Norwegian cat or other breeds of the list. Advice for allergic people who want to buy a hypoallergenic / hypoallergenic cat Sterilize the cat, both male and female, as well as being extremely healthy for your kitty_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136905_cc7 and sterilization your environment 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ guarantees very low allergen production; according to some test the sterilized female produces less allergen than the sterilized male. Moisten a sponge or a clean cloth with Allerpet in the_baby_baby_baby_baby_baby_bab3b-136b . This will reduce the allergens released into the air during combing, deactivate many of the allergens on the fur . Allerpet can be purchased online. You can take a bath at gatti 1 volta_cc781905-5cde-3194bd-136badal month. This will remove both allergens and irritants from the coat . Clean scratching posts and places where the cat sleeps often; The highest concentration of allergen is found in the litter. If you are extremely sensitive, have someone else clean the litter box and if possible keep it on the balcony, in the garage or in a dedicated room. Green tea litter contains tannic acid which deactivates the Fel d1 allergen. Utilizzate sand with low percentage of dust without perfume. Wash the litter box weekly. Avoid silver and smoke color, i levels of FEL-D1 are higher second lcc7-analysis -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_glycoprotein appears to be connected to color. Wipe the cat's fur regularly with a damp cloth, can help you reduce the amount of Fel D 1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a filter. Book your allergy test

  • Gatti norvegesi delle foreste- Allevamento i*Disir Nornir | prezzo cuccioli gatti norvegesi | Fornovo di Taro, PR, Italia

    Dal 2005 allevo con approccio olistico i grandi gatti Norvegesi delle Foreste dal carattere amorevole e gentile. Ideali per allergici, razza naturale sana e longeva " ALLEVAMENTO ETICO FAMIGLIARE DEL GATTO NORVEGESE DELLE FORESTE Autorizzazione ASL n°46751 - Riconosciuto da AFEF disir nornir disir nornir disir nornir Benvenuto nella pagin a della mia Famiglia Felina! Welcome to my Feline Family page! This site was created for the dissemination of knowledge and preservation of the biological diversity of the "Norwegian Forest" Natural Breed. Cat breed, which until a few decades ago risked extinction and which today, without careful protection, risks losing its original appearance and genology. The births of our litters are aimed at " safeguarding the best subjects in terms of health, character and morphology ", to continue and pass on il" Norsk SkogKatt "(original Norwegian name) if you are interested do not hesitate to ask for information Cuccioli Disponibili Allergia al gatto? Il Norvegese è ipoallergenico! Partecipa al concorso! "What does Safeguarding the Norwegian Cat mean?" Above all it means respecting the great work that has been done in the past by great passionate breeders, trying to safeguard those genealogical lines that risk getting lost, thus impoverishing the genetics of this Magnificent Breed. It means that my cats are first of all my family, companions of life, and it is with this spirit that I undertake to respect all their ethological needs, which are always put first, with respect to human needs. My cats are free to climb, run, play, in large protected enclosures, without over-population, with areas organized in compliance with their ethological needs. I live with my cats all stages of life, from birth, to pregnancy, to old age. If my neutered cats live well together with other fertile cats, they stay with me, otherwise they are entrusted to trusted families who will request them. I use for them the best Natural food, BARF, based on meats for human use prepared by me. I take care of my cats with a holistic approach, making use of specialized veterinarians My Affix (Name of the Kennel) is registered in ANFI (Italian national feline federation) Anfi is one of the 41 members of the FIFe and is Legally recognized with DM 6/8/1997 Authorized to manage the Breed Book of the Purebred Cat with DM 9.6.2005 prot. 22790 modified with DM 13.10.2008 prot. 12953 "A heartfelt Thanksgiving goes to the families who have welcomed my puppies in the past but also those who will do so in the future; it is also thanks to you if I will be able to continue in the dream of Protecting this Magnificent Natural Breed" Salvaguardia Salvaguardia Salvaguardia storia e leggenda storia e leggenda storia e leggenda The story of the Norwegian Forest cats was born many centuries ago, when the Nordic legends already saw it described in the mythological tales of which it is the protagonist next to the goddess Freya and the god Thor. Around 1220, Snorri Sturluson, poet, historian, scholar and narrator of myths and legends, wrote the "EDDA" ("great-grandmother"), a text that describes the Nordic mythology of pagan Scandinavia, in which large sleeping cats are mentioned long in the tales of these two Nordic deities. The first description of this breed dates back to 1599 when a naturalist, the Danish friar Peter Claus Friis, who lived for a long time in Norway, defined three categories of lynx: the wolf-lynx, the fox-lynx and the cat-lynx. last class plausibly indicated the progenitors of our Norwegian Forest cat. The original name in Norwegian is “Norsk Skogkatt”: Norsk -> Norwegian, Skog -> Forest, Katt -> Cat. The work "Norwegian Folk Tales" written by Asbjornsen and Moe was then published in 1835, with which the Norwegian Forest Cat, becomes part of Norwegian literature and culture. In the work “Norwegian folk tales” he is called "Huldrekat" ("huldre" = wood nymph) and described as a wood cat with a large and bushy tail. In the fairy tales that were later handed down to the Brothers Grimm, this cat probably impersonated, with its long-haired culottes and the hind leg covered with undercoat, the well-known "Puss in Boots". In 1912 the Norwegian author Gabriel Scott wrote a very popular children's book called "Sølvfaks" in which the protagonist of the story is a cat of the woods. Around 1930 some Scandinavian breeders took an active interest in this autochthonous feline and started a breeding with the aim of safeguarding the originality of the species, selecting the subjects for their morphology and thick fur, trying to preserve it from mating with cats to short-haired and other genetic contamination. Already since 1940, during the 2nd World War, this type of cat was used by the Danish army with specific functions entrusted to forest cats during postal transport for the protection of precious goods, parcels and dispatches from the systematic destruction of mice. Only in 1965 these cats, considered "postal officers", were deleted from government registers. In 1943, a book entitled "Cats, wild animals and domestic friends" was published in Norway on the breeding of the Norwegian Forest Cat (authors Reidar and Lund), which aroused much interest in the fate of the national cat and in which the bases for the breeding of the Norwegian were treated: In the years that followed, the search for absolutely pure subjects became the goal of enthusiasts who worked hard for the salvation of the breed against the looming danger of extinction caused by the extension of cities and the spread of short-haired cats. The first representatives of this breed appeared on display in 1969 and in 1973 Helene Nordane and Edel Runas of the Norwegian Feline Federation began the first serious selection and breeding program. In 1974, the first parent pair of Norwegian forest cats (the male Pan's Trulls by Else Nylund and the female Pippa Skogpuss by Edel Runas), the progenitors of all pedigreed Norwegian cats, was recorded in the Norwegian Origins Book. In December 1975 enthusiastic breeders of the breed founded the Norsk Skogkattring (Norwegian Forest Cat Club) which was an instant success.The breeding program was difficult for the following years as there were so few officially recognized relatives that a number of crossbreeding between relatives was inevitable. Before the new breed could be recognized by the FIFè (Fédération Internationale Féline), three complete generations had to be authenticated. In April 1977, when there were about 150 Norwegian Forest Cats registered in Norway, FIFe sent a German judge to a show in Oslo. His goal was to make a report on the new breed, to help the FIFè judges' commission decide on its future. In November 1977, Carl-Frederick Nordane traveled to Paris to attend the FIFé general assembly. He brought with him several photos of what would soon become a new breed. The judges recognized in Pan's Truls, brown tabby with white, the standard with which the entire breed would be identified and assigned the standard number 13 NF. This caused a lot of noise in the country of origin where the photo of Truls was broadcast on television announcing that the Norwegian forest cat had been officially recognized. In 1977 this led to official recognition by the International Feline Federation (FIFe), which was followed in 1984 in America by the definition of the standard by breeders belonging to the TICA (The International Cat Association). In 1987 the CFA (Cat Fancier's Association) also registered the first Norwegian Forest Cat. In Italy it was Elena Scorta (Valhalla kennel) who imported the first two Norwegian Forest Cats, Pan's Pallet, Artax and Sirika in 1988 - Below are some photos of cats from the first Italian breeders, Vallhalla , Vikjngs, Freja's Chariot, Silvanesti's, Ice Lanke, Moon Cat's, Sibelius, ...._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Photos courtesy of the owners, please ask for permission before using. A great effort was made in recent years to find suitable specimens for breeding that would guarantee a gene pool rich enough to avoid the risks of mating between relatives and this commitment was continued in Scandinavia as well, until 1990, then it was decided to stop the recognition of new subjects coming directly from the woods, the ancestral ones (called "novices"). _d04a07d8- 9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b__d04a07d8-9cd1- 3239-9149-20813d6c673b_Only in 1993 the breed was officially recognized worldwide and the international standard and code definitively formalized. Among the pioneering breeders Else Nylund with her kennel "Pan's" and Randi and Arild Grotterød with their kennel "Torvmyra" deserve a special mention, who contributed substantially to the breed. The reason why these two kennels are particularly remembered is that even today it is almost * impossible to find a cat among the most beautiful of the breed whose pedigree does not have a "Pan's" or "Torvmyra" ancestor in the bloodline. A Special Thanks goes to my dear Norwegian friends, Gunn Inigrid and Roald Pedersens (FRU PEDERSEN'S cattery) for giving me these 3 precious books now nowhere to be found. Home STORA GATTO NORVEGESE

  • Cuccioli norvegesi delle foreste

    Sono arrivati i cuccioli ! Foto e video dai primi momenti di vita dei gattini. Info su alimentazione, cure, carattere ,carattere, pedigree , cessione Cuccioli-Gattini -kittens About us -About us FRIDA è IN CERCA DELLA SUA CASA PER SEMPRE: Clicca sullA foto PER VEDERE IL SUO ALBUM, o contattami per tutte le info sono in arrivo in cuccioli in 3 settimane! About us -About us About us -About us

  • I gatti Norvegesi Ticked- il Gatto Lince

    Progetto per la salvaguardia del mantello con pattern / tigratura Ticked nel gatto norvegese delle foreste. E' arrivata la prima cucciolata Italiana di gattini Ticked ! The Norwegian Forest Cats Ticked Project for the preservation of the TICKED Pattern / Tiger in the Norwegian cat ok but what is the "TICKED"? _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The ticked is a very rare type of brindle in the Norwegian cat, now almost extinct. The Ticked is the classic tigratura of wild animals such as lynxes. After many, many years of research to find an heir to this pattern, finally last year DE * Afjord's Kamiko arrived. If you want to read more follow the link on_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ "Project for the protection of the Pattern Ticked in the Norwegian Forest Cat" If you want to contact us you can write to: ... What Peter Clausson Friis called the lynx-cat was perhaps the "real Norwegian Forest Cat." -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ there are many similarities; are both large cats, with high legs, round feet, long mane and tufts of hair on the ears. In the Norwegian villages there were many cats of course, but in the ancient legends there is a particular type that is mentioned very often, the Huldrekat ", ...

  • Taurina nell'alimentazione del gatto

    tabelle quantità di taurina nella carne, alcuni studi, fabbisogno taurina nel gatto, carenza di taurina alimentazione commerciale... Taurine Tables Where to read more: SOURCE1 - SOURCE 2 - FONTE 3-bbc794- bad5-136badd The taurine requirement of the adult cat H. BURGER1 andK. C. BARNETT2 Taurine in fish Study on the lack of taurine in mothers and puppies Taurine: Taurine (from the Latin taurus, bull, as it was originally isolated from bull bile by the German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1365cf58d_ammino-sulfur-ammonium acid is an acidic chemical abundant in many tissues of various animals, including humans. Small polypeptides containing taurine have been identified, but to date no aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase has been found capable of specifically recognizing taurine and capable of incorporating it into RNA. Taurine covers numerous and important functions; is, for example, a precursor of bile salts. to produce new bile salts and replace those lost in the faeces), participates in the growth and maturation of nervous tissues, contributes to the maintenance of good eyesight and correct heart function and, in the female, has an important role at the reproductive level. A deficiency can lead to un heart failure, poor immune response, poor neonatal growth, deafness, lower number of fetuses, resorptions, miscarriages, low birth weight, low survival rate of newly born kittens born, and birth defects, such as, abnormal development of the zampe posterior, and skeletal abnormalities including curved spines and short stature. Taurine is also found in some bacterial species in more modest quantities and in rare cases in plants; _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb358d_ 136bad5cf found in red algae, but not in brown algae o green , some traces in some plant foods, such as, nuts. Taurine is also present at high levels in the insects (don't be surprised if cats love to hunt them). Taurine is abundant in the tissues of most fish, birds and rodents, and in lower concentrations in larger animals, such as cattle. Taurine in cats, is mainly synthesized in the liver by aminoacids containing sulfur, methionine and cysteine, and the action of numerous enzymes, including cysteine sulfur dioxide and cysteine dioxinic acid . In cats, as the activity of liver enzymes is very low, the biosynthesis of taurine from its precursors is insufficient_cc781905-bbc3b-3194 unlike dogs, taurine intake is therefore essential. Furthermore cats waste large amounts of taurine, in fact, like dogs, they only use taurine for the conjugation of bile acids, while humans and rats can also use glycine (Morris et al., 1987), this leads to a continuous loss of taurine, such as a substantial part is not recovered from the entero-hepatic circulation and is lost in the faeces. Why did the cat lose its ability to synthesize an essential nutrient such as taurine? In these circumstances the production of taurine is a waste of energy, while the deamination and desulfurization of cysteine is an alternative metabolic pathway that allows cats to produce energy, rather than taurine from the catabolism of the sulfur amino acids . Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in animal tissues, cats that live in the wild and which forage themselves for food by hunting, are not deficient in taurine. A mouse - contains a very high amount of taurine compared to other types of meat - about 2.4 mg / gram . The good news is that taurine is present in many types of muscle meat, is abundant in the heart. Chicken hearts are a fantastic source of taurine for cats. The amino acid taurine-sulfonic is now recognized as essential for the cat that needs about 10 mg / kg adult. In the last decade, cats fed with diets characterized by an insufficient presence of taurine have shown two diseases, such as dilated cardiomyopathy and progressive retinal atrophy. Unfortunately, only some clinical pictures can be resolved with a subsequent supplementation of taurine and it is therefore important that this amino acid is present in adequate quantities in any diet for cats. In order to have an optimal amino acid level, canned feeds need a higher concentration of taurine than dry feeds. The reason for this difference is not known, but a reason can be found in the difference in the formulation of the two products. Furthermore, since taurine is "free", as previously mentioned, it is not incorporated into the proteins, furthermore this molecule is thermosensitive and si alloy_cc7 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_all water very quickly so it is easy to lose it in the defrosting phase of the meat- For these reasons it is advisable to administer to the cat carne cruda not minced. A diet based on pulpy bones and organs is abundant in taurine (arginine and arachidonic acid). However, heat destroys about 2/3 of the taurine content (some research says that the heat destroys between 50% and 100% of taurine). Heat destroys all essential amino acids, enzymes, and a high percentage of nutrients. This becomes a problem if you feed your cat cooked meat. Not there are clinical studies fact on the daily need_cc781905-gattofied-136 in the diet of a takadin it takes months or even years, to see the results of a taurine deficient diet . Therefore, very few experiments have been done, however, in the few controlled clinical trials that have been done it has been observed that the cats given 500 mg / kg _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_food- of taurine in their daily diet showed no signs of deficiency. At higher doses, researchers saw a slight improvement in reproduction. In a 17-month study, cats given were given 375 mg / kg daily taurine had _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badd a normal value ERG, as opposed to 250mg which was too low and caused cardiac abnormalities. The National Research Council (NRC) specifies that the minimum recommended amount of taurine for adult cats is 0.0099 kg. per kilogram of body weight. For kittens, the minimum quantity is 0.017 kg. per kilogram of body weight, but la recommended dose of 0.33 kg. of taurine per kilogram of body weight . If you want to see the long-term results of a taurine deficiency in cats all you need to do is take a research from Dr. Frances Pottenger. From 1932 to 1942, Pottenger conducted a food experiment con foods To summarize his experiment: he divided about 100 cats into two groups: one group was fed with raw milk and raw meat, and the other group was fed cooked food and pasteurized milk. Cats fed raw food, grew up healthy and si are reproduced. The cats fed cooked foods, destroyed their salute, fell ill with blindness, heart disease, high death rate of the kittens, until they were no longer able to reproduce. As you can see, cats that were fed cooked foods had all the classic symptoms of a taurine deficiency. (NOTE: Pottenger's intention was not to study the nutritional needs of cats, but to demonstrate that "facial deformities" in humans - narrowed jaws, crowded teeth, brittle bones, and even difficult pregnancies - was the result of our Western diet made of industrial foods). Earlier this year, I had a couple of clients who came to me with cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a heart disease that causes the heart to thicken. , what I found interesting is that both of these cats were fed the same brand of a processed "holistic" cat food (how can holistic food be processed? this is what I call a oxymoron!). For me, this was a red flag. And, this is why ... most vets will tell you that the cause of HCM is unknown, or that some breeds are predisposed to HCM. I believe the nutrigenomics _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ should be considered. Nutrigenomics is the study of the effects of foods and food components on gene expression. I suspected that this particular brand of cat food may have been deficient in taurine, but I checked the pet food recalls page on the FDA website , did not see the brand indicated ... However, this reminds me of a story: In 1988, a veterinary cardiology student noticed that one of his feline patients who was being treated for congestive cardiomyopathy had an extremely low blood serum ur . Now, this cat has been fed "" best quality "feed" food "premium _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1365cf58d_commercial label, which they contained all the daily requirement of taurine. The perplexed veterinarian, came back then check other clinical cases of cardiomia_cardiomia-136b-136b-big surprise found that almost all cases of this disease had low levels of taurine in the blood. When the cats were given a taurine supplement many of them showed a noticeable improvement. What was going on? All the cats were eating "di premium quality" which supposedly contained the necessary levels of taurine! The problem was that the taurine was deactivated during the cooking procedure of processing the cat food. You see, the "feeding paths" of pet food manufacturers' only last about 6 months, so if the animal is still alive and appears to be in good health after 6 months, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ pet food is authorized for public sale. However, it takes more than 6 months to see the effects of a taurine deficiency in a cat. In any case, due to the discovery by this veterinary student, the pet food manufacturer corrected their mistake but, I can assure you these nutritional errors continue to occur today. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the FDA website on pet food. Now, to answer the question: Is it necessary to add a taurine supplement to raw meat? Well, I have already mentioned what happens to vitamins, enzymes and all essential amino acids when the meat is cooked ... but, with a raw meat diet the concern is only for the defrosting phase. When the meat is frosted there is only a slight decrease in taurine. Furthermore, since taurine is soluble in water and during defrosting some water is released from the meat, taurine can get lost in it ... If you are still concerned about the taurine content in raw meat then I would suggest the following: Since the highest amount of taurine is present in the muscle make sure you give it to your cat, muscle, and especially the heart (the heart is a muscle). Let's take a look at the taurine content of some meats: HERE (NOTE: Taurine is at its highest level in the small heart muscle of a mouse). If you still want to add a taurine supplement to your cat's food, remember that what you are adding is synthetic and not natural taurine. Synthetic Taurine is obtained from isethionic acid (2-hydroxyethanesulfonic acid), which in turn is obtained from the reaction of ethylene oxide with aqueous sodium bisulfite. Another approach is the reaction of aziridine with sulphurous acid, which also leads directly to taurine. Personally, I would avoid any taurine coming from China, simply based on their reputation for exporting contaminated food. Perhaps it is impossible to avoid buying from China as it is the leading exporter of synthetic taurine. As of 2010, China alone has more than 40 taurine producers. Most of these companies employ the ethanolamine method for a total production of around 3,000 tons per year. An Important Word About Ready Commercial Barf & Taurine I'm not a huge fan of raw ground beef for several reasons: Firstly, it's soft, so_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136ccbad5cf58d -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_does not clean teeth, ( is the chewing of the bones to track _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badaro). furthermore, minced meat is not a natural way in which a cat would have eaten its prey. Also, I do not like i specialized brands in raw ground they do not contain appropriate fruit, vegetable and vegetable to a carnivore), and synthetic vitamins. Some ready-made barf preparations, already contain bones e organi which is OK if you have a cat that doesn't eat them, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cfandoli all i days this would be too much and could cause; liquid stool, overdose of vitamin A. (bones and organs must be added in proportion to the diet). But, more importantly, grinding the meat reduces the taurine content, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _cc790-5 therefore increases the surface of the meat -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_la exposes the most to air, which entails the oxidation of the to air, this entails the oxidation of the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Also, due to exposure to air, grinding may cause a decrease in other nutrients , such as, vitamin E or vitamin B6. Additionally, grinding creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, and bacteria also use the taurine in the meat, further reducing the total amount of taurine available to your cat. So, if you feed your cat a raw ground diet, they can't get all the taurine they need to thrive. What we can do for our cats is give them a rotation of various solid whole pieces of fresh meat (rabbits, chicken, turkey, quail, mice, etc.), organs, bones, and limit the time the meat is kept in the freezer e above all, do not grind. TEXT TRANSLATED FROM THE DISIR NORNIR BREEDING, to use please send an e-mail to: Taurine deficiency Typical bleached retina due to taurine deficiency in a cat Echocardiograph of taurine-deficiency associated dilated cardiomyopathy (time-movement mode) before (on the left) and after (on the right) taurine supplementation. In this patient, the echocardiography shows a reduced shortening fraction and a dilatation of the left cavities (left picture). These alterations are reversible after taurine administration (right picture). ESD: end systolic diameter of the left ventricle / EDD: end diastolic diameter of the left ventricle. Page being updated ... 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  • CONTATTO | gatti norvegesi

    E' possibile conoscere i nostri gatti solo tramite appuntamento. Nella pagina trovate tutte le informazioni per contattarci. You can find us in Fornovo di Taro, in the province of Parma For the full address please call , an Amateur Breeding, not a public exercise, therefore visits must be arranged by appointment. Karin Pedrona Mobile: 389 498 4632 email: Subscribe to tik tok to preview kitten videos

  • Test salute gatti norvegesi

    La salute dei Gatti Norvegesi non viene lasciata al caso...Siamo seguiti da Veterinari specializzati... Our Veterinarians, Specialists and analysis laboratories -All of our Cats are tested annually and occasionally for genetic diseases and for: ANNUALLY -HCM- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: read more OCCASIONALLY-HD- Hip dysplasia: learn more OCCASIONALLY-Fiv OCCASIONALLY - Felv GENETICO- GSD 4: learn more 1 VOLTA -PKD - Polycystic Kidney Syndrome: find out more GENETIC -PK-Def-Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency: read more : TO THE INSERTION OF A NEW CAT -TriTrichomonas - Giardia-5c3b-136bad5cf58d_bad5-136c3 -5cf58d_Giardia-136 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Felv EACH LITTER- Giardia EACH LITTER- Parasitological faeces All NEGATIVE in 2019 IN ADDITION: All our puppies leave our home with their health record which includes: Veterinary certificate of good health. Parental tests (see above) e when possible also those carried out on grandparents, especially with regard to hypertrophic cadiomyopathy (HCM) Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PK-Def) Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK-Def for short) is a genetically based disease. Pyruvate kinase is an enzyme found inside red blood cells and controls their ability to produce energy to survive. When the enzyme is deficient, the red blood cells undergo premature destruction (erythrolysis) and this therefore leads to a reduction in their blood number. The resulting anemia is therefore the primary consequence of the deficit. However, the diagnosis of PK-Def on a symptomatic basis can be very difficult: since the cat's body is able to adapt the production of red blood cells in the face of their decrease, anemia can occur occasionally or intermittently. The development of the disease is slow, in most cases, with vague symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite. However, there is the possibility that the cat will develop very severe anemia, which could put its survival at risk. PK-Def is a congenital disease with a genetic basis, for which there is no cure and, since anemia is very often mild, the clinical signs may not be immediately obvious and therefore the condition may be underestimated for a long time. There are cases of deaths within two years, but also cases where the life expectancy is long (over 8 years). It is essential for a cat affected by the disease that its living conditions are optimal and that stressful events are avoided as much as possible. The disease is typical of the Abyssinian and Somali breeds, but can be found in breeds that have undergone hybridization with the Abyssinians or Somalis as well as in domestic cats. Genetic profile PK-Def is an autosomal recessive disease. This means that a cat can be defined: normal: does not have any copy of the defective gene, will not become ill with the disease or pass the disease to the offspring carrier: in the pair of alleles that define the disease, there is a defective allele. The cat will never get sick, but it will be able to pass the mutation to the offspring affected: the pair of alleles is composed of two defective chromosomes. The cat will develop the disease and will certainly pass the mutation on to the offspring. In case of mating between two PK-Def carriers, since both parents have a copy of the defective gene, they will be able to pass the mutation to the offspring. Specifically, two carriers will generate 25% of puppies affected by the disease, 50% of carrier puppies and 25% of healthy puppies. In case of mating between a carrier cat and a healthy cat (ie not a carrier of the deficiency), we will have 50% carrier cats and 50% healthy cats. In a mating between two affected cats, 100% of the offspring will be affected. Management on the farm From a breeding point of view, affected cats should not be used for breeding. It is possible to use carrier cats, obviously defining a control and negativization plan of the line, to manage the pathology as much as possible and go towards the eradication of the pathology in the breed. In the Abyssinian and Somali breeding, due to the small number of subjects currently working with, the breeding plans include the conscious use of carriers, because their carpet sterilization would involve serious problems of numerical consistency of the gene pool. In general, what needs to be done when deciding to use a carrier on the farm is to mate it with non-carrier cats, test the litter and prefer to continue working on the line keeping mutation-negative cats on the farm. In this way, the dual objective of "cleaning" the bloodline and, at the same time, of preserving it will be achieved. The UC Davis study As we have already published in the previous article, News on PK-Def in Norwegian Forest Norwegian, un recent study by UC Davis_cc781905-5cde-3194_badica-136b3b the disease is also present in the Norwegian Forest Cat, although at present we do not yet have precise indications on the gene frequency and on the consequent percentages of carriers and affections in the breed. We therefore suggest, in this first phase, to test your cats and to submit the results of the tests to the public databases for collecting the results, to allow a more in-depth study on the spread of the mutation. Where to take the test Since the mutation found in the Norwegian Forest Cat is the same as the one found in the Abyssinians and Somalis for which genetic testing already exists, it is possible to test your cats in different laboratories that are already certified to perform the test. It is possible to perform the test with either a blood sample or a buccal sample. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the laboratories to which you can turn: Genefast (Italy - agreement with Anfi) Vetogene (Italy) UC Davis (USA) Laboklin (Germany) Text taken da http: // Type IV Glycogenosis GSD IV (glycogen storage disease type IV) is part of a group of diseases, called glycogenoses. Type IV affects the Norwegian Forest Cat. They are well described pathologies also in humans, classified as rare diseases. In a normal organism, the excess glucose obtained from the diet or from the conversion of proteins and fats is stored in a branched chain of polymers, glycogen, built using the enzyme GBE (glycogen branching enzyme) as a catalyst. When the body needs energy, glucose molecules are removed from the glycogen and released into the bloodstream or used by the tissues. The ability to efficiently add and remove glucose from glycogen depends on the complexity of its branching structure. GSD IV is a hereditary deficiency of the GBE enzyme: affected subjects store an abnormal form of glycogen which, therefore, leads to an insufficient use of glucose. Hence GSD IV can be considered a chronic hypoglycemia that inexorably worsens towards death (because the body is unable to use glucose effectively). In cats, affected kittens die a few hours or days after birth, most likely because they do not have enough glucose to survive delivery and the first hours / days of life. The late form is rarer, for which the puppy is healthy up to 5/7 months and then suddenly shows a stunted growth and widespread weakness, with the following symptoms: high hyperthermia (over 40 °), insensitive to corticosteroids intermittent and generalized tremors that become permanent intermittent, "hiccup" weakness muscle weakness, followed by muscle atrophy, fibrotic contractures of joints that lead to movement and feeding difficulties and that require continuous assistance from the owner quadriplegia Affected cats can survive up to 10/14 months. They die of cardiac arrest, sometimes after coma. The disease is fatal and there is no cure. It is possible that it is confused with neonatal isoerythrolysis because the symptoms can suggest both pathologies. The only thing that can be done is the test (genetic for GSD IV, blood group identification with B allele typing for neonatal isoerythrolysis). Genetic profile The GDS IV mutation is recessive, which implies that the possibility of it expressing itself in the offspring exists only if both parents are carriers of the mutation. There are 3 different possibilities: both parents are healthy (they are homozygous for the normal allele): the children are healthy and will not carry the mutation. if one of the parents is carrier (heterozygous) we will have about 50% carrier and 50% healthy cats among their offspring. When two carriers are mated we get 25% sick cats, 50% carriers and 25% healthy cats. Recall that a carrier cat is a cat that does not have the disease and that will never develop it. However, he will be able to to transmit the mutation to his children. The test A genetic test, on blood or buccal swab, is available to identify not only affected cats but also carriers. Some laboratories that perform this test are: Vetogenic Genefast Antagen Genindexe Laboklin PennGen Each laboratory provides for the sending home, upon request, of the test material (swabs or blood collection tubes), together with the necessary documentation. In some cases it is required, for a correct identification of the cat, that the microchip is applied. Insights FYFE et al. (2007) A complex rearrangement in GBE1 causes both perinatal hypoglycaemic collapse and late-juvenile-onset neuromuscular degeneration in glycogen storage disease type IV of Norwegian forest cats, Mol Genet Metab. 90, 4, 383-92. Glycogenoses on Wikipedia FYFE et al. (1992) Glycogen storage disease type IV: inherited deficiency of branching enzyme activity in cats., Pediatr Res. 32, 6, 719-25.FYFE (1995) Glycogen storage disease in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc. 206, 3, 286. GASCHEN et al. In Congenital feline myopathies, Glycogen Storage disease type IV, 360-361 v Text taken da http: // Anchor 4 Anchor 5 The health of our cats

  • Quanto costa un gatto norvegese?

    Costo adozione di un gattino/cucciolo di gatto Norvegese delle foreste. Tutto quello che devi conoscere prima di acquistare. Gatti hosting gratuito e molto altro... INFORMATION How much does a Norwegian Forest cat kitten cost? How much does a Norwegian cat cost, young or adult? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It is true, for those approaching the world of purebred cat breeding, the price is one of the important information, which is first asked, but it is also true that it is one of the questions that the more it hurts the sentiment of the kittens breeder .... You may be wondering why some breeder to this question has not answered you or perhaps answered you in an annoyed way ... I would like to introduce you to the merits, explaining why: The reimbursement of expenses that is requested is not enough to cover all the expenses incurred during the year ... it is not easy to explain in 4 words to those who have never known the "behind" the wings ", how many problems and expenses must be incurred in order to have healthy, happy and well socialized cats and kittens. The economic side, as the first parameter to evaluate the adoption, in the eyes of those who may not have slept for a week in a row to assist a mother with problems and perhaps have left 1000 euros at the vet for cesarean delivery, is really demeaning ... Although the person has all the justified reasons to ask for it, often one feels disheartened and without any appreciation for what is being done ... For this I ask you, try to identify yourself for a moment; try to think of the affection that binds us to a kitten that we have seen born and we have grown for 3 months and then having to entrust it to others who approach us hard-nosed writing only "PRICE ???" How would you feel? Try to put yourself in our shoes where you have NOT spared us in any way, to raise them, starting from the probiotic supplement at 27 euros per tube, which is not enough even for 2 days on an average litter ... from the cost of food of the best quality (in my case meat from the supermarket prepared by me) to the awake nights to breastfeed them, to look after them as like children in the stages of growth, they can get sick and even die ..._ cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ e while this happens you have the old man of the house with whom you are facing chemotherapy, with a heart broken by pain, hoping he will make it_cc781905-5cde-3194-3194 -136bad5cf58d_ ... e this is just a small slice of reality ..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Try to think that on this side of the screen ... there are people with all their emotional baggage and the refund asked is vital for their cats, try to use a kind way ... and please! Do not ask us for discounts ... we are not at the market to buy a t-shirt! -_- ' When it comes to living beings the MOST important thing is the health of the puppy and its parents. Here I will try to briefly explain as much as I can, how I grow and what guarantees my puppy has. My philosophy is that of respecting the nature of the Norwegian cat, trying to give them a life as rich as possible of experiences and close (as far as possible) to freedom - feeding them with natural food -biologically appropriate- followed by a veterinarian nutritionist. Our puppies (but also the parents) are fed with Natural food , they do not use kibble and industrial feed rich in cereals that in the diet of a feline, as a narrow carnivore, should not exist. When your Norwegian puppy leaves my home, he will bring with him his natural diet that if you want, you can easily follow thanks to a simple guide with videos and tutorials which I will provide, otherwise I will recommend some of the industrial brands that are less harmful to our beloved Norwegian cats. When the puppy leaves my house he is able to eat both natural and industrial food, as in the last weeks he stays with his mother and siblings, I insert a part of "Grain free" wet and dry feed, in so that you can have a puppy with a really varied and accurate weaning, that will have no problems di "addiction to a specific brand". The parents of the puppies live at home with me but also outdoors in large "protected" enclosures where they can, play and live in the open air and this protects them from many typical overcrowding diseases. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The sun, the air, being able to hunt, play and socialize in an adequate way, guarantees that they can satisfy their ethological needs, this keeps them happy, balanced cats able to transmit this character to their offspring. I pay particular attention to the socialization of kittens, who grow up at home with me, pampered and spoiled. They are soon put in contact with feline uncles and grandparents, but also humans, in order to develop an even more balanced character . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ An important factor that significantly affects the price of the Norwegian cat kitten, are the costs incurred between veterinarians, genetic laboratories, cardiologists to ascertain that the two parents are not they are carriers of the same pathology, and therefore by mating they could fissarne and genetic characters, with the consequent birth of carriers or even sick puppies. Some general information on the parents of the litters: Parents are tested in 2020 for: fiv, felv (ELISA) -giardia (PCR) -NEGATIVE 2021 Parents tested (genetic): GSD4, PKDef -NEGATIVE- Screening Echocardium for Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Ultrasound x Renal Polycystosis (PKD) - NEGATIVE 2021 These tests carried out on parents, some are annual while some are genetic so it is enough to have them done only once. They are visible in a folder (on Dropbox) online, of which you will have the link if you are interested in a kitten. More information on these pathologies you can read them here Therefore, when the puppy leaves his home he will have: -Pedigree ANFI -Agreement between the parties with Health Guarantees. - Certificate of good health issued by our veterinarian, 2 Trivalent Vaccines- or Antibody Titration (to be chosen by the new owner) 2 Negative stool tests for parasites + giardia, timbred in the health booklet by our veterinarian _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 Treated with pesticide. I follow the owners in a particular way for at least 1 year, until the insertion in the new families is not completed and cmq I will always be available for anything for "the puppy's whole life" and in case something happens, I am available to take it back even in age adult. I like to be and remain a point of reference for new families, of course if this is also your desire. Puppy leaves my house with a kit which includes feeding school, tutorials, pdf videos, food barf. ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ _d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf584bd9-136bad5cf587d_-136bad5cf587d_ 136bad5cf587d_ 136bad5cf587d5 -134bd8 -5398395 -3395 -3c584905- 20813d6c673b_ ∆ ∆ ∆ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ∆ ∆_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b3b-136bad5cf58d_ ∆_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf584a ∆ _d08 -9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE NORWEGIANS OF THE FORESTS, CHARACTER , FOOD , CARE , TEST , PRECAUZONI , HISTORY AND LEGENDS , PEDIGREE , HOW MUCH DOES A NORWEGIAN PUPPY COST, WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT VARIOUS SECTIONS OF OUR WEBSITE 134

  • i Gatti Norvegesi Bianchi | gatti norvegesi

    The White Norwegian Cats Norwegian Forest Cat BAER Testing Results Cats can also lose their hearing due to age, like humans do. In this case it is generally a gradual process that is sometimes difficult to notice. The eardrums become less flexible and the sound is not transmitted effectively. Other cats, on the other hand, are born partially or completely deaf due to a genetic defect. In many cases this genetic defect is related to the pigment or is found much more often in totally white cats. In fact, completely white cats with blue eyes are well known to be very often affected by a congenital hereditary deafness that can involve one or both ears. Breed studies have therefore defined the relationship between deafness and white cats with blue eyes. The responsible gene is a dominant gene which is defined W (White). The first studies on this gene date back to 1930 and have been deepened in the following years. The W gene is a pigment-related gene in cats and is a dominant color gene, but it is not linked to albinism. Cats carrying this gene are not always solid white in color, but they often have colored patches on their heads which may disappear with age. In fact, we often see a young kitten with a colored speck, generally on the head, which then disappears in adulthood. The color that is hidden under the white cloak, dominated by W, is revealed by that speck! Because of this, white cats can produce non-white or two-tone kittens. This gene has complete penetration for white coats, in fact all cats that have this gene also have white coats, but it has incomplete penetration with regard to the blue color of the eyes, related to deafness, even if they are closely related. However, not all white cats are deaf and not all blue-eyed cats have a deafness defect. The penetration variable of deafness linked to the blue color of the eyes can be caused by the interaction with other genes or with environmental factors. Furthermore, if we are in the presence of deafness, this can refer to both eyes or even to only one eye, so it can be bilateral or_cc781905-5cde-3194badd_ . How do we know that the cat is deaf? These cats generally show some changes in behavior. We can notice it since, even calling them, they do not approach or do not notice when we return home. If the deaf cat lives with another cat, we will generally notice that it tends to refer to him for hearing. This means that we will often find him observing the other cat, to understand what is happening. If, on the other hand, it is a single cat in the house with the problem of deafness, it is much easier to notice this defect. The cat, for example, may sleep very soundly, may not notice when we enter the room and may not be aware of very loud noises even close to it. If there is no reaction to a very loud clap or noise, we can really suspect possible deafness. Find out how to live happily with a deaf cat White cats or albino cats? However, it must be specified that these cats are not albini. A true albino cat not only has a white coat, but also the eyes have no pigment, they appear pink. An albino cat is very sensitive to light and needs sunscreen on their ears to prevent skin cancer. However, this prevention is necessary for all white cats. White cats with blue, orange and green colored eyes are not albinos. Albinism is a very different mutation that causes color absence, not color coverage. In the presence of the W gene, white coat and blue eyes, we can have the absence of the glossy carpet (it also happens in some cats with blue eyes with diluted white coat - Siamese) or a very thin glossy carpet, which means that the visibility at night it is very small. This is one more reason not to allow the deaf white cat to go out! Some statistics Studies have shown that if: ◊ Un white cat has both blue eyes is 3-5 times more likely to develop deafness than a cat with non-blue eyes. ◊ A white cat with only one blue eye has about twice the opportunity to be deaf than a cat with both eyes of a different color. ◊ White long-haired cats are three times more likely to be bilaterally deaf. What are the problems encountered? Deaf cats emit very strong vocals just because they don't hear exactly like humans. Due to the extreme utility of hearing in predation and the ability to hunt, this can be reduced in completely deaf or partially deaf cats. Complete deafness, in any case, does not supersede success in hunting. A deaf cat responds equally to its predatory instinct. This is why vocalization in completely deaf cats is an important means of communication between cats, and deaf cats may be less good at communicating with their peers. Deaf cats can conflict with other cats much more often or fail to integrate well into a group. They may find it more difficult when they are still puppies and, moreover, they are more frequently rejected by their mother. Their reduced ability to recognize dangers is the most serious handicap especially when it comes to cats that live outside. Cars, dogs, garden machinery, are the biggest dangers. ... A LITTLE DI GENETICS ... The white gene o gene W, is responsible for the total depigmentation of the hair, which is therefore entirely white, the skin of the nose and fingertips is pink. The color of the eyes can be involved, and in this case the eye is blue or light blue and often deafness occurs on the corresponding side. The W gene is epistatic on all other genes responsible for staining. The recessive allele, w, does not produce depigmentation. Therefore a white cat can carry genetic information for other colors, for example black, without this showing through in the phenotype. Gene W is also epistatic on S, and therefore an entirely white cat can transmit genetic information also relating to white spots.

  • Standard estetico della razza | gatti norvegesi

    lo standard del del norvegese delle foreste Standard of the Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Standard Size : grande Head : Triangular shape, where all sides are equal in length, of good height when viewed in profile, slightly rounded forehead, straight profile without any interruption (no stop) Chin : Forte Eyes : Large and oval in shape, wide open and set slightly oblique. Attentive expression. All colors are permitted regardless of the color of the coat Body structure : Long body, of robust construction and with solid bone structure Legs : Robust, high, with hind legs longer than the front ones. Feet large, rounded and in proportion to the legs Tail: Long and covered with hair, should reach at least the shoulder blades, but preferably reach the neck Coat structure : Semi-long hair. The woolly undercoat is covered with a shiny, water-repellent top coat that is formed of long, thick, shiny hairs that cover the back and flanks. A full coat cat has a ruff, a full mane, and shorts on its hind legs Colors : All colors are allowed, including all varieties with white, point (siamese) type designs and chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn colors are excluded. Any amount of white is allowed, for example: a white jacket, white markings on the back, ribcage or belly, white feet etc. Defects general: Cat too small or thin structure Round or square head, profile with interruption (stop) Small Ears, placed too low, placed too close together Short legs, thin. Score table (Fifé) Total 100 points Head General shape, nose, profile, bite and teeth, chin: 20 points Ears Shape, size and placement: 10 points Eyes Shape and expression: 5 points Body Shape, size, bone structure, legs, foot size: 25 points Tail Length and shape: 10 points Quality and texture coat: 25 points Condition 5 points Score Table (WCF) Total 100 points Type Shape, size, bone structure, legs, foot size: 25 points Head General shape, nose, profile, bite and teeth, chin: 20 points Ears Shape, size and placement: 10 points Eyes Shape and expression: 5 points Tail Length and shape: 10 points Quality and texture coat: 20 points 5-point color and design Condition 5 points Notes: The coat is rated for texture and quality only. In the judgment one should take into account the very maturation slow of this breed. Mature males must have larger heads than females. The length of the hair and the density of the fur vary with the season. Puppies can take more than six months to develop cover coat

  • Storia e Leggenda | gatti norvegesi

    pagine dedicate a tutta la storia, con foto e video e le leggende sul gatto Norvegese HISTORY AND LEGEND CHARACTER WHITE NORWEGIANS FALSE MYTHS LEGEND STANDARD VIDEO STORY COLORS

  • Reti in condominio-la legge | gatti norvegesi

    PROTECTIVE NETS, ON THE BALCONY E IN THE GARDEN, WHAT THE LAW SAYS: Do you need permission from the condominium? Does protection for children or pets have to be authorized by the assembly? December 28, 2018 | Author: Carlos Arija Garcia Article source: HERE Does protection for children or pets have to be authorized by the assembly? You have a small child and you live on the 4th floor of an apartment building. During the summer, keep the French door open to the balcony. However, you ask yourself the problem that all parents ask themselves: is it not that, in a moment of distraction, the little one goes out and risks falling? Not being able to spend a lifetime sealed inside the house, the most practical and safest solution is to put a rete on the balcony. Ma we want the permission of the condominium or can you decide by yourself without asking anything? These are the same questions as those who have just bought a pet and are afraid that they will make an unwanted flight if you leave a French door open. The cat, the dog, the dwarf rabbit cannot stay still for a long time and their liveliness can lead them to climb the railing risking to end up over. Also in this case it would be better to put a rete on the balcony. The point is: do you want permission from the condominium? It seems logical that the same net on the balcony can serve to protect both your child and your pet. Both have in common only the vivacity and the lack of sense of danger and, for this reason, it is necessary to think about their safety. However, while neighbors may be more tolerant of your child (at least almost everyone), there is no shortage of people who complain about your cat or dog and would like you to keep the pet indoors. On the contrary: he would prefer that I didn't have it at all. No one can say anything about having a child, thank Heaven. And, for some years, not even on the fact of having a dog or a cat: the so-called "condominium reform law" defends the right of a neighbor to own a pet, as long as certain rules of coexistence and common sense are respected. Now, this right also includes the possibility of putting a rete on the balcony to keep the animal safe? We see. Balcony in a condominium: who does it belong to? It is certainly worth starting from a basic concept: who owns the balcony of the condominium? Is it a part of the building to be considered as the common good of all or the private property of the owner of the apartment? The Supreme Court intervened on this with a sentence that leaves no room for any doubt [1]: the balcony - states the Supreme Court - constitutes "the extension of the corresponding real estate unit" and, therefore, belongs exclusively to the owner of this. Should it be inferred from this that one can do whatever he wants on his balcony and balcony, since it belongs "exclusively" to the owner? In the same sentence, the Supreme Court argues that "the claddings and decorative elements of the front and lower part must be considered common to all, when they are inserted in the façade of the building and contribute to making it aesthetically pleasing". We are therefore talking about decorative fixed elements such as a planter, tiles, etc. Balcony in the condominium: can animals be kept? We are asking ourselves the problem of putting a rete on the balcony to protect, as well as children, pets. But are you sure you can safely hold a dog o un gatto_gatto 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_gatto_gatto_condo_condominio So, just not to start the house from the roof. Those who decide to adopt a pet can rest assured. The law that reformed the condominium [2] has included in the Civil Code a norm [2] bb3b-136bad5cf58d_second which the assembly cannot approve any rule prohibiting the ownership or possession of a pet. According to this law, in fact, the dog or cat are an integral part of the family, since in more than half of the houses there is a pet. In other words: it is "forbidden to ban" animals in the house. Of course, there are rules to be respected, especially in the common areas. For example, taking your dog on a leash and with a muzzle or cleaning up any litter left by animals, to name but a few. But if the assembly of the condominium approves a rule that prohibits keeping an animal at home, know that you can appeal to the Justice of the Peace within 30 days of the resolution for the rule to be canceled. However, if you want to know all about the rights and duties of condominium pet owners, we recommend that you read our guide . Balcony in the condominium: can I put the network? As the Supreme Court recalled, therefore, the balcony is private property and not a condominium property. And as the law has established, you can keep a pet in the house. Let's not add that you can also keep a small child because it goes without saying. At this point, do you need permission from the condominium to put the mesh on the balcony? No. It is your right to install it because you are operating on your property. Therefore, you do not have to ask for an authorization because the opinion of the condominium is completely superfluous. Furthermore, the mesh does not damage the architectural decoration of the building (but if put in sober colors it would be better anyway) and is placed for safety and hygiene reasons, needs that override the architectural ones of the building. Note [1] Cass. sent. 6624/2012 of 30.04.2012. [2] Law no. 220/2012. [3] Art. 1138 cod. civ. December 28, 2018 | Author: Carlos Arija Garcia Article source: HERE How to secure a garden How to secure a balcony

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