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How to protect our cats from accidental or voluntary falls

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58f-136bad5cof windows and balconies

gatto caduto dal balcone
gatto incastrato in finestra vasistas
gatto incastrato nelle finestre a ribalta

Original text, written by Karin Pedrona, the use of all or part of the text is prohibited.

I would like you to read these lines carefully and not underestimate.

More and more often it happens that purebred cats, especially curious breeds such as the Norwegian, die from stupid domestic accidents, which would have easily  could have been avoided. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The windows and balconies are a great joy and a source of well-being for our puppies but, at the same time, they are a source of great danger.

Above all, purebred puppies are not born from mothers used to getting by,   jump from trees, climb, have the perception of emptiness and measures,   run away due to a dog, and being exposed to dangers of various kinds.
Fortunately and unfortunately the purebred puppies,  are born from mothers who for generations have been protected  loved and respected by human beings, therefore these mothers are not able to_cc7 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ teach and above all SHOW, what which they can't do and don't do.
As you know, mothers are the reference point for puppies and teach them, as human mothers do with their children, everything they need to approach life, with all the appropriate recommendations. (go slowly with that scooter! :-D) it's a pity that no one can teach cats that a fall from the window can be fatal . they will never grow up to be able to learn it,  
(among other things there are cats with great relapses, precisely because the desire to escape and curiosity  is more_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_strong of danger that they do not perceive due to inexperience)

Not infrequently it has happened that a puppy or even  adult Norwegian (which like all cats  in the soul are great hunters), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_  a jump run is enough to catch a fly e  so so unaware, _cc781905-5 bbcde-3194_bad fell into the empty window.

Over the years, I have had friends in breeders  and families  who have adopted my cats, who have had very bad experiences ...

I often find myself talking about Agra, my mother's cat, which despite being 1.30 meters high

 di windowsill on which he had great margin not to fall, he wanted to sit right inside a vase of an orchid, which logically with the weight of the cat unbalanced and the cat fell from the 1st floor together with the vase, fortunately breaking only the front legs,   the upper lip and the teeth.

... If you don't even have  the mitigating factor of being on the first floor ... when the cat or puppy  falls, at best it dies .... yes , I said well, because in the second hypothesis ... he remains paralyzed and you will have to squeeze his bladder for life,   because they are easily paralyzed.


Speaking of the "vasistas", or also called "tilting" windows, we can speak

of real death traps :-(

When the animal tries to pass into the narrowest corner that forms at the base

of the window gets stuck and no longer has the ability to lean on

none of the legs, thus remaining in a suspended position that the

crushes the nerves and lungs with his every move to wriggle out . 

A terrible death therefore that can be avoided for example by closing the

basement windows with a wire mesh placed outside.

In apartments where there are cats, the tilting position of the windows

must be avoided.



> You can contact experts in the sector,   able to close balconies or windows even difficult problems, these experts in the sector move  in various regions of Italy, for example:

>   here you can buy here  special tilt window grilles

> You can buy DIY nets on retiprotezioni  , or on Zooplus,  .

> some photographs included in the album are do-it-yourself, others are of works made by specialized companies,   you will see the company logo in the photo itself


Original text, written by Karin Pedrona, the whole or partial use of the test is forbidden, to use it write to:

finestre basculanti pericolose per i gatti

Do it yourself solutions

Solutions made by professionals

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cosa dice la legge in merito alle reti sui balconi
Kiegira's Skog Genny.jpg
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© 2021  Disir Nornir by Karin Pedrona

Ethical and Amateur Breeding 

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All texts and photographs are the property of Karin Pedrona, partial or entire reproduction of texts and photographs is prohibited . 

Attention! Scams and image theft have been reported a miei damages by people posing as collaborators and using my images without authorization.

 l 'cattery  Disir Nornir, has no collaborators and does not entrust his puppies to shops. Always check by visiting the farm in person or by researching

on the  ANFI website , the existence of the farm.

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