The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF however does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be serious and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_ bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF, however, does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be severe and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
Does it seem natural for a cat to lick a pulp of minced meat reduced to pate?
If possible, do not mince, minced meat is not natural for the cat!
There are a number of great reasons to completely avoid chopped foods in your diet
of your cat, one of the most important reasons has to do with its teeth: the truth is that those teeth are the only mincer your cat will ever need!
Nature designed cats' teeth millions of years ago, long before humans invented meat grinders :-D
Cats have used those teeth to "grind" their prey since then for many millions of years .... until today
Creating a meal with various pieces of a hypothetical prey is called a "Frenken Prey" feeding.
In this diet when preparing a meal, the idea is to use Mother Nature as an example to feed them as naturally as possible. All cats have been created, equipped with a built-in meat grinder .... ;-): the incisors, which are positioned so that they have a very strong closure, are intended to be used for tearing, the canines are for the tearing and cutting of whole pieces.
A cat's sharp teeth can also crush large edible bones
in pieces small enough to be consumed.
It is perfectly natural for cats to use their teeth to gnaw part
whole, carcasses, pulpy bones.
It seems natural for a cat to lick a pulp of reduced minced meat
to pate? Those sharp teeth in your cat's mouth are there to cut,
to crush and grind whole prey and large pieces .... don't you think?
If your cat doesn't use its teeth, they were designed with the purpose of
be used, they are very likely to get sick, get covered with tartar
or cavities, fall out or need to be extracted due to severe infections.
Teeth and dental formula of the adult cat
The adult cat has 30 teeth,
real hunting weapons: 12 incisors, 8 premolars, 6 molars and 4 canines.
The incisors are very small and are used, together with the tongue, to scrape the bones of the prey. The premolars and molars are blade-shaped and serve to sever muscle fibers and tendons (the meat of the prey) and to break bones. The last premolar in the upper jaw and the only molar in the lower jaw are called carnassial teeth.
The 4 canines, as in all felids, are particularly long and sharp, they are very robust, and richly innervated, this makes them specialized sense organs: with the canines, the cat feels the exact point in which to bite to kill the prey. instantly. The compact and globular skull allows the cat to develop optimal chewing strength.
The cat's jaw, like that of all carnivores, exerts only a vertical movement which is mainly used for grinding and cutting. Actual chewing (use of molars) is minimal.
The saliva begins the preparation of the food bolus and lubricates the esophagus.
Between the canines and the premolars there is a space, which the cat often uses
to lay down and "carry" small prey (eg lizards) without killing them or
bite them, keeping them alive.
Feeding a whole pieces improves oral health and.
Over time, a diet of chopped foods cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_may cause plaque
and tartar that inevitably go to fix themselves on the teeth, this can cause
gum irritation, which can lead to a myriad of problems;
such as weak, inflamed g engives e unhealthy, which n cannot
so support firmly i tooth causing loss.
Gingivitis and periodontal disease are also an indication of a presence
chronic increased amount of unhealthy bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria,
regularly ingested, they volta affect the entire system of the organism.
Over time, this can be a major factor in that
contributes to the onset of molte serious systemic diseases.
Avoid the risks of professional dental cleanings
Many people take their cats to the vet for regular grooming
teeth. This procedure is not only expensive, but it is also very stressful
for the cat, and requires anesthesia, which always carries with it some degree
risk. Alimentare i gatti as nature intended, in most cases
eliminates the need for this procedure.
This is because the "natural scrubbing" and "flossing" action it is in
able to carry out raw meat, meaty bones, the connective tissue,
helps keep teeth white and clean, pink, healthy teeth e strong.
Raw chopped meat is more digestible
In addition to the question of oral health, there is another point against meat
ground, is the question of digestion.
Ground food facilitates ingestion fast food by the
cat e because need no effort to tear, break, etcc
it takes very little time food to arrive direct in the stomach_cc7819094-136c3bad5
often does not have time to produce the necessary digestive acids .
Such quick meals can end up causing irritation or digestion and
this is the cause of the vomit that we can often notice in the cat .
One of the great benefits of feeding whole pieces is that
requires some work on the part of the jaws and teeth; Tear away
le fibre carnose, cut tendons, snibre_cc781905-136bcc7-594_bc5890_bsc7bd3-136bcc5-3194905-bbcc3bd3-136bcc5-319490-136bcc5 -136bad5cf58d_tutta la
flesh with meaty bones takes a certain amount of time, precisely time
necessary for the stomach to activate its gastric juices.
Why avoid commercial ground food.
There is currently a great movement of the market around production
of ground food type BARF for our animals, together with the other grounds
mentioned above, c and there are many other to not feed our cats with food
commercial chopped. One of these reasons has to do with checking
you have on the procedures for handling the food you buy; we don't have
idea of how the food that was used is stato managed, what kind of facility
has been used, what kind of sanitation procedures, how correctly it is
been kept frozen from processing until it arrived
at our home.
And speaking of purchases, in principle, these preparations are very expensive.
Often they contain bone ground, organi ma _cc781905-5cde-3194bdd -136bad5cf58d_ what are the proportions of flesh, bones or organs but , how much liver / heart o_cc781905-5cde-3194cfbad. In addition to this, many preparations also contain vegetables, fruits, rice and psyllium, which are often used as cheap fillers.
Since these mixed ground foods, often contain a
bone overdose, (because bones are cheaper than meat
boneless) many producers regularly include vegetables e psyllium in
their recipes, because if this were not the case, excessive amounts of bone would cause
chronic constipation in our cats.
On the contrary, Mother nature draws its prey with the correct proportions, therefore,
compared to the model of nature, processed, frozen products with their own
proportions often distorted of flesh and bone, vegetable ingredients inadequate,
are actually far inferior to a diet of whole pieces of meat,
not ground.
By looking at nature and following the basic guidelines for the proportions of flesh, bone and organs present in a preda, we are able to feed our pets with the healthiest and most natural diet possible.
Natural Project Invertito
Many people are so used to thinking of cat food as a mushy pile of "goop" that they have even decided to buy their own mincers _cc781905 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_elettrici e con grandi spese , macinare il proprio raw cat food according to different recipes.
Such an investment of money and time would be much better spent per high quality raw food, as the quality of the meat with which _cc781905-5cde-3194_badcb3b-136 our pets, carnivores, is the key.
Grinding the meat, affects significantly decreasing some of the nutrients naturally present in raw foods, grinding increases the surface of the exposed meat_cc781905-bbc3b-3194 that in this air bad way is attacked more quickly by the bacteria that start their work, destroying amino acids essential for the life of the cat. ( see section Taurine )
Another benefit of feeding with little transformed whole chunks is the fact that their nutrients remain essentially intact, just as nature made them.
The ground Barf, whether pre-packaged o made at home is, in essence, nothing more than an attempt by humans to reverse the nature of naturally designed foods " for carnivores.
The natural way is always the best alternative.
Finally, as if all this were not enough reason not to feed your cat a diet pre-chewed, we can consider the overall mental, physical and psychological implications of feeding with _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_whole raw foods.
The nutrition for your cat made with whole foods, stimulates him, not only involving him in the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136__bad5cf58d 136bad5cf58d_mastication process, but all the muscles are involved .... from the legs, to the neck, etc. e eating as his body was designed make sure you _cc78194-5bad5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc78194-5bcc5-3194bdcc5-31c5890-3194bcc5-136c bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ in a way that just licking mushy food could never do.
Something comes alive in a cat that is fully fed, which involves all of its sensi ...
If you feed your cat this way you know exactly what this means ..... if you never do it, you can't _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_see what it means to your feline friend, when that spark of carnivores in him comes to life ... reminding him to be a real feline! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Reasons to feed whole rather than ground pieces:
Teeth , gums and general oral health improved,
Increased digestibility
Greater control over food handling and sanitation
Less spread of food-borne bacteria
Less nutrient loss
Cheaper than commercial ground barf
There is no need to spend money on expensive electric meat grinders
The challenge of eating whole foods psychic engagement, restoration of the nature of the carnivore.
If by any chance, for some reason your cat does not have all of her teeth and you intend to feed her a raw diet, she will need to grind at least some, if not all, of the ingredients in her diet.
In this case, you can find a lot of info on the page dedicated to the recipes of mashed food HERE,
or you can visit
you can find recipes and tips for preparing meals which must include bones and organs.
Please remember, though, that there are some cats who no longer have all of their teeth, but still manage a chewing large enough pieces of meat.
Although a whole raw food diet based on the "natural prey" or "assembled pieces of prey" model is the most natural healthy way to feed i our cats, it is not a panacea for any or all diseases, nor should it be considered as such.
If your cat is sick, we recommend that you seek a veterinary nutritionist who will be able to advise you on the best diet for your cat. The material contained in this site is the opinion of the author and has been translated by me karin Pedrona, for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing written here is intended or should be regarded as a veterinarian's opinion, and the author assumes no responsibility for the reader's use or misuse of this information.
© 2010 Linda Zurig All rights reserved - Article translated by Karin Pedrona
SOURCE: Original article:
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L' Alimentazione a pezzi interi migliora la salute orale.
Nel corso del tempo, una dieta a base solo di alimenti tritati può causare placca e tartaro che inevitabilmente vanno a fissarsi sui denti, questo può causare irritazioni gengivali, che possono portare a una miriade di problemi ;come ad esempio gengive deboli, infiammate e malsane, che non possono così sostenere saldamente i denti causandone la perdita. Gengivite e malattie periodontali sono anche un'indicazione di una presenza cronica di una maggiore quantità di batteri malsani in bocca.
Questi batteri, regolarmente ingeriti, a loro volta influenzano l'intero sistema dell organismo. Nel corso del tempo, questo può essere un fattore importante che contribuisce all' insorgere di molte malattie sistemiche gravi.
Molte persone portano i loro gatti dal veterinario per la regolare pulizia dei denti.
Questa procedura è non solo costoso, ma è anche molto stressante per il gatto, e richiede l'anestesia, che porta sempre con sé un certo grado di rischio. Alimentare i gatti come natura vuole , nella maggior parte dei casi elimina la necessità di questa procedura.
Questo perché il "lavaggio naturale" e l'azione "filo interdentale" che è in grado di svolgere la carne cruda, le ossa polpose, il tessuto connettivo, aiuta a mantenere i denti bianchi e puliti, gengive rosa, sane e forti.
La Carne a pezzi cruda è più digeribile
Oltre alla questione della salute orale un altro punto a sfavore della carne macinata, è la questione della digestione.
L' alimento macinato agevola un ingerimento veloce del cibo da parte del gatto e poichè non c è bisogno di nessun sforzo per strappare, rompere, etcc. Serve davvero poco tempo al cibo per arrivare diretto nello stomaco che spesso non ha tempo di produrre gli acidi digestivi necessari. Tali pasti così veloci possono finire per causare irritazioni o indigestione.
Uno dei grandi vantaggi di alimentare con pezzi interi è che richiede un certo lavoro da parte delle mascelle e dei denti ; strappare via le fibre carnose ,recidere i tendini, sgranocchiare le ossa, strappare tutta la carne dalle ossa polpose richiede un certo tempo, appunto il tempo necessario allo stomaco per attivare i suoi succhi gastrici.
Progetto Naturale Invertito
Molte persone sono così abituati a "pensare" al cibo per gatti, come un patè, che decidono di acquistare i propri tritacarne elettrici e con grandi spese e macinare il proprio cibo crudo per i loro gatti usando diverse ricette. Un tale investimento di denaro e tempo sarebbe molto meglio spenderlo per preparare cibo crudo di alta qualità, siccome la qualità della carne con cui cibiamo i nostri animali domestici è "la chiave"
La manipolazione della carne , influisce diminuendo sensibilmente alcuni dei nutrienti naturalmente presenti nei cibi crudi, macinare aumenta la superficie della carne esposta all aria, che in questo modo viene attaccata più velocemente dai batteri che iniziano il loro lavoro , distruggendo aminoacidi essenziali per la vita del gatto.
Un altro vantaggio di alimentare con pezzi interi poco trasformati è il fatto che le loro sostanze nutritive rimangono sostanzialmente intatte.
La Barf macinata, sia preconfezionata o fatta in casa è, in sostanza, niente di più che un tentativo da parte dell' essere umano, di invertire il progetto che madre natura ha pensato per gli animali carnivori.
SE tutto questo non fosse una ragione sufficiente per non alimentare il vostro gatto una dieta pre-masticata, possiamo considerare le implicazioni mentali, fisiche e psicologiche complessive di alimentazione con cibi crudi interi.
L' alimentazione per il vostro gatto fatta con cibi interi, lo stimola, non solo coinvolgendolo nel processo di masticazione, ma vengono coinvolti tutti i muscoli; dalle zampe , al collo etcc. Masticare per come il suo corpo è stato progettato fa sì che si impegni in un modo che il solo leccare del cibo molliccio non potrebbe mai fare.
Qualcosa si anima in un gatto che è alimentato a pezzi interi che coinvolge tutti i suoi sensi...
Se nutrite il vostro gatto in questo modo sapete esattamente che cosa questo significa..... quando quella scintilla dei carnivori in lui RI-prende vita ricordandogli di essere un vero felino!
Attualmente c è un grande movimento del mercato attorno alla produzione di cibo macinato di tipo BARF per i nostri animali, insieme con gli altri motivi citati qui sopra, ce ne sono molti altri per non alimentare i nostri gatti con cibo commerciale tritato.
Una di queste ragioni ha a che fare con il controllo si ha sulle procedure di manipolazione del cibo che si acquista; non abbiamo idea di come il cibo che è stato utilizzato è stato gestito, che tipo impianto è stato usato, che tipo di procedure di sanificazione , quanto correttamente è stato mantenuto congelato dalla lavorazione fina a quando non è arrivato a casa nostra.
E a proposito di acquisti, in linea di massima, questi preparati contengono osso macinato e organi MA non è dato sapere quali siano le percentuali ed espongono solo la scritta: " adatto al cane e al gatto" come se avessero le stesse necessità nutrizionali !
Oltre a questo, molti preparati contengono anche molta verdure, frutta, riso e psyllum, che sono spesso utilizzati come riempitivi a buon mercato.
Dal momento che questi alimenti misti macinati , contengono spesso un sovradosaggio di osso e cartilagini , (perché le ossa sono più convenienti rispetto carne disossata) molti produttori includono regolarmente i vegetali e psyllium nelle loro ricette, perché se così non fosse, le quantità eccessive di osso ,causerebbe costipazione cronica nei nostri gatti.
In italia, ad oggi ( 25/10/2024) esiste "un solo produttore di BARF MACINATA" bilanciata e appositamente formulata per il gatto con carni di origine italiana , lavorata artigianalmente, ed è la Barf dell' azienda Mr. BARF ITALIA di Marco di Candia .LINK:----
( dichiaro di non avere interessi commerciali sul prodotto)
PROBLEMI: Denti, gengive, salute orale, digeribilità, soddisfazione, coinvolgimento psichico, ripristino della natura del carnivoro,
mantenimento del peso forma, obesità.
SOLUZIONE: PREVEDERE all' interno della DIETA l' inserimento di pezzi di carne interi, Quaglie, Essiccati di carne etcc..
PROBLEMI: Maggiore controllo sulla manipolazione, diffusione di batteri, perdita di nutrienti, scarsa qualità delle carni, prodotti non bilanciati esclusivamente per il gatto. ( i gatti hanno necessità nutrizionali molto diverse dal cane)
SOLUZIONE: 1) Scegliere un azienda ARTIGIANALE che produca prodotti esclusi , al posto di aziende COMMERCIALI.
SOLUZIONE: 2) Preparare in maniera Casalinga la BARF macinata, seguendo i corretti bilanciamenti per il gatto
Se non ti senti sicuro e senti la Necessità di un BARF COACH che ti aiuti passo a passo a transitare il gatto, comprare, gestire , preparare e somministrare la dieta BARF , puoi contattarmi privatamente via E-Mail : oppure telefonicamente al + 39 3894984632 - Sono Karin Pedrona “Tecnico della Dietetica e Nutrizione Veterinaria” Specializzata in Dieta BARF per il Gatto.
© 2010 Linda Zurig Tutti i diritti riservati - Articolo tradotto da Karin Pedrona
FONTE: articolo originale:
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