The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF however does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be serious and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_ bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF, however, does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be severe and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
Vaccines and Antibody Titrations

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Willy Wonka

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Charlie Bucket

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Isak Sylvester

Titolazione Anticorpale Gatto Genny

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Cagliostro

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Maya Alexandra

Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Vamyr
All Disir Nornir cats underwent antibody titration for the year 2017 and were immune, despite being vaccinated 3 e_cc781905-5cde-136badd-136badd Years ago.
You can see antibody tests below:
(the originals signed by the veterinarian are visible on the farm)
Vaccination immunity, given by vaccines for cats and dogs, lasts at least 3 years, as stated in the 2015 WASA Guidelines- ( GUIDELINES)
Before revaccinating your cat, ask your veterinarian for an antibody test, as overvaccinating can be the cause of many diseases.
Vaccicheck, check if your cat is still covered for the 3 diseases for which you want to revaccinate him. ( VACCICHECK )
Vaccinations and antibody titration: for an informed choice.
Humans are vaccinated against viral diseases (such as measles, smallpox, polio, papilloma, etc ...) as children, up to 6/10 years and then never again since antibodies have been created and will protect during the course of the life towards those diseases.
The continued repetition of viral vaccinations will therefore be useless
We are only talking about diseases caused by viruses, therefore we exclude bacterial diseases (eg leptospirosis) or caused by spores such as tetanus for which a periodic recall is instead provided.
There are also strong suspicions on the possible harmfulness of the same (for some time we have been talking more and more frequently about the responsibility of vaccines in the onset of autism in children and recently the occurrence of post-vaccination deaths has aroused concern and discussions in the scientific field).
As in humans, vaccination in our pets also stimulates the creation of antibodies that will remain active in the body for a long time, even if variable.
And for the same reasons it is legitimate to think that the continuous repetition of useless vaccinations is in all probability, according to many scientific studies, harmful.
But what is the antibody titration? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_What is it for?
ANTI-BODY TITRATION is a simple blood sample. It is used to understand if the vaccinations carried out have given immunity to the animal. With a simple outpatient test you can know the immune coverage status of your pet, so if it is necessary to revaccinate or if you can suspend the annual vaccinations.
How much does the antibody titration cost?
The antibody titration costs approximately € 50.00 as much as a vaccine.
How long does vaccination immunity last?
Vaccination immunity, given by vaccines for cats and dogs, lasts at least 3 years, as stated in the 2015 WASA Guidelines- ( GUIDELINES)
Where can I find a veterinarian who performs antibody titration?
You can find a veterinarian titling antibody in this site, by selecting your region you can choose the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136905_bad5cf58d closest to you -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ armonieanimali.com
When should cats be vaccinated? When do the recall of the vaccine of our cat?
Let's see together now when it is necessary to vaccinate the cat and what are the WSAVA guidelines for the vaccination of the cat.
The vaccines considered CORE, therefore to be given to all cats, are those that protect against feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV, Feline Panleukopenia), infectious Rhinotracheitis virus (FHV-1, Feline HerpesVirus type 1) and calicivirus (Feline Calicivirus, FCV). Also in this case the vaccines are defined as core, and therefore highly recommended, because the diseases against which they protect are highly contagious and serious (Panleukopenia) or disabling for the life of the animal (herpes and calicivirus).
As for two core cat vaccines, however, these do not offer as solid protection as canine core vaccines. In fact, of the 3 we mentioned above, only the one for the Panleukopenia protects for a long time (like that for the dog parvirus, of which among other things it is a very close relative) , while Herpesvirosi e Calicivirosi_Herpesvirosi e Calicivirosi bbc781-bad5 year need for our high risk For house cats ("low risk cats"), on the other hand, all three cores can be recalled NOT more frequently than every 3 years.
The vaccine NON CORE most important of the cat is the one against the Leukemia_Leucemia-136bad5cf58d_Leucemia-136b 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_FeLV). This vaccine must be carefully evaluated especially for "high risk" cats, that is, for those cats who live both indoors and out and who may have frequent contact with other cats. In case it is decided that "the game is worth the candle", the vaccine for FeLV must be richiamato every year. Important: before starting the vaccination protocol for FeLV it is definitely advisable to test our cat for that virus with one of the rapid tests on the market: if the virus is already present it will be useless to vaccinate!
For the kitten, as for the puppy, it is valid the rule of design the vaccination protocol in such a way as to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cupd period " -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in which the antibodies taken with the colostrum are still too present to guarantee that the vaccine will work, but too little present to guarantee protection. Unlike the dog, however, carrying out an antibody titration can be quite complex. First of all certainly due to the greater difficulty and the high degree of stress that a blood draw in a cat entails. Secondly (but not too much), also because if it is true that finding antibodies to Panleukopenia means that the kitten is protected from this disease, this is not true for Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirosis: the kitten may not have circulating antibodies BUT still have good protection. , there is no correlation.
What are the risks of vaccinating cats?
As we had already mentioned here , cats are unfortunately particularly prone to a type of tumor, called feline injection site sarcoma (FISS). This type of tumors, particularly infiltrating and malignant, has been correlated quite clearly with the injection of drugs, including vaccines. It seems that localized chronic inflammation can initiate a malignant transformation, although obviously NOT all cats develop FISS (approximately 1: 5000 according to some data). The vaccines most at risk are those that contain adjuvants, i.e. substances that enhance the effect of the vaccine. So, what can be the indications to avoid this problem? First of all, vaccinate and in any case give the cat as few drugs as possible by injection! The choice of the type of vaccine and the place of administration will then be another aspect that your Vet will take into account.
The worst place to inject any drug into a cat: between the shoulder blades!
SOURCES_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _: _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
- http: //vaccicheck.com/about-vaccicheck/