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  • Dieta barf gatti-come iniziare | gatti norvegesi

    Dieta Barf per gatti, come iniziare, come transitare da alimenti industriali a alimentazione naturale- Passare da crocchette a carne, alimentazione per gatti TRANSIZIONE BARF DEL GATTO FEEDING BARF CAT ATTENTION: This article is not a guide to follow to the letter, take the articles as a starting point to find the best path for you and your friend. If the cat is not healthy you will have to contact a nutritionist who will formulate a diet barf suitable for your cat and its problem . 1) THE CATS AND THE BARF START THE CAT ON A DIET WITH BONES AND RAW MEAT Kittens and some adult cats instinctively recognize natural raw food the very first time it is offered to them. Unfortunately, however, most adult cats who are offered a raw meat and bone diet tend to be unenthusiastic and need some encouragement. Change can probably be a bit problematic and therefore we need to know how to move. Do you usually shake the packet of fish croquettes before pouring them into the bowl? What do you tell the cat when it comes running? Food rituals may be different, but the timing, taste, texture, sight, sound and smell all play a role. Your cat is most likely attached to these strong stimuli, and you, as the care giver, have probably gotten used to the way that works best for you. You literally fueled the addiction. Now imagine the future with your lithe feline crouching hunting chicken necks, quail and whole raw fish. If your cat is young and healthy, you can initiate the change… however, if your cat is overweight, has dental or other problems, you may want to consult your vet before starting a different diet. Preventing access to food for 12 hours is an essential first step. Instead, starting a once-a-day routine, say at 6 p.m., the biological clock will soon synchronize and its anatomy, physiology and behavior will line up, at the same time, in the kitchen. Once the new routine is established, the transition to the new food can begin. There are several “tricks” that can be useful both individually and in combination. A hungry cat will most want to sniff, lick, and eventually eat the new food, so cut back on the amount of canned or dry food. (Do not leave your cat without food for more than 20 hours). Establish only one food, such as chicken, that you want your cat to get used to. The taste and texture of raw food are two things you need to get your cat used to. (Chewing on the bones comes next). Then cut a few strips of chicken and cover them in the bowl with the food on the market. In the following days the quantity of raw meat and decrease that of the croquettes. When raw meat is fully accepted, try increasing the size of the pieces until the chicken necks and wings completely replace the chicken strips. Over the next few days, keep giving less and less commercial food, increasing the amount of raw food. Another trick is to lightly sear the meat (never the bones!) In the pan or under the grill.You can try mixing the liquid from the canned fish with the meat or sprinkle it with crumbled croquettes. You could tempt your fussy feline by making deep cuts in the skin and flesh of chicken wings and bobbins and stuffing them with canned food. You can try tying a chicken wing to a string and playing catch it. If you have multiple cats, they compete and learn from each other. Perseverance pays off, and ten days is enough time for a difficult cat to switch to the new diet. It is best to get your cat used to eating chicken before introducing quail, rabbit, fish, birds or similar food into the diet. In that case, another dose of patience and tricks may be needed… STILL PROBLEMS? Rule # 1: This is not a competition It is critically important that the transition to a new healthy diet occurs very very slowly. The cat has a unique metabolism. If you make dietary changes too quickly, there is a good chance that the cat will simply stop eating, because the new food does not meet its wishes. If you fast, you run the risk of developing a life-threatening condition called hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease . That's why you shouldn't even consider making an instant switch from old food to a healthier one. Despite what you may believe, your cat doesn't necessarily eat when hungry. It is known that cats can also starve to refuse a certain type of food. If your cat refuses to eat and develops liver lipid, it will be very tiring to try to save it, and there is no guarantee of success. The last thing you want is a deadly sick cat, a very high vet bills, or the terrible sorrow of losing your furry cat . Please take this advice seriously. Switch very slowly to a healthier diet for your cat calmly. If your cat is a "tough guy" be prepared to spend at least six months, or even a year, switching to the raw food diet. Your consistency, determination, patience - a lot of patience - and even the tricks, one day will pay off . Rule # 2: given a choice, the cat will make the wrong one. There are lots of comments on the HealthyPets forum (which we thank!) From cat owners begging for help in getting their pets to eat better quality food. The point is that the cat is not instinctively inclined to eat healthy food, and this is even more true if it is used to fatty, resulting and poor quality foods. Faced with the choice between his usual processed, very fatty, salt-filled croquettes and a meal that is suitable for the species, alive and raw, your strayed cat will choose the first and turn up his nose at the food he has in really need it for his own good. Your feline companion is an obligate carnivore. If he lived outside alone, he would hunt and eat mice. Cats are "programmed" to eat mice because mice provide exactly the type of protein and amount of fluids felines thrive on . How many of us in the field of animal care, including the American Association of Cat Practitioners (AAFP), who encourage cat owners to switch their pets from dry to wet food, do so because wet food is more like to your cat's natural diet. This reduces biological stress, which in turn reduces the potential for disease. Many dry cat foods are inexpensive. They certainly are affordable. And they sustain life. But they are neither biologically appropriate nor appropriate for the species . Feline renal failure - an all too common, debilitating and sometimes fatal condition - is often encountered in cats that have lived in chronic dehydration for their entire lives due to a dry food diet. 2) LET'S TALK ABOUT PERCENTAGES! DAILY QUANTITY, suggested: Kittens: 80-100 gr / kg CURRENT weight / al of (divided into 3 to 4 meals per) Adult cat: 30-40 gr / kg IDEAL weight / above (divided into 2 meals per day) Pregnant / lactating cat: 60-80 gr / kg weight al di If the cat loses too much weight, it is remedied by giving more food, and / or by inserting foods with a higher fat value, if the cat gains too much weight it is remedied by giving less food. SUGGESTED POWER PERCENTAGES: 15-20% bones pulpose (OP) 15-20% heart 8-10% liver 4-6% other organs 58- 44% boneless meat (CSO) WARNING: Raw pork is ALWAYS recommended, as cats are very susceptible to Aujezsky's virus, a 100% lethal disease. The percentages indicated above are purely guidelines, they are adjusted according to the needs of each individual subject. For neo-barfists the pulpy bones (OP) can be: chicken necks, chicken wings / bats, chicken carcass, quail carcass, rabbit carcass. The thighs of the above-mentioned animals are harder / denser, and once the cat can digest the softer OPs well (observe the possible presence of ossicles in the faeces and / or vomitings in an assairicurrent way). Eventually, at the beginning, the hardest OPs can be crushed by hitting them with a heavy hammer. (Covering the OP with a rag, to avoid splattering of meat) Boneless meat (CSO) could be of any type, for example breast / rump of chicken / turkey, stew of beef, lamb, dianitra, head of beef, etc etc. The choice is wide. Organs: you can administer hearts, livers, gizzards (durelli) of chicken, turkey, rabbit, duck, guinea fowl, beef, veal, lamb etc etc… The liver consists of approx. 3-5% of the total menu, the heart approx. 8-10% of the total on the menu, the rest of the organs can be gizzards (durelli), kidney, lung etc, so on and on and on and on. Also could be included in the diet: oily fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon etc) whole eggcrude, with shell, dairy products, fish oil, some green tripe, some raw vegetables and blended or cooked and NOT blended (both not necessary, but if likes can be offered without any problem). The fish, if desired, can be given in the measure of approx. 5-10% of the total amount. Prefer blue fish, as it is rich in omega 3. (Fish maximum about 10%, of which maximum about 5% blue fish) The more the type of CSO and OP varies, the better it is for the cat's health. For example, you could have a rabbit or duck meal (OP), adding horse, lamb or beef (CSO), chicken organs, an egg and yoghurt. Again, this is just an example !!!! Nothing prevents you from diversifying and balancing instead over a week or two. Considering the fact that the cat is a predator of small prey, such as mice, birds, rabbits / hares, insects, reptiles, lizards, etc. we try to imitate this supply as much as possible. In any case, the cat can also eat beef, lamb, deer and other large animals CSO. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

  • Arriva il cucciolo | gatti norvegesi

    Il cucciolo sta per arrivare nella nuova casa, come prepararsi? quali sentimenti prova il gattino? come approcciarsi con lui? come farlo incontrare ai bambini? WHEN A KITTEN ARRIVES IN THE FAMILY: How do you understand what the puppy is feeling right now? How do you know if everything is fine e which sensazioni test? Will you be happy to be with us? Will he be able to settle in our home? Surely, soon, the little frightened kitten will become master absolute of your home and it will seem to you that he is always lived with you, but this over time. Now the little one needs to acquire security and only you, with your calm and your pazienza you can infuse it. It is obvious that for you who have brought it to your home with so much love that wad of fur is a source of pleasant emotions and great happiness. The children of the house, if you have any, will be very excited and impatient to be able to cuddle the kitten and it will not be easy to reign calm, which at this moment is, however, absolutely essential. A day like any other can truly become a special day if that day, in your home, a kitten arrives, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cfina we do not know and who does not know us. This premise summarizes our emotions, but he, the protagonist, the object of so much attention, what is he feeling at this moment? Let's imagine for a moment that we are in his shoes to try to understand him and make this passage as sweet as possible. We keep in mind that he with his mother and his siblings was fine and had no intention of changing residence. He is afraid, he finds himself alone with people he does not know, the environment in which he was born and lived is no longer there, there is no longer even the reassuring presence of a mother cat under whose belly you could run to take refuge in case of danger and then fall asleep happily to the echo of its purr. Those were good times! But what is happening now? He was put in a pet carrier and then, probably, in a car, sounds and noises frighten him and after the journey he will enter a house that is also unknown. he will hide, if he refuses food and does not use the litter box, all this is normal and, unfortunately, inevitable in the acclimatization phase, but we can really make a difference, our attitude, respect and sweetness that we will be able to use towards this creature, not only will it help him to overcome this difficult moment, but it will guarantee us a happy coexistence with a serene and balanced cat.The cat is, in fact, a very sensitive animal and its psyche, especially during childhood , is very prone to suffering trauma which can become very difficult to remove in the future.The password when the puppy arrives home is: CALM. The quieter the environment and the minimized noises, the easier it will be for the kitten to enter. As soon as you enter the house, place the pet carrier on the ground, in a secluded place, open the door slowly and observe from a safe distance (escape distance 2-3 meters). Remember that he does not know you and that, therefore, in his eyes, you represent a danger. His concern at this moment is safety and his atavistic instinct constantly sends him danger signals. The reaction, however, is not always immediate and not always the same, a lot also depends on the character of our kitten. There are puppies that need two or more days to relax, while others, more self-confident, already eat and play quietly the same evening. In most cases, however, the kitten remains motionless for several minutes curled up in the bottom of the carrier. Once it is ascertained that everything around him remains quiet, slowly, slowly he gets up and gestures timid steps towards the outside, his belly almost touches the ground and the gait is plush, all his senses are at maximum tension and any noise. even if weak, it makes him jump. With caution he looks out at the exit, towards the outside world and his nose, at the maximum of activity he tries to catch some familiar smell. The whiskers constantly move like radars in all directions and his eyes look for a safe place to hide. Let him do it, give him time to metabolize it all. Do not be tempted to go to meet him, this would be a very wrong move on your part, remember the "escape distance" and respect it. Probably he, after an initial moment of bewilderment, will run to hide in the place that will seem safest to him, under a sofa or under a bed and he will want to stay there until he feels more serene. It must be borne in mind that nature has wanted him this way, distrustful of everything that is unknown and that he must necessarily obey what his instinct imposes on him. Indulge him, always remember that the cat has no owners, the more you try to force him, the more he will rebel against you. He accepts you as you are, but he expects the same from you. You have to think that nature has given him all the weapons to look after himself without anyone's help, so he doesn't even remotely think he needs you. Unlike the dog that needs to belong to a pack in order to live, the cat is an individualist par excellence. His affection is never as obvious as that of the dog, obtaining it is an achievement that once achieved will be the greatest reward for our efforts. So be indifferent, surely in a short time you will see him reappear, always stealthy, but certainly less frightened. The stomach that sooner or later will claim and the innate curiosity of the cat will do the rest, especially if under his little face, the master, will make a ribbon move slowly and slowly and when he approaches, slowly, a friendly hand will gently caress him. It may be that in the face of so much confidence he will try to take refuge again in his hiding place. Nothing wrong with that, from his point of view, prudence is never too much, but if he won't do it and will allow you to keep touching him, know that the best is done at this point. Calmly try to pick him up by lifting him from under the belly and bring him close to the chest. He will sneak under your clothes, feel the heat of your body and your heart beating, just like that of the mother cat and this situation will remind him of when he slept curled up with his siblings. Caress him with confidence, your hand reminds him of the maternal licks, if when you touch his neck you exert a slight squeeze behind the ears you will give him a little thrill of pleasure, in fact, when the cat has to move her kittens, she grabs them with her mouth behind the neck and lifts them. This gesture of love causes the puppy to abandon itself completely. When you feel relaxed, a scratch under the chin will almost certainly trigger the start of a purr concert and a languid gaze will meet your gaze. Now the road is open, the relationship of trust begins to be established, from here to eternal love the step will be short, just abandon yourself in the wonderful eyes of your cat. Good life my puppies !! Karin - Disir Nornir Kennel Written by: Brunetti and Stroscio Veterinary Clinic

  • Privacy | gatti norvegesi

    Privacy and Cookie Policy di Privacy and cookie policy created da STUDIOBIA Cookie Policy Information provided to the interested party when collecting common and sensitive personal data pursuant to Regulation 679/2016. The computer systems and applications dedicated to the operation of this website detect, during their normal operation, some data (the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) not associated with directly identifiable users. With reference to the recent provision "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies - May 8, 2014" published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of 3 June 2014, the discipline relating to the use of so-called "cookies" is specifically described - as well as other similar technologies such as web beacons / web bugs, clear_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_GIF, pixel tag, etc. - in the various terminals used by users who visit our website (personal computer, tablet, smatphone, etc.). Cookies are used to improve the services we offer you. Some are strictly necessary for the functionality of the site, while others allow you to optimize its performance and to offer a better user experience. cookies, what type of cookies this website uses, how you can uninstall them in your browser and how to specifically block the so-called "third party" cookies. The use of cookies by the owner of this site è Karin Pedrona_cc781905-5cde-3194_badd-136cbadd headquarters in Via strada per piazza 10, 43045 Sivizzano - Parma (Pr) Italy - hereinafter referred to as "site or website" for brevity - is part of the Privacy Policy of the same ; for all information required by articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR 679/2016 and subsequent national adaptation rules. by Karin Pedrona uses cookies to offer its simple and efficient services to users while browsing and consulting its pages. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer, or on other navigation-enabled devices such as smartphones or tablets, when you visit a website. 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We invite users to read the Privacy Policy regularly, to check the updated information and decide whether or not to continue using the services offered.

  • maschi norvegesi delle foreste

    gatto maschio silver norvegese delle foreste TINGOSKATTENs JARL _cc781905-5cde -3194- bb5894_ISbad5c3 -owner WORLD'S Cattery -Milano Italy Scan Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Issued by Claudio Bussadori Dates 21/11/18 (age 1.4.15) Result Normal - - - RDA (PCR) Date 12/2/2019 Chlamydya- Herpes- Chalices- Mycoplasma Result Negative - - - * Pedigree * Tingoskattens Jarl, M, NFO ns 24, 06/07/17, NO / IT Father: NW SC Sakeena's Aston Martin, JW Mother: Tingoskattens Zona

  • Carattere | gatti norvegesi

    Il gatto Norvegese delle Foreste è una creatura fiera e maestosa, con un cuore grande e gentile, con i suoi occhi penetranti e il portamento elegante, incarna la bellezza selvaggia. È un compagno leale e giocoso, che ama esplorare e arrampicarsi. Nonostante il suo aspetto forte e robusto , è dolce e affettuoso, sempre pronto a fare le fusa accanto a te.dolcissimo con i bambini, la sua presenza calma e rassicurante trasforma ogni casa in un luogo accogliente e pieno d'amore the Character of the Norwegian Cat Until you have loved a Norwegian Cat a part of your soul will always be without light ... LOVING PROUD JOYFUL BOLD CLUMSY PARTICIPATES GOOD GARBATO STUBBORN OUTGOING ADVENTED IMPRUDENT FRIENDLY SENSITIVE PATIENT STUBBORN COMMUNICATIVE ELEGANT PRICKLY As a first note on the Norwegian Cat character I absolutely want to dispel a hard-to-die myth: " the male is more cuddly than the female or vice versa" This is absolutely false! sex does not determine the degree of affection. Often when you start looking for a cat, the question that arises is: Male or Female? It could easily happen to commit the error of relying on previous experience looking for "that affection" in the same sex as the previous cat, NOTHING MORE WRONG. You will soon realize if you come to visit me! My female cats are extremely affectionate, cuddly, outgoing, as are the males. What makes the difference is not the sex of the cat, but the time you will dedicate to interacting with her / him, obviously if you relate without prejudice, this will allow you to grasp other nuances of character, which are _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_typical of that individual and perhaps, you will be amazed by feeling in harmony with a male, rather than a female. Being affectionate is one of the typical characteristics of this breed, both males and females alike. Who has never met him live and observes him from a photograph, due to his size, his proud appearance and his look so "feline" _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ may have the impression that the Norwegian Forest Cat is a detached cat .... cold ... But it will be enough to meet him live only once, to have a totally different perception and to grasp his infinite sweetness. The Norwegian cat does not meow but emits a sound similar to a trill or to the sound emitted by lynxes, it has a great ability to modulate its voice based on what it wants to express ... (we just have to find the translator! " :-D) To show us or ask for affection, the Norwegian cat invents them all, from supon a table to get to give the typical little heads, small bites, or to use his trotters to make us a caress _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_o to touch us to attract our attention ..... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5ccc3 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 1_cc7819094-badd5-136bcc5_b58f5-3194-badd5-136bcc5_ -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badc5cf58d5-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d5 -1394c5-3194c5905-3194c5-3194c5-3194c5-3194d81-3194b905 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc7819094-badd5-136bcc5__cc7819094-5cde-136badc5-3194-badd-136bcc5_ 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (page under construction, come back to visit us ....)

  • Smoke e Silver | gatti norvegesi

    colorazione dei gatti norvegesi, silver, smoke, shaded, causati da un gene che scolora il pelo partendo dalla base, colorandolo dei toni dell argento. ( esistono 2 teorie) SILVER AND SMOKE "Il gene that makes the Norwegians shine" In some Norwegian cats the brindle design contrasts, instead of on the usual yellowish background on a background white / bright silver; in others, when they walk, the hair opening reveals the sparkle of an icy fog. These cats are always a sight e depending on the design of the coat called_bsc7905-bbc3b3-81d81-3194b9905-bbc3cc3-3194bd81-136b905-3194bd81-136bcc3 -136bad5cf58d_ (smoke), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Silver (silver), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d7_Shaded5-136bad5cf58d_Shaded5-136bad5cf58d_Shaded5 Whatever name they are given, they all have one feature in common: the presence of a gene that makes the pigment at the base of the hair disappear completely, the area closest to the skin of cats where the hair is already normally less densely colored due to the effect of body heat on the melanin granules. The gene in question is dominant, and is indicated with the letter "I" capital Smoke, Silver and Shaded obviously can exist on all colors of Norwegians. Below you will see a large gallery of images. SMOKE: Cats are called "Smoke" in which the "I" gene, which discolours the hair at the base, is present on a "NOT TIGERED" cat The root of the hair (from 1/3 to half of the length) is silver white, while the rest is colored: the stationary cat seems to be solid in color, only when it moves can you see the contrast at the base of the hair. Often one can notice a gray shade of the black fur which forms a rich silver colored ruff. Smoke puppies often have a brindle pattern (phantom brindle), which usually disappears within the first year of life. SILVER Cats are called Silver in which the "I" gene that discolors the hair at the base is present on a "TIGRATO" cat The tab design which often includes darker and lighter bands, usually yellowish, in the presence of the silver gene, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbcfb-136d of a very bright ice white, on which the design will stand out in a particular way. Often on puppies, up to the age of 5/6 weeks is not easily recognizable. Photo gallery of SMOKE cats with and without white Photo gallery of SILVER cats with and without white Hints of Genetics Feline genetics: a combinatorial approach Massimo Picardello University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Department of Mathematics 00133 Rome, Ital y The silver colors (smoke, silver). We now turn to the silver-colored varieties: smoke, silver tabby, shaded silver and chinchilla (and their pheomelanistic equivalents, sometimes called cameo). In these varieties, the base of the hair is depigmented, silver white, without traces of reddish tones. In some silver tabbies, however, the color reaches the root of the hair in the brindle areas. Silver tabbies are brindle cats whose agouti areas are a livid silver hue, with high contrast to brindle. Chinchillas have no traces of branding (in the case of an ideal specimen), and only the tips of the hair are colored (tipping). In shaded, the color on the tips of the hair covers about one third of the length (often less). In the smoke, the silver part is between a third and the initial half of the hair, the rest is colored. The one-gene theory In the past, a single main gene, , was considered responsible for silver colors. indicated with I (inhibitor), responsible for the braking action on the production of pigment and also for the elimination of the reddish shades typical of eumelanistic colors, especially in the agouti areas of brown tabbies. The mechanism by which a single gene can produce such different color varieties is as follows. Smokes are non-agouti cats, and the I gene lightens and bruises the base of the coat, giving it a pure silver color, evenly over the whole body. The braking action of the pigmentation produced by this gene can be limited to about a third of the hair, or be greater, reaching the middle of the hair or slightly beyond. All other silver varieties are agouti. Chinchillas and shaded are agouti with a ticked pattern. (Important warning: Chinchilla or shaded silver puppies often display a mackerel or classic [= blotched] phantom pattern, which disappears as they grow. This does not mean that these puppies are not genetically ticked. Ghost bands are common in ticked puppies: ad for example, they are sometimes seen in the Abyssinians. At most, the presence of phantom stripes may be an indication that the cub is heterozygous for the ticked pattern, but this is not necessarily true). Gene I lightens the base of the hair, but without its effect the hair would not have been all pigmented: there would have been various agouti bands, lighter. The action of I brightens the brown tones of these bands and transforms them into silver as well. Since the lightening due to the inhibition at the base combines with the further silvering of the agouti bands above the cut level of the inhibitory action, the percentage of silver hair extends, and reaches about two thirds in the case that the gene I operate in a mild way (shaded silver), and on all the hair except the tip (the last band of color of the ticked hair) in case the action of I is accentuated (chinchilla). That the chinchilla and shaded silver of eumelanistic colors are agouti is also clear from the fact that the skin of their nose is brick red (or deep pink) with the typical external border of brindle. Finally, the silver tabbies are brindle with a classic (blotched) or mackerel / spotted pattern. it is clear that the action of gene I is much more visible on the agouti areas than on the markings of the brindle, and this gives rise to the brindle design with very high contrast. But just by examining the silver tabbies we see that the genetic explanation of silver colors cannot be based on a single gene. In fact, if this were the case, the brindle markings should be lightened at the base, as in the smoke. But if on the one hand we see silver tabbies of this type, on the other hand we see many others in which the color reaches the root in the brindle areas. Geneticist Roy Robinson, in his well-known book Genetics for Cat Breeders (Cambridge, 1972, 2nd edition), suggests that on brindle areas the action of color filling overpowers silver lightening. But this seems strange, given that on smoke, where the same action occurs on the whole body, the opposite occurs. In any case, it would not be possible to explain why in some silver tabbies there is basic lightening in the brindle areas and in others not. The two-gene theory The most modern theories - see the articles by J. Jerome, TICA Trend vol. 13 n. 6 (Dec. 1992 / Jan. 1993) pg. 14 and TICA Yearbook 12 (1991), pg. 218- assert that two distinct genes act on silver, one responsible for the inhibition of the pigmentation at the base of the hair, the other for the elimination of reddish tones (bleaching, bleaching). We will call this second gene the "silver gene" (Sv). The inhibition gene, on the other hand, we will indicate with I, warning the reader on the fact that some recent texts denote with Sh the mild form of the inhibition gene, responsible for the shaded mantle, and with Ch the intense form, responsible for the chinchilla mantle . But there is insufficient evidence that the difference between the two effects is due to two alleles of the inhibiting gene rather than the action of a group of supporting polygens, and indeed the transition from shaded to chinchilla mantle is quite gradual. than net. Therefore we will not refer here to the alleles Sh and Ch, confident that the reader can now easily adapt the conclusions to the context of articles or books that instead refer to them. Therefore, in these notes we do not distinguish genotypically shaded silvers and chinchilla, attributing the difference to secondary polygens. At this point, the correspondence between the color varieties seen above and their genotypes is clear: Smoke: aa I- Sv - Shaded silver and chinchilla: A- TaTa I- Sv - Silver tabby mackerel / spotted: A- TT I- Sv - if the root of the hair in the brindle areas is silver (silver tabby shell or shaded, depending on whether the silvering is accentuated or reduced); branding is not silver. Silver tabby classic (blotched): A- TT ii Sv - if the hair root in the areas of A- tbtb I- Sv - if the root of the hair in the brindle areas is silver (silver tabby shell or shaded, depending on whether the silvering is accentuated or reduced); branding is not silver. A- tbtb ii Sv - if the hair root in the areas of We have indicated the ticked design gene in shaded and chinchilla as homozygous because the dominance of the design genes is only partial. For example, the TaT combination produces a hybrid design, with diffuse ticking partially superimposed on a mackerel design (mainly on the legs and tail, but often a little also on the flanks). If this is the genotype, the uniformity of the tipping is lost. Of course, cats with these characteristics would still be registered as shaded or chinchilla, but their color would be less consistent with the standard. It should be noted that an ideal silver tabby does not need the action of the inhibition gene I to achieve a perfect contrast between base areas and stripes. In fact, the silver Sv gene lightens and transforms the agouti bands of the hair in the base areas into a pure silver color, which therefore results silvery and livid. Furthermore, the absence of the shading gene I causes the brindle areas to be intensely colored up to the root, increasing the contrast, especially on black silver tabbies, where the elimination of reddish tones makes the black color more intense. is alive. Other color varieties predicted by the two-gene theory; the golden If we substituted genotype I- with genotype ii in shaded and chinchilla, we would obtain A- TaTa ii Sv-. Phenotypically, these cats should be silver ticked tabby in the variant ii, not shaded, that is, with a black band at the beginning of the hair, in contact with the skin. However, it does not appear that these cats were ever produced (see below for further comments). Similarly, if you do the same in the smoke, you get aa ii Sv-, which phenotypically corresponds to solid cats but without traces of rufousing, that is, reddish shades of the hair in eumelanistic colors, or warm tones in pheomelanistic colors. These cats can be obtained by crossing silvers heterozygous for the I gene. If cats of this type are then further crossed with each other, kittens of genotype ii sv sv can be born. From a line of smokes (non-agouti), normal solids are obtained in this case; from a line of shadeds or chinchillas, let's say homozygous agouti AA TaTa, normal ticked tabbies are obtained (like the Abyssinians; however all the shaded and chinchillas are selected against rufousing, that is in favor of polygens of redness of the hair that favor the more bruised, and therefore cannot be expected to obtain, from shaded parents or heterozygous chinchilla Ii Sv sv, ticked tabby puppies with warm reddish tones of the Abyssinians). But if instead shaded or chinchilla heterozygous for Sv and the inhibitor gene I are crossed, it will be possible to obtain puppies with the I-sv sv genotype. These puppies will be ticked tabby with the base of the hair lighter, but without the bruises produced by the sv gene (but still with not too bright reddish tones, due to the polygenic selection against rufousing). The base shade will be gold instead of red. This variety of color, in the eumelanistic versions, is called shaded golden. The corresponding pheomelanistic varieties are too close in phenotype to red (or cream) ticked tabbies to be classified as a variety in their own right. Similarly, golden tabbies can be obtained by crossing silver tabbies heterozygous for the Sv gene. Here are the genotypes of golden, compared to those of brown tabbies: Shaded golden and chinchilla golden (golden shell): A- TaTa I- sv sv Golden tabby mackerel / spotted: A- TT I- sv sv (note that the root of the hair in the brindle areas is depigmented: golden tabby shell or shaded, depending on whether the depigmentation is accentuated or reduced); Brown mackerel / spotted tabby: A- TT ii sv sv (the root of the hair in the brindle areas is not depigmented.); Golden classic (blotched) tabby: A-tbtb I-sv sv (note that the root of the hair in the brindle areas is depigmented: golden tabby shell or shaded, depending on whether the depigmentation is accentuated or reduced); Brown classic (blotched) tabby: A- tbtb ii sv sv (the root of the hair in the brindle areas is not depigmented.). Unverified predictions of the two-gene theory The reader must be warned that this genetic pattern is not entirely satisfactory. In fact, from it we deduce the existence of phenotypes not observed so far. For example, the aa I-sv sv genotype should correspond to a "golden smoke", ie a smoke with a base color of gold rather than silver. But to date, a cat with the color of golden but non-agouti has not been produced. Therefore, it may be assumed that the sv gene is inactivated on non-agouti cats. In this case, the genotypic difference between solid eumelanistic cats with or without traces of rufousing would be due only to the action of polygens. As already observed, also for the silvers (not golden) there is a dubious phenotype: the one corresponding to the genotype A- TaTa ii Sv-. It should be silver cats but not shaded, that is without depigmentation at the base, and with ticked design. As already observed, under the action of gene I the agouti bands become silver, and for example it is possible to see the effect of multiple alternating silver and black bands in the agouti areas of the black silver tabbies mackerel or blotched not depigmented at the base. But in case the design is ticked, we should have a phenotype with all the fur with alternating silver and black bands, and black at the base (in case the base color is black, of course). It is not known that cats of this type were ever produced. It can perhaps be assumed that the Sv gene is active only if gene I is active, and in fact it modifies and reinforces its action. The two additional assumptions we have made in this section in order to "rescue" the two-gene theory are equivalent to assuming that the entire Sv / sv allelic series is inactive except if gene I is present. No research has been done yet. experimental enough to confirm this conjecture. The theory of the golden factor If this last conjecture is true, in fact the two-gene theory becomes equivalent to another genetic model, which was introduced before the theory based on two independent genes. In this previous model, golden were explained by introducing, however, an additional gene g, whose epistatic action causes golden color instead of silver at the base of the silver coat (as is done to explain the Maltese dilution starting from gene B, with the addition of an epistatic gene d). The dominant allele G has no effect (does not cause a golden color at the base). Finally, it should be noted that the Sv gene causes a lack of rufousing in eumelanistic colors, but much less in pheomelanistic ones. There are red smokes and red shaded silvers whose tipping is quite hot red (especially in smokes). The golden theory = brown ticked tabby Another genetic scheme that was considered consisted in identifying the golden ones with simple cats of ticked tabby color (whose design is ticked all over, without any stripe of brindle; in TICA it is called "agouti tabby"). In fact, because the color of the coat is sensitive to temperature, it is almost always true that ticked tabby cats have a lighter coat base (open the coat of an Abyssinian!), And often the golden and ticked tabby phenotypes are difficult. to distinguish. Faced with the difficulties indicated above, deriving from the two-gene model of silver colors, this simple conjecture that golden is nothing other than ticked tabby is suggestive. In fact, the only phenotypic trait that this theory does not explain is the fact that some ticked tabbies are not very clear at the base while others (the golden ones) are very clear, but perhaps the difference could be attributed to the action of a group. of modifier polygens. Despite the difficulties, however, we will continue the discussion based on the two-gene theory, because it gives the most satisfactory explanation for the existence of two types of silver tabbies: those with black tabby areas up to the root and those with depigmented tabby areas. at the base of the hair. However, we observe that, as regards the most important phenotypic traits, this theory that identifies golden with ticked tabbies provides the same percentages of probability for crosses as the two-gene theory. The Broadband Gene Theory Finally, alternative theories have recently been considered in which two genes appear, but with different effects from what has been said above (contributions by H. Lorrimer on the Internet Fancier's List, March-April 1995). In fact, one gene is still the silvering (rufousing elimination) silver gene, but the other would be a gene that causes broadening of the light bands in agouti hair, called wide-band (Wb). However, it should be noted that, due to the large degree of variability in the length of the tipping, it would be more appropriate to speak of a group of broadband branding polygens. In this theory, the problem related to the fact that golden are only agouti (golden smokes are not observed) is obviously solved, but on the other hand the smokes are not explained, which are not only silver (i.e. without rufousing), but also lightened at the base. As these are non-agouti cats, this aspect of their phenotype cannot be due to genes that widen the clear agouti bands. On the other hand, a variant of this theory can be used to justify a theory advanced in some books: that chinchillas and shaded silver are not necessarily of ticked design. The ticked design, together with the silver inhibiting action, ensures that the color is limited to the tip of the hair (tipping). For g | the other designs this would not be the case, and furthermore the length of the tipping would be far from uniform. But if the agouti bands were dilated by a group of wide-band polygens, and then silvered by the silver gene, then the tipping would be confined to the tip of the hair, and there would be an acceptable degree of uniformity. The theory [golden = brown ticked tabby + broadband polygens]: finally an exhaustive genetic model for smoke, silver and golden! Let us return to the theory that identifies the shaded golden and ticked tabby color varieties. This is 19 the most satisfactory theory we have encountered, except for the crucial circumstance which does not explain the partial depigmentation at the base of the hair, a fundamental characteristic of the shaded golden phenotype. On the other hand, there are many cats registered as golden and with varying degrees of depigmentation, some even with almost no depigmentation ... Therefore it must be assumed that shaded golden depigmentation is not the effect of a main gene with net action. (or depigmentation or full color), but the result of the gradual (and sometimes very reduced) action of a set of polygens. But there is already a candidate for this group of polygens: the broadband modifiers introduced in the previous section. Then shaded golds would be nothing more than ticked tabby with broadband base brightening (aside from eye color, which we'll talk about later). If so, everything is fine: the golden must be tabby (no golden smokes!) And partially depigmented at the base (but the amount of depigmentation varies from one specimen to another depending on how much the effects of the individual modifier genes are added together. broadband). Naturally, in this theory the ideal shaded golden results result from crosses of shaded silver heterozygous for the silver and homozygous for the ticked pattern. What if the shaded silver parents are heterozygous also for the ticked drawing? For example, parents might carry the mackerel factor. In this case, if instead of being silver they were brown tabby (no silver), the parents would have brindle lines on the legs, chest and tail, due to the partial dominance of the ticked allele on the mackerel. But as they are shaded ilver, the branding lines will be there, but they will be faint. And in fact, there are some shaded silvers with faint traces of branding (especially from puppies, before the agouti gene reaches maximum effect). However, their golden kittens are not silver, they are brown ticked tabby, and if they carry the mackerel allele the bruises will be clearly visible on the paws, a very undesirable feature in shaded golden, but frequent. To complete the picture, the broadband modifiers transform the other designs (spotted, mackerel and classic) into the corresponding golden varieties (golden spotted tabby, golden mackerel tabby and golden classic tabby respectively), in which the agouti areas are partially depigmented at the base and have warm apricot tones. Now we finally have a satisfying golden theory. However, in order to be compatible with the silver one, it is necessary to review and correct the latter. We can no longer hypothesize two genes for silver, one for depigmentation and the other for silvering. Instead we have to go back to the one-gene theory, an inhibitory gene that we will continue to call I and that simultaneously causes silvering and depigmentation, as in smokes, for example. It should be noted that the golden genotype is not due to gene I (indeed the golden ones are heterozygous ii): the depigmentation at the base of the golden hair is instead due to the elongation of the first agouti band due to the action of the broadband modifier genes. We do not introduce a distinct main gene that causes depigmentation, otherwise, as we have seen, the theory would predict the non-existent golden smokes (golden non agouti, depigmented at the base of the hair). On the other hand, it would seem at first glance that this loses the brilliant explanation that the two-gene theory gave regarding the fact that some silver tabbies are depigmented at the root of the hair in the brindle areas and others are not. But this genetic trait can be explained in some other way. The gradual level of depigmentation at the base of the hair in the brindle areas may be caused by modifier genes similar (or possibly identical) to broadband modifiers, whose action is limited to tabby cats. With a slight conceptual abuse we can imagine that these additional modifiers belong to the same group as the broadband polygens (in reality this is not the case, because the latter act on the agouti base areas while the former act on the brindle areas: but in reality they meet many golden in which broadband depigmentation also occurs on the areas of tabby marks ...). In summary, compared to the two-gene theory our new genetic model retains the inhibitor gene I (which is now considered responsible for both depigmentation and silvering, as in the one-gene theory), and replaces the second gene with a group of polygens. , which we will denote by Wb (for "wide-band"). What is particularly satisfying is the fact that the gradual action of broadband modifiers can explain the difference between the shaded silver and chinchilla phenotypes. Unfortunately, however, we are assuming that these are polygens, which therefore are not subject to the simple and direct rules of Mendelian genetics for the main genes. In order to analyze the mathematics of this new model it is necessary to resort to statistics, the results of which are too fine to be clearly distinguished in the phenotypes. Therefore it is not easy to present the results by means of cross tables. Silver and golden It should be noted that the deepening of the single gene theory presented in the previous section, as well as the variant introduced previously, excludes the possibility of cats at the same time silver and golden: the silver phenotype is a consequence of the inhibitory gene, which the golden they do not have. Both shaded silver and golden have broadband type color suppression or lightening genes, or polygenic modifiers of the same type. In the latest version of the theory that we presented immediately above, the golden pattern is caused by the suppression action of this type of genes superimposed on hairs with already banded coloring due to the Agouti gene: thus, if the tabby design is the ticked, you get the perfect golden pattern, uniform throughout, but if the design is mackerel, spotted or (even worse) blotched, then more or less large areas of tabby marks become evident with full color, not very lightened, only orange in color in the band at the base. These patterns could be classified as golden tabby (mackerel, spotted or blotched, respectively). Since in such cases the areas where the coat has a broad golden base are less broad, these phenotypes are more difficult to determine with certainty, particularly in kittens, especially if they are phantom patterns in young cats due to heterozygous tabby genotypes with a only ticked allele, and some origins books (for example that of TICA) do not recognize them. Finally, it should be noted that the action of broadband suppression genes creates long agouti bands of pheomelanistic color, which are difficult, if not impossible, to recognize on cats of already pheomelanistic base color. If the lightening band is not long this is easier, just like in the case of the tortie ticked tabby pattern. Eye color of shaded and golden: an example of persistence? In relation to the similarity between golden and ticked tabbies, it should be remembered that in ticked tabbies the color of the eyes is gold or copper (in the case of Persians) or also hazel or yellow or yellow-green or green (in the Abyssinians). In the shaded silver or chinchilla of eumelanistic colors the eye color is not gold or copper, but emerald or blue-green. Instead, in the shaded silver or chinchilla of pheomelanistic colors, the eye color is copper. With appropriate crossings and consequent selection, it has been possible to introduce the gold or copper color in the eumelanistic shaded silver: the corresponding standard, recognized by some feline associations but not all, is called black shaded (in England, pewter). So the difference between an eumelanistic golden and the corresponding ticked tabby, although it may be barely visible in the color of the hair, is still evident in the color of the eyes, emerald in the first but not in the second. In silver tabbies, on the other hand, the eyes are green or yellow-green or gold, with a preference for green. In the shaded and in the pheomelanistic silver tabbies the color of the eyes is copper, and in the corresponding tortoiseshell varieties it can be copper or emerald (shaded) or green (silver tabby), with preference for copper. The existence of black shaded with gold eyes reveals that the emerald color of the eyes is not caused by the silver gene. It is interesting to observe that, although the color of the eyes, emerald or copper, is largely determined by a main gene, it is not common to meet eumelanistic shaded silvers with copper eyes: the emerald color occurs more frequently. So, although the color of the eyes and the hair depend on different genes, somehow there is a persistent link between the shaded silver coat and the emerald color of the eyes. This link is perhaps due to the fact that the main genes that cause this eye coloring are located on the same chromosome as the genes that cause the shaded silver color of the coat, and therefore the genetic transmission of one and the other occurs together. A situation of this type, which is called persistence, modifies the probabilities of concomitant genetic transmission of the two genes, which are very different from what they would be for two independent genes. To break the persistence, in fact, it is necessary that in the close contact of the two homologous chromosomes during the pairing that precedes meiosis, a genetic recombination takes place, that is a molecular exchange between the two chromosomes. The action of the I and Sv genes is epistatic on that of the solid color, eumelanistic and pheomelanistic genes, but not on that of the white (W) and piebald spot (S) genes. Obviously, the W- B- A- TaTa I- Sv- genotype corresponds to a phenotype in which white masks the shaded silver color on the coat, but the eye color can be either blue (due to the depigmentation action that the gene W can exert on eye color) or emerald.

  • Come costruire un Recinto (Catrun) | gatti norvegesi

    Come costruire un recinto sicuro per i gatti? Vi servirà rete metallica, pali, rete morbida, PVC o Acciaio, staccionate in legno per proteggere il perimetro nella parte inferiore , sia nella parte superiore - sul sito vasta galleria fotografica, video e tante informazioni su come procedere. HOW TO BUILD A CAT FENCE (CATRUN) I would like you to read carefully my reflections which arise from the experience in the breeding of Norwegian cats since 2006 and from living with cats since I was little. In the past to me firsthand and I guess many of you who are reading it happened that a feline friend for stupid domestic accidents, or road accidents that would have been _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_quillly you could avoid. Unfortunately you have to take into account that the bred cats are still more dangerous to themselves, less cunning, and totally confident in the human being than a European / mixed breed cat grown on the street. As you may have noticed, when you entered the catrun at my house, and you met my cats for the first time, they had no problem being pampered by you, you could have easily brought them to you_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_via and they would come with you ... this says a lot about their character and what I'm about to tell you. This font is very beautiful on the one hand, because you will have a cat spectacular that will occupy a special place in your heart .... but on the other, this very intelligent character of theirs e curious, combined with inexperience, creates an explosive mix, which exposes them to greater risks than a European cat, precisely because fear is absent in them. Gardens are a great joy and well-being resource for our puppies but at the same time they are a source of great danger. These purebred puppies are not born from mothers used to getting by, jumping from trees, climbing, having the perception of emptiness and measures, running away from a dog, and being exposed to dangers of various kinds. Fortunately and unfortunately are born from mothers who for generations grow up protected loved and respected by human beings, therefore they are not able to_cc75881__5c5c3bd-136905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to teach and above all to SHOW, what they non do inside a house. As you know, mothers are the reference point for puppies and teach, as human mothers do with their children, everything you need to approach life, with all the appropriate recommendations. (go slowly with that scooter! :-D) Too bad that cats never grow up and above all they don't learn from experience. A flight from the balcony or the window, a road crossed at the wrong time e will never grow up to be able to learn it. (among other things, there are cats with major relapses, precisely because the desire to escape and curiosity is stronger than the danger) Do not think enough to say: "I'm careful", because just get distracted for a moment to do anything and the cats, they will exactly the most dangerous things. Keeping cats safe, when you have gardens, is a duty because, in addition to incurring the dangers listed in the section of balconies, windows and terraces, in addition it could be stolen , being attacked by dogs or wild animals, falling into water collection bins, falling into wells or canals, being run over by cars, being stolen for use in dog fights, plus_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ could come into contact with sick cats of fiv and felv, for which there are no cures or vaccines. (there is the vaccine the first cause of sarcoma in cats, so it should be avoided) Contagion occurs by contact, both of mucous membranes, of feces, urine, and of blood, through bites or scratches . Here are some solutions for gardens, such as partial, full, spring, or electric closures: This is "MOLLO" which can be installed on an existing safety net, but which must be at least 2.20 meters high (remember that a stationary cat also jumps up to a height of 3 meters) Here you can see the video of its operation: LIBERO E MORTO? O RECLUSO E STRESSATO? I giardini sono una grande gioia e risorsa di benessere per i nostri cuccioli ma , sono allo stesso momento fonte di grande pericolo. Questi cuccioli di razza, non nascono da mamme abituate ad arrangiarsi, saltare da alberi, arrampicarsi, avere la percezione del vuoto e delle misure, fuggire di corsa a causa di un cane, ed essere esposte a pericoli di vario genere. Per fortuna e purtroppo nascono da mamme che per generazioni crescono protette amate e rispettate dall' essere umano, dunque non sono in grado di insegnare e sopratutto MOSTRARE, ciò che loro non fanno all interno di una casa. Come sapete le mamme sono il punto di riferimento dei cuccioli e insegnano, come le mamme umane fanno con i loro figli, tutto ciò che serve per approcciarsi alla vita, con tutte le raccomandazioni del caso. ( vai pianoooooo con quel motorino! :-D ) Peccato che i gatti non crescano mai e sopratutto non imparino dall esperienza. Un volo dal balcone o dalla finestra, una strada attraversata nel momento sbagliato e non cresceranno mai per poterlo imparare. ( tra l altro ci sono gatti con grandi recidive, proprio perchè la voglia di scappare e la curiosità è piu forte del pericolo ) Non pensate basti dire: " ci sto attenta" , perchè basta distrarsi un attimo per fare qualsiasi cosa e i gatti , faranno esattamente le cose più pericolose. Tenere in sicurezza i gatti, quando si hanno giardini, è doveroso perchè ,oltre ad incorrere a pericoli elencati nella sezione dei balconi , finestre e terrazzi, in più potrebbe essere rubato, essere attaccato da cani o animali selvatici, cadere in bidoni di raccolta acqua, cadere in pozzi o canali, essere travolto dalle auto, essere rubato per essere utilizzato nei combattimenti per cani, in più potrebbero venire a contatto con gatti malati di fiv e felv, per le quali non ci sono cure ne vaccini. ( esiste il vaccino felv, ma è la prima causa di sarcoma nel gatto, per cui sarebbe meglio evitarlo) Il contagio avviene per contatto, sia delle mucose, che delle feci urine, sia di sangue, attraverso morsi o graffi. Eccovi alcune soluzioni per giardini, come chiusure parziali, intere, a molla, o con elettricità: Questo è "MOLLO" che si può istallare su una rete di protezione già esistente, ma che deve essere alta almeno 2,20 mt ( ricordiamo che un gatto norvegese da fermo salta anche fino ad un altezza di 3 metri) Qui potete vedere il video del suo funzionamento: Mollo-particolare Mollo-particolare3 rete ripiegata Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su rete ripiegata all interno Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su con rete piegata all' interno Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su con rete ripiegata Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su con rete ripiegata Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su con rete piegata all' interno. Recinzione alta circa mt 2,50 con rete ripiegata indentro, per la parte ripiegata meglio usare la rete morbida ,acquistabile su: o su catrun1 catrun5 catrun2 catrun15 catrun19 catrun10 catrun11 catrun26 catrun30 544149_4745355792031_1888823778_n 581776_4745356512049_1031145814_n 1002514_511148792293299_1187093385_n 798301_511146912293487_51991690_o 313297_4745357592076_668884915_n 181177_479683172059684_1220989542_n CD15 copy

  • Protezione balconi | gatti norvegesi

    Come proteggere il gatto da cadute accidantali da balconi, terrazzi. Come costruire una recinzione a prova di gatto, catrun, recinzioni per gatti, foto chiusura How to protect our cats from accidental or voluntary falls _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58f-136bad5cof windows and balconies Original text, written by Karin Pedrona, the use of all or part of the text is prohibited. I would like you to read these lines carefully and not underestimate. More and more often it happens that purebred cats, especially curious breeds such as the Norwegian, die from stupid domestic accidents, which would have easily could have been avoided. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The windows and balconies are a great joy and a source of well-being for our puppies but, at the same time, they are a source of great danger. Above all, purebred puppies are not born from mothers used to getting by, jump from trees, climb, have the perception of emptiness and measures, run away due to a dog, and being exposed to dangers of various kinds. Fortunately and unfortunately the purebred puppies, are born from mothers who for generations have been protected loved and respected by human beings, therefore these mothers are not able to_cc7 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ teach and above all SHOW, what which they can't do and don't do. As you know, mothers are the reference point for puppies and teach them, as human mothers do with their children, everything they need to approach life, with all the appropriate recommendations. (go slowly with that scooter! :-D) it's a pity that no one can teach cats that a fall from the window can be fatal . they will never grow up to be able to learn it, (among other things there are cats with great relapses, precisely because the desire to escape and curiosity is more_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_strong of danger that they do not perceive due to inexperience) Not infrequently it has happened that a puppy or even adult Norwegian (which like all cats in the soul are great hunters), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ a jump run is enough to catch a fly e so so unaware, _cc781905-5 bbcde-3194_bad fell into the empty window. Over the years, I have had friends in breeders and families who have adopted my cats, who have had very bad experiences ... I often find myself talking about Agra, my mother's cat, which despite being 1.30 meters high di windowsill on which he had great margin not to fall, he wanted to sit right inside a vase of an orchid, which logically with the weight of the cat unbalanced and the cat fell from the 1st floor together with the vase, fortunately breaking only the front legs, the upper lip and the teeth. ... If you don't even have the mitigating factor of being on the first floor ... when the cat or puppy falls, at best it dies .... yes , I said well, because in the second hypothesis ... he remains paralyzed and you will have to squeeze his bladder for life, because they are easily paralyzed. Speaking of the "vasistas", or also called "tilting" windows, we can speak of real death traps :-( When the animal tries to pass into the narrowest corner that forms at the base of the window gets stuck and no longer has the ability to lean on none of the legs, thus remaining in a suspended position that the crushes the nerves and lungs with his every move to wriggle out . A terrible death therefore that can be avoided for example by closing the basement windows with a wire mesh placed outside. In apartments where there are cats, the tilting position of the windows must be avoided. Advice: > You can contact experts in the sector, able to close balconies or windows even difficult problems, these experts in the sector move in various regions of Italy, for example: > here you can buy here special tilt window grilles > You can buy DIY nets on retiprotezioni , or on Zooplus, . > some photographs included in the album are do-it-yourself, others are of works made by specialized companies, you will see the company logo in the photo itself Original text, written by Karin Pedrona, the whole or partial use of the test is forbidden, to use it write to: Do it yourself solutions Solutions made by professionals leonardo valentino leonardo valentino 13533184_731024593666952_492131190915518 19059201_970665356369540_331344684581157 19145972_970665313036211_867601190900655 13592698_731024633666948_225693550076443 13438814_731024660333612_200265172010061 13592386_731024697000275_338616251574687 leonardo valentino 12743653_671951746240904_867418853715856 ekosistem ekosistem Schermata 2018-10-29 alle 16.44.36 Schermata 2018-10-29 alle 16.44.04 Animalando Ekosystem Italia Animalando Ekosystem Italia Animalando Ekosystem Italia 10291041_252643461606915_4686965870894083723_n.jpg fai da te 10334247_252643831606878_5593615182197474065_n.jpg 10334323_252643584940236_8961473994830189414_n.jpg Animalando Ekosystem Italia Animalando Ekosystem Italia Animalando Ekosystem Italia Animalando Ekosystem Italia Installation of Nets on balconies, what the law says How to secure a garden

  • leggende gatti norvegesi

    leggende gatti norvegesi delle foreste The True * Origin of the Norwegian Forest Cat Written by Laura Achenza Traveler, whoever you are, you have come here to hear our story, and I ask the wind to let me tell ... *** At the beginning of time Odin, the Exalted, the father of all, created the whole universe and divided it into nine worlds so that every creature would find its place in it; in fact, their forms were many: giants of the mountains and Thursi of the frost, dwarves incomparable master craftsmen, dark elves blacker than pitch and elves of light more beautiful than the sun; Man was entrusted with Midgard, the middle earth, while the luminous gods, the ASI, lived in the stronghold of Asgard and there, from their magnificent thrones, still today observe and rule all the worlds…. Two crows are faithful companions of Odin who every day, at dawn, fly into the worlds and in the evening, at sunset, return, bringing back to their Lord everything that happens there. One day they reported to Odin that the Men of the Northlands were sad and lonely in the long winter night, in which darkness and cold reign supreme. All the ASI were then summoned to the council and each of them proposed to give men their own prodigy: Odin his horse Sleipnir who knows no fatigue and rides in the air, on land and on water; Thor his precious hammer to break the ice; Sif its long and luminous hair to dispel the darkness; Freyr his magical vessel, which always has favorable winds as soon as the sail is raised, and .... Freyja offered her cats .... The ASI Assembly established that, although all of them were prodigious gifts, the one that could truly warm both the body and the heart of the northerners were ... the cats of Freyja. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _ *** Freyja will therefore have to part with the beloved company of her cats, but she, the goddess of love, knows that there is no better way to spread it around the world! He then decides, for the greater comfort of men and his own cats, to give them an additional magical banner: the sound of Love and Peace that will resound, in Midgard, every time a cat decides to purr .... and Freyja, every time, will be there to listen to him ... In return, however, he asks that his cats spread to every corner of the world, so that everyone can enjoy their magical presence. Therefore the ASI decide that Freyr's vessel will also be given as a gift so that the men of the North can sail everywhere and bring, in honor of the generous gods, Freyja's cats throughout Midgard . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _ *** At the winter solstice, in the darkest night of the year, the vessel was laid down in a long fjord sheltered from the winds, which will therefore take the name of Sognefjord, the fjord of the dream, and Freyja accompanied her cats to the edge of the forest which stood near a village on a clearing; from that day, his cats belonged to the Norwegian forests and the world of men. Men honored the ancient pact with the Gods, and for centuries they carried the mighty creatures on their ships to every known or hitherto unknown land ... Other Men came and, renewing the covenant, they wanted to give recognition to the race which they called, in memory of their first home on earth, Cats of the Norwegian forests. In their homage they still bear these names proudly today: Vikjngs, Disir Nornir, Freya's Chariot, Of the Ancient Runes, Yggdrassil, Aesir, Lifthasir, Drakkar, ASI e Vanir, Asgard, Vanaheim, Niflheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Midgotheim, Midgardheim Odino, Thorr, Freyja, Bestla, Vidharr, Verdandi, Vali, Var. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _ *** Now my story has come to an end, but I want to reveal to you one last arcane secret: when your Norwegian cat stops enraptured, and his gaze seems to be playing with the air, know that he is in front of Freyja and for a moment, once again, together, they wander through the nine worlds… ..and you too, if your bond with him is intense, you will be able to see them in the distance. Therefore, remember to love and honor Freyja's gift forever ... Note I drew inspiration from historical texts and literary sources of Norse mythology, but I would like to clarify that the story is pure fantasy, and wants to celebrate and cloak these cats that I love immensely with noble origins. It is therefore a tribute to them and to all fans of this splendid breed.

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© 2021  Disir Nornir by Karin Pedrona

Ethical and Amateur Breeding 

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All texts and photographs are the property of Karin Pedrona, partial or entire reproduction of texts and photographs is prohibited . 

Attention! Scams and image theft have been reported a miei damages by people posing as collaborators and using my images without authorization.

 l 'cattery  Disir Nornir, has no collaborators and does not entrust his puppies to shops. Always check by visiting the farm in person or by researching

on the  ANFI website , the existence of the farm.

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