The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF however does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be serious and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_ bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself.
Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods.
The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet.
Making BARF, however, does not mean giving our cat raw meat to satiety or throwing leftovers from the table, but rather balancing a series of ingredients in order to try to simulate what it would eat in nature, in order to give our friend a complete and safe diet, but also satisfying and really beneficial for his health. "
I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire elsewhere, possibly by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition who will help you start in a balanced way.
I also invite you to read also articles regarding the doubts raised by vets opposed to barf, the possible dangers inherent in this type of diet, despite making a diet barf is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid 'do-it-yourself' as much as possible because damage in the long run can be severe and sometimes irreversible-_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3bbad-136 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_BARF or natural food, does not mean giving table scraps, nor random raw meat!
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- allevamento gatti norvegesi Disir Nornir , Parma
allevamento gatti norvegesi a Parma, il significato del nostro nome, intervista sul nostro allevamento, video sul gatto norvegese, allevare il gatto norvegese "Disir Nornir" Amateur breeding, which deals with the protection and safeguard of the Norwegian forest breed Protecting the Norwegian cat means to me, safeguarding this NATURAL breed (read the origins of the breed) through the study and comparison with other breeders, trying to preserve those bloodlines that are being lost in favor of others, used simply for aesthetic purposes. How did I become a "Guardian" of the Natural Race Norwegian Forest Cat "? Sometimes I wonder too ... To tell the truth, I never chose it ... it has been a long journey .. made above all of love for these cats, creatures so perfect, loving, joyful, who fill your life with unconditional affection. I've always been an animal lover, since childhood, but my adventure with cats Norwegian forest starts in 2006; I saw my first Norwegian cat on the internet, maybe how is happening to you in this moment ... it was a beautiful white cat with magic eyes, a magnetic gaze, sweet but so full of pride ... This cat that remained so impressed on me his name was Noel Maelstrom. After some searching, to find a Norwegian in Italy, another photo kidnapped mine heart ..... it was him! Cagliostro Vani's Ark, what would be later became my first Norwegian Forest Cat ... What a thrill it was to go and get it !! I remember like it was yesterday, the walk in the center of Arezzo, with my beloved treasure in the carrier ... and the return trip with Cagliostro who was all composed and sat on the back seat with his paws crossed .... he was a real Lord! and he would have kept this beautiful pride of his forever ... until his last moments of life, where with that paw of his, slightly protruding his nails ... he squeezed my hand for the last time ... Day after day my passion has grown and the desire for knowledge has pushed me to deepen their history ... and so without realizing it and driven by the passion towards their history and their so proud character, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ I was already in Milan to pick up Genny ... the future bride of Cagliostro .... I had become a "Norwegian Guardian" without realizing it ".... and so over time new friends arrived, such as Vamyr, Crystal, Maya, Isak, Brisingamen, Coral, Castella, Riddick, Brilliant, Agra, Catelyn, Marvel, Kamiko, Erza ..... some of them lived only part of the their life with me .... others are gone ... Genny is 15 years old and lives with me while his children Willy and Charlie _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ have recently left me ... It is not easy to explain for me who am not a writer, what a wonderful experience it is to be able to live with the Norwegian Cats ... treat them, see them born, grow .... but also being there in the moment of illness and death. .. all this becomes inevitably un personal growth path and despite the suffering to which it exposes me to raise, I am really grateful to these special beings, for everything they teach me every day , where their proximity, so clear and clean, is capable of healing your heart .. even from the most deep wounds. THE NAME "DISIR NORNIR" I have always been fascinated by mythology, since I was a child, but only thanks to the Norwegian cats, that I got to know Norse mythology. The Disir are a large group of female spirits who preside over Asgard, they determine the fate of all humans and gods. The three most important disir are the Nornir Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld, whose names translate to "What is success "," What is happening "and" What will come " These three Nornir are hidden under Yddrasil, the World Tree, which has its roots in the water of the well of Urd and to prevent its roots from rotting the disir nornir scatter sand all around. As they sit under the world tree, Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld weave the threads of man's destiny. Alongside these three Nornir there are many other Disir that come when a person is born in order to determine his fate, they are both benevolent and malevolent. Recent research has discussed the relationship between the Norns and the Valkyries, women who visited infants in pre-Christian Norse societies. The Disir Nornir remind me that the only constant in the universe is "Change" and with that in mind ... I imagine a large loom, the warp threads on the loom as our biological, spiritual, cultural heritage .... I imagine Urðr , Verðandi, and Skuld who weave the weft with the threads of our choices, which we have given them, the conscious and unconscious choices of all beings become the weft threads which are then woven together with the thread of inheritance and joining forming the magically mysterious fabric of the Multiverse.
- Test salute gatti norvegesi
La salute dei Gatti Norvegesi non viene lasciata al caso...Siamo seguiti da Veterinari specializzati... Our Veterinarians, Specialists and analysis laboratories -All of our Cats are tested annually and occasionally for genetic diseases and for: ANNUALLY -HCM- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: read more OCCASIONALLY-HD- Hip dysplasia: learn more OCCASIONALLY-Fiv OCCASIONALLY - Felv GENETICO- GSD 4: learn more 1 VOLTA -PKD - Polycystic Kidney Syndrome: find out more GENETIC -PK-Def-Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency: read more : TO THE INSERTION OF A NEW CAT -TriTrichomonas - Giardia-5c3b-136bad5cf58d_bad5-136c3 -5cf58d_Giardia-136 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Felv EACH LITTER- Giardia EACH LITTER- Parasitological faeces All NEGATIVE in 2019 IN ADDITION: All our puppies leave our home with their health record which includes: Veterinary certificate of good health. Parental tests (see above) e when possible also those carried out on grandparents, especially with regard to hypertrophic cadiomyopathy (HCM) Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PK-Def) Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK-Def for short) is a genetically based disease. Pyruvate kinase is an enzyme found inside red blood cells and controls their ability to produce energy to survive. When the enzyme is deficient, the red blood cells undergo premature destruction (erythrolysis) and this therefore leads to a reduction in their blood number. The resulting anemia is therefore the primary consequence of the deficit. However, the diagnosis of PK-Def on a symptomatic basis can be very difficult: since the cat's body is able to adapt the production of red blood cells in the face of their decrease, anemia can occur occasionally or intermittently. The development of the disease is slow, in most cases, with vague symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite. However, there is the possibility that the cat will develop very severe anemia, which could put its survival at risk. PK-Def is a congenital disease with a genetic basis, for which there is no cure and, since anemia is very often mild, the clinical signs may not be immediately obvious and therefore the condition may be underestimated for a long time. There are cases of deaths within two years, but also cases where the life expectancy is long (over 8 years). It is essential for a cat affected by the disease that its living conditions are optimal and that stressful events are avoided as much as possible. The disease is typical of the Abyssinian and Somali breeds, but can be found in breeds that have undergone hybridization with the Abyssinians or Somalis as well as in domestic cats. Genetic profile PK-Def is an autosomal recessive disease. This means that a cat can be defined: normal: does not have any copy of the defective gene, will not become ill with the disease or pass the disease to the offspring carrier: in the pair of alleles that define the disease, there is a defective allele. The cat will never get sick, but it will be able to pass the mutation to the offspring affected: the pair of alleles is composed of two defective chromosomes. The cat will develop the disease and will certainly pass the mutation on to the offspring. In case of mating between two PK-Def carriers, since both parents have a copy of the defective gene, they will be able to pass the mutation to the offspring. Specifically, two carriers will generate 25% of puppies affected by the disease, 50% of carrier puppies and 25% of healthy puppies. In case of mating between a carrier cat and a healthy cat (ie not a carrier of the deficiency), we will have 50% carrier cats and 50% healthy cats. In a mating between two affected cats, 100% of the offspring will be affected. Management on the farm From a breeding point of view, affected cats should not be used for breeding. It is possible to use carrier cats, obviously defining a control and negativization plan of the line, to manage the pathology as much as possible and go towards the eradication of the pathology in the breed. In the Abyssinian and Somali breeding, due to the small number of subjects currently working with, the breeding plans include the conscious use of carriers, because their carpet sterilization would involve serious problems of numerical consistency of the gene pool. In general, what needs to be done when deciding to use a carrier on the farm is to mate it with non-carrier cats, test the litter and prefer to continue working on the line keeping mutation-negative cats on the farm. In this way, the dual objective of "cleaning" the bloodline and, at the same time, of preserving it will be achieved. The UC Davis study As we have already published in the previous article, News on PK-Def in Norwegian Forest Norwegian, un recent study by UC Davis_cc781905-5cde-3194_badica-136b3b the disease is also present in the Norwegian Forest Cat, although at present we do not yet have precise indications on the gene frequency and on the consequent percentages of carriers and affections in the breed. We therefore suggest, in this first phase, to test your cats and to submit the results of the tests to the public databases for collecting the results, to allow a more in-depth study on the spread of the mutation. Where to take the test Since the mutation found in the Norwegian Forest Cat is the same as the one found in the Abyssinians and Somalis for which genetic testing already exists, it is possible to test your cats in different laboratories that are already certified to perform the test. It is possible to perform the test with either a blood sample or a buccal sample. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the laboratories to which you can turn: Genefast (Italy - agreement with Anfi) Vetogene (Italy) UC Davis (USA) Laboklin (Germany) Text taken da http: // Type IV Glycogenosis GSD IV (glycogen storage disease type IV) is part of a group of diseases, called glycogenoses. Type IV affects the Norwegian Forest Cat. They are well described pathologies also in humans, classified as rare diseases. In a normal organism, the excess glucose obtained from the diet or from the conversion of proteins and fats is stored in a branched chain of polymers, glycogen, built using the enzyme GBE (glycogen branching enzyme) as a catalyst. When the body needs energy, glucose molecules are removed from the glycogen and released into the bloodstream or used by the tissues. The ability to efficiently add and remove glucose from glycogen depends on the complexity of its branching structure. GSD IV is a hereditary deficiency of the GBE enzyme: affected subjects store an abnormal form of glycogen which, therefore, leads to an insufficient use of glucose. Hence GSD IV can be considered a chronic hypoglycemia that inexorably worsens towards death (because the body is unable to use glucose effectively). In cats, affected kittens die a few hours or days after birth, most likely because they do not have enough glucose to survive delivery and the first hours / days of life. The late form is rarer, for which the puppy is healthy up to 5/7 months and then suddenly shows a stunted growth and widespread weakness, with the following symptoms: high hyperthermia (over 40 °), insensitive to corticosteroids intermittent and generalized tremors that become permanent intermittent, "hiccup" weakness muscle weakness, followed by muscle atrophy, fibrotic contractures of joints that lead to movement and feeding difficulties and that require continuous assistance from the owner quadriplegia Affected cats can survive up to 10/14 months. They die of cardiac arrest, sometimes after coma. The disease is fatal and there is no cure. It is possible that it is confused with neonatal isoerythrolysis because the symptoms can suggest both pathologies. The only thing that can be done is the test (genetic for GSD IV, blood group identification with B allele typing for neonatal isoerythrolysis). Genetic profile The GDS IV mutation is recessive, which implies that the possibility of it expressing itself in the offspring exists only if both parents are carriers of the mutation. There are 3 different possibilities: both parents are healthy (they are homozygous for the normal allele): the children are healthy and will not carry the mutation. if one of the parents is carrier (heterozygous) we will have about 50% carrier and 50% healthy cats among their offspring. When two carriers are mated we get 25% sick cats, 50% carriers and 25% healthy cats. Recall that a carrier cat is a cat that does not have the disease and that will never develop it. However, he will be able to to transmit the mutation to his children. The test A genetic test, on blood or buccal swab, is available to identify not only affected cats but also carriers. Some laboratories that perform this test are: Vetogenic Genefast Antagen Genindexe Laboklin PennGen Each laboratory provides for the sending home, upon request, of the test material (swabs or blood collection tubes), together with the necessary documentation. In some cases it is required, for a correct identification of the cat, that the microchip is applied. Insights FYFE et al. (2007) A complex rearrangement in GBE1 causes both perinatal hypoglycaemic collapse and late-juvenile-onset neuromuscular degeneration in glycogen storage disease type IV of Norwegian forest cats, Mol Genet Metab. 90, 4, 383-92. Glycogenoses on Wikipedia FYFE et al. (1992) Glycogen storage disease type IV: inherited deficiency of branching enzyme activity in cats., Pediatr Res. 32, 6, 719-25.FYFE (1995) Glycogen storage disease in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc. 206, 3, 286. GASCHEN et al. In Congenital feline myopathies, Glycogen Storage disease type IV, 360-361 v Text taken da http: // Anchor 4 Anchor 5 The health of our cats
- Quanto costa un gatto norvegese?
Costo adozione di un gattino/cucciolo di gatto Norvegese delle foreste. Tutto quello che devi conoscere prima di acquistare. Gatti hosting gratuito e molto altro... INFORMATION How much does a Norwegian Forest cat kitten cost? How much does a Norwegian cat cost, young or adult? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It is true, for those approaching the world of purebred cat breeding, the price is one of the important information, which is first asked, but it is also true that it is one of the questions that the more it hurts the sentiment of the kittens breeder .... You may be wondering why some breeder to this question has not answered you or perhaps answered you in an annoyed way ... I would like to introduce you to the merits, explaining why: The reimbursement of expenses that is requested is not enough to cover all the expenses incurred during the year ... it is not easy to explain in 4 words to those who have never known the "behind" the wings ", how many problems and expenses must be incurred in order to have healthy, happy and well socialized cats and kittens. The economic side, as the first parameter to evaluate the adoption, in the eyes of those who may not have slept for a week in a row to assist a mother with problems and perhaps have left 1000 euros at the vet for cesarean delivery, is really demeaning ... Although the person has all the justified reasons to ask for it, often one feels disheartened and without any appreciation for what is being done ... For this I ask you, try to identify yourself for a moment; try to think of the affection that binds us to a kitten that we have seen born and we have grown for 3 months and then having to entrust it to others who approach us hard-nosed writing only "PRICE ???" How would you feel? Try to put yourself in our shoes where you have NOT spared us in any way, to raise them, starting from the probiotic supplement at 27 euros per tube, which is not enough even for 2 days on an average litter ... from the cost of food of the best quality (in my case meat from the supermarket prepared by me) to the awake nights to breastfeed them, to look after them as like children in the stages of growth, they can get sick and even die ..._ cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ e while this happens you have the old man of the house with whom you are facing chemotherapy, with a heart broken by pain, hoping he will make it_cc781905-5cde-3194-3194 -136bad5cf58d_ ... e this is just a small slice of reality ..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Try to think that on this side of the screen ... there are people with all their emotional baggage and the refund asked is vital for their cats, try to use a kind way ... and please! Do not ask us for discounts ... we are not at the market to buy a t-shirt! -_- ' When it comes to living beings the MOST important thing is the health of the puppy and its parents. Here I will try to briefly explain as much as I can, how I grow and what guarantees my puppy has. My philosophy is that of respecting the nature of the Norwegian cat, trying to give them a life as rich as possible of experiences and close (as far as possible) to freedom - feeding them with natural food -biologically appropriate- followed by a veterinarian nutritionist. Our puppies (but also the parents) are fed with Natural food , they do not use kibble and industrial feed rich in cereals that in the diet of a feline, as a narrow carnivore, should not exist. When your Norwegian puppy leaves my home, he will bring with him his natural diet that if you want, you can easily follow thanks to a simple guide with videos and tutorials which I will provide, otherwise I will recommend some of the industrial brands that are less harmful to our beloved Norwegian cats. When the puppy leaves my house he is able to eat both natural and industrial food, as in the last weeks he stays with his mother and siblings, I insert a part of "Grain free" wet and dry feed, in so that you can have a puppy with a really varied and accurate weaning, that will have no problems di "addiction to a specific brand". The parents of the puppies live at home with me but also outdoors in large "protected" enclosures where they can, play and live in the open air and this protects them from many typical overcrowding diseases. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The sun, the air, being able to hunt, play and socialize in an adequate way, guarantees that they can satisfy their ethological needs, this keeps them happy, balanced cats able to transmit this character to their offspring. I pay particular attention to the socialization of kittens, who grow up at home with me, pampered and spoiled. They are soon put in contact with feline uncles and grandparents, but also humans, in order to develop an even more balanced character . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ An important factor that significantly affects the price of the Norwegian cat kitten, are the costs incurred between veterinarians, genetic laboratories, cardiologists to ascertain that the two parents are not they are carriers of the same pathology, and therefore by mating they could fissarne and genetic characters, with the consequent birth of carriers or even sick puppies. Some general information on the parents of the litters: Parents are tested in 2020 for: fiv, felv (ELISA) -giardia (PCR) -NEGATIVE 2021 Parents tested (genetic): GSD4, PKDef -NEGATIVE- Screening Echocardium for Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Ultrasound x Renal Polycystosis (PKD) - NEGATIVE 2021 These tests carried out on parents, some are annual while some are genetic so it is enough to have them done only once. They are visible in a folder (on Dropbox) online, of which you will have the link if you are interested in a kitten. More information on these pathologies you can read them here Therefore, when the puppy leaves his home he will have: -Pedigree ANFI -Agreement between the parties with Health Guarantees. - Certificate of good health issued by our veterinarian, 2 Trivalent Vaccines- or Antibody Titration (to be chosen by the new owner) 2 Negative stool tests for parasites + giardia, timbred in the health booklet by our veterinarian _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 Treated with pesticide. I follow the owners in a particular way for at least 1 year, until the insertion in the new families is not completed and cmq I will always be available for anything for "the puppy's whole life" and in case something happens, I am available to take it back even in age adult. I like to be and remain a point of reference for new families, of course if this is also your desire. Puppy leaves my house with a kit which includes feeding school, tutorials, pdf videos, food barf. ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ _d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf584bd9-136bad5cf587d_-136bad5cf587d_ 136bad5cf587d_ 136bad5cf587d5 -134bd8 -5398395 -3395 -3c584905- 20813d6c673b_ ∆ ∆ ∆ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ∆ ∆_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b3b-136bad5cf58d_ ∆_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf584a ∆ _d08 -9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_ ∆ FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE NORWEGIANS OF THE FORESTS, CHARACTER , FOOD , CARE , TEST , PRECAUZONI , HISTORY AND LEGENDS , PEDIGREE , HOW MUCH DOES A NORWEGIAN PUPPY COST, WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT VARIOUS SECTIONS OF OUR WEBSITE 134
- i Gatti Norvegesi Bianchi | gatti norvegesi
The White Norwegian Cats Norwegian Forest Cat BAER Testing Results Cats can also lose their hearing due to age, like humans do. In this case it is generally a gradual process that is sometimes difficult to notice. The eardrums become less flexible and the sound is not transmitted effectively. Other cats, on the other hand, are born partially or completely deaf due to a genetic defect. In many cases this genetic defect is related to the pigment or is found much more often in totally white cats. In fact, completely white cats with blue eyes are well known to be very often affected by a congenital hereditary deafness that can involve one or both ears. Breed studies have therefore defined the relationship between deafness and white cats with blue eyes. The responsible gene is a dominant gene which is defined W (White). The first studies on this gene date back to 1930 and have been deepened in the following years. The W gene is a pigment-related gene in cats and is a dominant color gene, but it is not linked to albinism. Cats carrying this gene are not always solid white in color, but they often have colored patches on their heads which may disappear with age. In fact, we often see a young kitten with a colored speck, generally on the head, which then disappears in adulthood. The color that is hidden under the white cloak, dominated by W, is revealed by that speck! Because of this, white cats can produce non-white or two-tone kittens. This gene has complete penetration for white coats, in fact all cats that have this gene also have white coats, but it has incomplete penetration with regard to the blue color of the eyes, related to deafness, even if they are closely related. However, not all white cats are deaf and not all blue-eyed cats have a deafness defect. The penetration variable of deafness linked to the blue color of the eyes can be caused by the interaction with other genes or with environmental factors. Furthermore, if we are in the presence of deafness, this can refer to both eyes or even to only one eye, so it can be bilateral or_cc781905-5cde-3194badd_ . How do we know that the cat is deaf? These cats generally show some changes in behavior. We can notice it since, even calling them, they do not approach or do not notice when we return home. If the deaf cat lives with another cat, we will generally notice that it tends to refer to him for hearing. This means that we will often find him observing the other cat, to understand what is happening. If, on the other hand, it is a single cat in the house with the problem of deafness, it is much easier to notice this defect. The cat, for example, may sleep very soundly, may not notice when we enter the room and may not be aware of very loud noises even close to it. If there is no reaction to a very loud clap or noise, we can really suspect possible deafness. Find out how to live happily with a deaf cat White cats or albino cats? However, it must be specified that these cats are not albini. A true albino cat not only has a white coat, but also the eyes have no pigment, they appear pink. An albino cat is very sensitive to light and needs sunscreen on their ears to prevent skin cancer. However, this prevention is necessary for all white cats. White cats with blue, orange and green colored eyes are not albinos. Albinism is a very different mutation that causes color absence, not color coverage. In the presence of the W gene, white coat and blue eyes, we can have the absence of the glossy carpet (it also happens in some cats with blue eyes with diluted white coat - Siamese) or a very thin glossy carpet, which means that the visibility at night it is very small. This is one more reason not to allow the deaf white cat to go out! Some statistics Studies have shown that if: ◊ Un white cat has both blue eyes is 3-5 times more likely to develop deafness than a cat with non-blue eyes. ◊ A white cat with only one blue eye has about twice the opportunity to be deaf than a cat with both eyes of a different color. ◊ White long-haired cats are three times more likely to be bilaterally deaf. What are the problems encountered? Deaf cats emit very strong vocals just because they don't hear exactly like humans. Due to the extreme utility of hearing in predation and the ability to hunt, this can be reduced in completely deaf or partially deaf cats. Complete deafness, in any case, does not supersede success in hunting. A deaf cat responds equally to its predatory instinct. This is why vocalization in completely deaf cats is an important means of communication between cats, and deaf cats may be less good at communicating with their peers. Deaf cats can conflict with other cats much more often or fail to integrate well into a group. They may find it more difficult when they are still puppies and, moreover, they are more frequently rejected by their mother. Their reduced ability to recognize dangers is the most serious handicap especially when it comes to cats that live outside. Cars, dogs, garden machinery, are the biggest dangers. ... A LITTLE DI GENETICS ... The white gene o gene W, is responsible for the total depigmentation of the hair, which is therefore entirely white, the skin of the nose and fingertips is pink. The color of the eyes can be involved, and in this case the eye is blue or light blue and often deafness occurs on the corresponding side. The W gene is epistatic on all other genes responsible for staining. The recessive allele, w, does not produce depigmentation. Therefore a white cat can carry genetic information for other colors, for example black, without this showing through in the phenotype. Gene W is also epistatic on S, and therefore an entirely white cat can transmit genetic information also relating to white spots.
- Kujakeikarin Black | gatti norvegesi
EC Kujakeikarin Black, M, NFO n, 2004-08-13, FI / fi Polaris Analysis = 0% EC FI * Kujakeykarin Black- Black, M, NFO n, 08/13/04, FI / FI Pedigree: here Black is the LATEST cat 0% Pan's Polaris
- Vaccini e Titolazioni Anticorpali | gatti norvegesi
Quando vaccinare il gatto, durata dell' immunità vaccinale, titolazione anticorpale gatti , vaccini per gatti, Linee guida 2015 del WASA, sarcoma da inoculo. Vaccines and Antibody Titrations Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Willy Wonka Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Charlie Bucket Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Isak Sylvester Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale Gatto Genny Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Cagliostro Titolazione Anticorpale Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Maya Alexandra Titolazione Anticorpaled Titolazione Anticorpale gatto Vamyr All Disir Nornir cats underwent antibody titration for the year 2017 and were immune, despite being vaccinated 3 e_cc781905-5cde-136badd-136badd Years ago. You can see antibody tests below: (the originals signed by the veterinarian are visible on the farm) Vaccination immunity, given by vaccines for cats and dogs, lasts at least 3 years, as stated in the 2015 WASA Guidelines- ( GUIDELINES) Before revaccinating your cat, ask your veterinarian for an antibody test, as overvaccinating can be the cause of many diseases. Vaccicheck, check if your cat is still covered for the 3 diseases for which you want to revaccinate him. ( VACCICHECK ) Vaccinations and antibody titration: for an informed choice. Premise: Humans are vaccinated against viral diseases (such as measles, smallpox, polio, papilloma, etc ...) as children, up to 6/10 years and then never again since antibodies have been created and will protect during the course of the life towards those diseases. The continued repetition of viral vaccinations will therefore be useless We are only talking about diseases caused by viruses, therefore we exclude bacterial diseases (eg leptospirosis) or caused by spores such as tetanus for which a periodic recall is instead provided. There are also strong suspicions on the possible harmfulness of the same (for some time we have been talking more and more frequently about the responsibility of vaccines in the onset of autism in children and recently the occurrence of post-vaccination deaths has aroused concern and discussions in the scientific field). As in humans, vaccination in our pets also stimulates the creation of antibodies that will remain active in the body for a long time, even if variable. And for the same reasons it is legitimate to think that the continuous repetition of useless vaccinations is in all probability, according to many scientific studies, harmful. But what is the antibody titration? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_What is it for? ANTI-BODY TITRATION is a simple blood sample. It is used to understand if the vaccinations carried out have given immunity to the animal. With a simple outpatient test you can know the immune coverage status of your pet, so if it is necessary to revaccinate or if you can suspend the annual vaccinations. How much does the antibody titration cost? The antibody titration costs approximately € 50.00 as much as a vaccine. How long does vaccination immunity last? Vaccination immunity, given by vaccines for cats and dogs, lasts at least 3 years, as stated in the 2015 WASA Guidelines- ( GUIDELINES) Where can I find a veterinarian who performs antibody titration? You can find a veterinarian titling antibody in this site, by selecting your region you can choose the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136905_bad5cf58d closest to you -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ When should cats be vaccinated? When do the recall of the vaccine of our cat? GUIDELINES FOR VACCINATION OF GATTO Let's see together now when it is necessary to vaccinate the cat and what are the WSAVA guidelines for the vaccination of the cat. The vaccines considered CORE, therefore to be given to all cats, are those that protect against feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV, Feline Panleukopenia), infectious Rhinotracheitis virus (FHV-1, Feline HerpesVirus type 1) and calicivirus (Feline Calicivirus, FCV). Also in this case the vaccines are defined as core, and therefore highly recommended, because the diseases against which they protect are highly contagious and serious (Panleukopenia) or disabling for the life of the animal (herpes and calicivirus). As for two core cat vaccines, however, these do not offer as solid protection as canine core vaccines. In fact, of the 3 we mentioned above, only the one for the Panleukopenia protects for a long time (like that for the dog parvirus, of which among other things it is a very close relative) , while Herpesvirosi e Calicivirosi_Herpesvirosi e Calicivirosi bbc781-bad5 year need for our high risk For house cats ("low risk cats"), on the other hand, all three cores can be recalled NOT more frequently than every 3 years. The vaccine NON CORE most important of the cat is the one against the Leukemia_Leucemia-136bad5cf58d_Leucemia-136b 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_FeLV). This vaccine must be carefully evaluated especially for "high risk" cats, that is, for those cats who live both indoors and out and who may have frequent contact with other cats. In case it is decided that "the game is worth the candle", the vaccine for FeLV must be richiamato every year. Important: before starting the vaccination protocol for FeLV it is definitely advisable to test our cat for that virus with one of the rapid tests on the market: if the virus is already present it will be useless to vaccinate! For the kitten, as for the puppy, it is valid the rule of design the vaccination protocol in such a way as to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cupd period " -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in which the antibodies taken with the colostrum are still too present to guarantee that the vaccine will work, but too little present to guarantee protection. Unlike the dog, however, carrying out an antibody titration can be quite complex. First of all certainly due to the greater difficulty and the high degree of stress that a blood draw in a cat entails. Secondly (but not too much), also because if it is true that finding antibodies to Panleukopenia means that the kitten is protected from this disease, this is not true for Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirosis: the kitten may not have circulating antibodies BUT still have good protection. , there is no correlation. What are the risks of vaccinating cats? One of the risks is the FISS - SARCOMA FELINO AT THE INOCULUS SITE As we had already mentioned here , cats are unfortunately particularly prone to a type of tumor, called feline injection site sarcoma (FISS). This type of tumors, particularly infiltrating and malignant, has been correlated quite clearly with the injection of drugs, including vaccines. It seems that localized chronic inflammation can initiate a malignant transformation, although obviously NOT all cats develop FISS (approximately 1: 5000 according to some data). The vaccines most at risk are those that contain adjuvants, i.e. substances that enhance the effect of the vaccine. So, what can be the indications to avoid this problem? First of all, vaccinate and in any case give the cat as few drugs as possible by injection! The choice of the type of vaccine and the place of administration will then be another aspect that your Vet will take into account. The worst place to inject any drug into a cat: between the shoulder blades! SOURCES_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _: _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - http: // PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, COME BACK TO VISIT US :-) fibrosarcoma-nel-gatto-L-3 collottola-300x200 Schermata 02-2457804 alle 21.58.10 Schermata 02-2457804 alle 21.58.23 Schermata 02-2457804 alle 21.58.38 Schermata 02-2457804 alle 21.58.57 gatto_vaccichech titolazione anticorpale Vaccicheck_gatto titolazione anticorpale
- il Pedigree | gatti norvegesi
il Pedigree è la carta di identità del gatto, non un titolo nobiliare. E' l unico strumento che vi assicura che l' allevatore ha rispettato regole rispetto al benessere delle madri... the pedigree If they want to sell you an IPHONE and tell you it's new, the latest model, NEVER USED he !! MAoooops! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ...._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is without box! .... without receipt ... and they ask you € 150 ...._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ COMES THE DOUBT THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG ??? ....._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ WELL, the pedigree of the cat, this elusive sheet of paper, is none other than the cat's identity card, which, as for human beings, is issued by an association entitled to do so (ANFI) and recognized by the Italian State, where you will see written who are the father the grandparents, the great-grandparents, etc. You could easily think, but what interests me ???? I'm interested in the cat ... why do I have to spend 1000 euros to get a sheet of paper when with 200-300-400 euros I can still have a Norwegian? I will try to explain it to you as clearly and as briefly as possible. You are about to be simply cheated! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ What does the word "pedigree" mean click here : A PEDIGREE COSTS BETWEEN 13 AND 20 EUROS SEE ANFI RATES (see Genealogical Certificate within 6 months of birth) ---------------------- Very important thing: SELLING A CAT WITHOUT PEDIGREE SPLITING IT AS "PURE" IS AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSE. The pedigree is the identity card of the cat, where it is written who are the parents, it is only through the pedigree that you can prove who your puppy is from and therefore being able to say it is a "purebred" cat here is the LAW! DLG 529/1992: ART. 5 ----------------------- Having a cat that has pedigree gives you 4 guarantees: 1 l breeder giving you the puppy: did not mate the parents in consanguinity because in the pedigree this would be seen. 2 the father and mother are really 2 Norwegians of the Forests, and your puppy is not the result of crosses with cats that are clearly not purebred are not tested, checked and vaccinated. 3 there is no exploitation to the detriment of the health of female cats in that breeding. 4 the animal was born and raised in Italy; often behind the sold-out animals there is the trafficking of illegally imported specimens ... and of these there are more those who die during transport than those who come to have a master ... removed from their mothers too soon, crammed into some truck with hallucinating journeys ... diseases ...... etc ---- WORTH IT FOR A FEW HUNDREDS OF EURO continue to foment this thing? IF THERE WERE NO REQUEST THESE THINGS WOULD NOT HAPPEN! 5 The parents of the pedigreed puppy must have filed the genetic tests in ANFI that attest to the absence of some genetic pathologies. These tests are MANDATORY in order to obtain the release of the pedigree, without which ANFI does not produce them. 6 The parents of the pedigreed puppy are COMPULSORY microchipped, in this way, there is real traceability and it is possible to prove the genealogy, therefore your cat is really a descendant of the Norwegian forest cats. ------------------ 1 -What does inbreeding involve in your future puppy? these are some of the main diseases not visible at the time of purchase: Teeth alignment _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b94d-136bcc5-3194-bb589094-136bcc5-3194-bb589094-136b -136bad5cf58d_ Cataract _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094 -5904bad5c3-3194-bb589094_bad5c3-3194-bb589094bad5c5c Deafness Gangliosidosis GM1 _cc781905-5cde-3194cf58d-136bcc5-3194c5-bb58c5-3194c5-bb3badb 136bad5cf58d_ Gangliosidosis GM2 _cc781905-5cde-3194cf58d-136bcc5-3194c5-bb3-badd5-136b58c5-3194c5-bb3badb 136bad5cf58d_ Haemophilia A and B _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-84c5-badd-136b58c5-3194c3b-136cc5-3194-bb3b-136b bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cleft lip and cleft palate _cc781905-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905__3bcde-3194bdcc3 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hyperoxaluria Patella Dislocation _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094-136bcc3-3194-bb589094-136bcc5__ -136bad5cf58d_ Spasticism _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_ 136bad5cf and much more 2 -what involves buying a crossbred cat, which clearly cannot be vaccinated, uncontrolled with untested cats: Feline leukemia; Viral immunodeficiency syndrome or fiv and much more .... And to conclude: 3- Often, the sale of puppies without pedigree, as an excuse, hides the exploitation of the mother cat, causing her to give birth several times a year ... ANFI tries to limit the problem of the production of kittens "in battery" by imposing a limit of only 3 litters in 2 calendar years for each bitch of a breeding farm (Article 17 Breeding Regulations and Origins Books): if a cat is made to give birth more often, ANFI does not allow the registration of puppies and, consequently, the issue of pedigree. When a breeder or private vi proposes the purchase of a cat without pedigree, know that, by accepting, you are probably contributing to the exploitation of a cat in her third, fourth, fifth pregnancy in a year! And this is a practice that MUST be stopped because it jeopardizes the health of the cat but also that of the new born! IN SUMMARY FOR 100, 200,300, 400 EUROS YOU WILL HAVE ...... YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ......_ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ THE THING I WISH YOU IS THAT LUCK WILL ASSIST YOU AND BE AT LEAST HEALTHY, EVEN IF NOT NORWEGIAN ..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ BECAUSE THIS MONEY WILL BE ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY THE EARNINGS OF A SCAM, AND NOT THE GUARANTEE OF CARE TESTING AND SERIOUSNESS WHICH CAN GIVE YOU A FARMER.
- BARF- Alimentazione Naturale | gatti norvegesi
Tutto ciò che vuoi sapere su come fare barf, libri, video, forum, info , link ... BENVENUTO NELLA PAGINA DEDICATA ALLA DIETA BARF! The acronym “BARF” was first used by Debbie Tripp to distinguish those people who fed their dogs with fresh and raw meat and to distinguish between eating itself. Literally “BARF” means: o Bones And Raw Foods. The BARF diet consists of raw foods of animal origin, including bones and offal. For this we can also call it Raw Diet. PREMISE Making BARF does not mean giving our cat "random raw meat pulp" or giving leftovers from the table, but it means knowing how to balance a series of _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ foods of animal origin, in order to "rebuild an ideal prey"; the PERFECT food that Mother Nature has designed to keep cats healthy. BONES, PULPIES, ORGANS, TENDONS, SKIN, AND EVEN A LITTLE PULP - all these elements are ESSENTIAL. If you want to start this food style for your cat, keep in mind that none of these foods should be missing in his diet. I invite anyone reading this page to read and inquire, including by contacting a veterinarian with experience in natural nutrition to help you get started, or you can join my facebook group " BARF ONLY CATS " where the presence of people who have been offering this diet to their cats for years will be able to give you some useful advice, avoiding gross errors. Although doing a barf diet is absolutely possible and desirable, avoid as much as possible il 'do it yourself' without the necessary information, because damage from incorrect or bad food balanced can cause serious problems ATTENTION! All the files that you will find below, are by way of example, the percentages indicated are commonly used all over the world on healthy cats . 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a pro barf veterinarian , who will formulate a diet specially designed for your cat. The examples provided in the files are not formulated by nutritionists, but are indications handed down from the experience of people who have been using barf for many years, as the Veterinary Doctor Lisa Pierson _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ or Veterinarian Ian Billinghurst who have not only fed their cats and dogs for 50 years with barf, but also treat their patients with this type of diet. Can't get the cat to BARF? Short on time? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Worried about making mistakes and preparing unbalanced meals? Don't know how? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ If you want to be followed exclusively, with dedicated sessions, Tutorials, Recipes, Insights, you can write to me or call LIBRERIA Dieta Barf - Le Regole Barf Diet - Getting Started calculating bone percentages in the diet raw fish nell feeding the cat Recipes: Why è better not to grind the meat Taurine Anchor 1 PILLOLE di BARF - Short VIDEO - playlist Prossimo video dedicato alle ossa polpose in uscita a dicembre Gruppi social e Siti web Condividi i Meme sulla Barf! S ei libero di scaricarli e usarli dove vuoi
- Granlund's Riddick | gatti norvegesi
Granlund's Riddick Owner Roberta Ghiberti- Sowelu Cattery -Ravenna Italy * Pedigree * inbreeding 5th generation 0% Complete inbreeding 2.77% Polaris 14.9% Thanks Roberta and Alice for your availability and friendship. Granlund's Riddick2.1 riddickbeausoleil1_0 12511280_10206621406668457_692236835_o riddickbeausoleil2 riddickbeausoleil riddick120311-2 320059_2643837345068_1097979425_n 320855_2643833384969_1365980723_n 384482_2643835865031_1521360038_n 302320_2643838865106_1806481248_n Granlund's Riddick1 07112009-053 riddick8mesi2 149656_1716074791584_6764661_n 155464_1716075111592_5468947_n riddick250410 1/2 Granlund's Riddick blue silver classic + white -as 09 22 born on 09/06/2009 Father: EC S * Gomorran's Zebulon Mother: DK Ch. Lady Elbereth Felis Audax GSD4 neg FIV-FELV neg Normal HCM - March 2011
- Sindrome del gatto volante | gatti norvegesi
perchè i gatti cadono dai balconi? i Veterinari hanno scoperto che ... The cat volante For all those who are convinced that cats do not fall and that if they fall they are not hurt I invite everyone to read these lines, written by a veterinarian. Because it is better to think about it first than to despair later. “Flying cat is, in veterinary jargon, the cat that falls from a high floor: a typical spring patient because, in the first heat, people open the windows and cats fall from the eaves. Yes, I know that I am undermining a fundamental pillar of your cat beliefs, but unfortunately it is: it is not true that cats do not fall and it is not true that if they fall they do not get hurt! In several years of first aid I have seen too many incredulous owners forced to change their minds in tears on an inert body: "But he always started sunbathing on the windowsill ..." NEVER trust the common sense of a cat! It is also true that there are many cats who walk on the railings all their life like tightrope walkers without ever falling: so why do some people fall? Given that the owner hardly ever sees his cat the moment he is falling, and therefore it is impossible to know what happened, I noticed one thing: for a while, I visited the litters of new strays on a glass counter. like those of the haberdashery: the kittens, even solidly resting on the surface, could see the void beneath them. Well, some were clearly terrified of this feeling and backed away to get to safety, others didn't care. Could it be that some cats do not have a sense of emptiness and that this predisposes them to fall? It is only a hypothesis, but I point it out. It is however possible to trace an identikit of the flying cat, on the basis of clinical cases: they are generally young cats, born the year before and therefore are found for the first season to be able to jump on windowsills and railings when the windows they are open, or cats of any age who have moved to a high floor during the winter, or those who have joint or vision problems. The few owners who are present when the cat falls report distractions (the butterfly that passes under its nose just as it is jumping) or errors of assessment (the cat that jumps on the doormat leaning to dry astride the railing) ... The cat falls mostly in the evening or at night, either because it is more active in these hours, or because the owners come back and open the windows only in the evening, and is found at dinner time or, poor thing, the morning after all. breakfast time. The season runs from about April to June, from the first heat to when ... the cats run out, but they are seen throughout the summer, including repeat offenders! Yes, because moreover these mysterious animals do not learn from their mistakes, and I have seen at least two return twice in a fortnight ... But here it also gets a bit of the owner's head, isn't it? What injuries can the flying cat get? The injuries of falls from a height range from an unharmed cat to a dead cat, passing through a whole series of accidents grouped under the English definition "high rise syndrome": fractures of the palate, limbs, back, diaphragmatic ruptures, bladder , lung, etc. A thrilling anthology that I hope you never have to experience. Extensive literature has been spent trying to correlate height and injury, but I have seen cats fall off the same floors and some live and others die: in my experience it is more important what they encounter on the descent, which can alter the flight attitude. and the type of soil they find on the ground. If your cat unfortunately falls from above, always take him to a veterinarian immediately, even if he seems unharmed: certain injuries may not be visible immediately, but only when it is too late ... If, on the other hand, you see him "unsafe" on a ledge, avoid shouting and calling him alarmed, frightening him and pushing him into rash movements: it is better to make a tempting movement of bowls and treats come from inside the house. But a lot can be done in terms of prevention: like some of my clients, without getting to move to the ground floor to prevent cats from falling. I always recommend equipping all windows with mosquito nets, while for balconies and terraces the nylon fishing net is fine, anchored and stretched up to at least two and a half meters high, preferably equipped with a "roof" also with a net . I lived on the fifth floor for several years and I assure you it works. Does it seem excessive to "armor" the balconies for the cat? You see ... with this solution I have always slept soundly (and without insects!). Trust me, it is better to think about it first than to despair later ”. Grazia Vittadini - veterinary surgeon For more information on how to "do" I refer you to the page on how to protect balconies, windows , overhead doors and garden, information contacts of specialized companies, or to many ideas for a do-it-yourself. or How to build a fence - (aka catrun)
- Note Legali | gatti norvegesi
LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notes made by: STUDIOBIA 1. Introduction 1.1 Each user is requested to read these Conditions carefully before using this website. The fact of continuing to use it constitutes complete acceptance of the Conditions by the user. 1.2 The website is the exclusive property of Karin Pedrona 1.3 Data Controller Karin Pedrona tax code: PDRKRN72S46G337Y, resident in via strada per piazza 10, Sivizzano 43045 Fornovo di taro Parma - Italy 1.4 Karin Pedrona may modify these Terms of Use at any time by updating this notice. Users are bound to comply with these changes and are required to periodically consult this page to view the conditions in force at the time of using the website. 2. Copyright and other intellectual property rights Karin Pedrona, fiscal code: PDRKRN72S46G337Y, resident in via strada per piazza 10, Sivizzano 43045 Fornovo di taro Parma - Italy 2.1 Copyrights and any other intellectual property rights on all materials on this website (including texts, photographs, graphic images, video, audio, graphics, logos, symbols, as well as all the software contained therein ) are owned or in the exclusive use of Karin Pedrona. 2.2 It is possible to download, view or print information from this website only and exclusively for personal, non-commercial use. 2.3 Nothing contained on this website may be construed as granting a license or right to use the Trademarks and / or materials on the website. The use or abuse of the Trademarks on the site, or any other content on the site, except as provided for in these Legal Notes, is strictly prohibited. 2.4 The use by users of the materials on this website, except as provided in these Terms of Use or as expressly authorized in writing by the owner, is strictly prohibited. 3. Disclaimer of Liability 3.1 Karin Pedrona makes no guarantees, nor assumes any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the information published on the site. To the extent permitted by law, it disclaims any liability or obligation of any nature arising from or in any way connected with the use of this website or its content. In particular, Karin Pedrona will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, updating or completeness of the information contained in this website. 3.2 Karin Pedrona assumes no responsibility or any obligation for damage or viruses that may infect users' computers or other devices due to their access, use or navigation within this website or due to having downloaded from same materials, data, text, images, video or audio files. 3.3 Karin Pedrona reserves the right to interrupt or suspend one or all of the functions of the website Karin Pedrona declines any responsibility or obligation of any kind for any interruption or suspension of one or all of the website's functions. 4. Access to the service 4.1 While undertaking to guarantee the regular availability of the website 24 hours a day, Karin Pedrona will not be held responsible if, for any reason, the website is not available at a certain time or for a certain period. 4.2 Access to this website may be temporarily suspended without notice in the event of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond Karin Pedrona's control. 5. Links to and from other Internet sites 5.1 does not exercise any control over the sites to which this Internet site is linked and does not provide any guarantee on the contents contained therein and, moreover, has not subjected any of these sites to verification, therefore users acknowledge that Karin Pedrona_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is not responsible for what is contained in the pages external to this Internet site or in any other site connected to it. 5.2. The user is allowed to create a link to this website under the following conditions: - that the link is made only to the home page, even without reproducing it; - that there is the written consent of Karin Pedrona 6. Applicable law and competent court This legal notice is governed by Italian law and must be interpreted in accordance with the same. For disputes arising from this legal notice or related to it, the Italian courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.
- Non Vendo Vite | gatti norvegesi
Un gatto di razza non è un oggetto di lusso da possedere. Un gatto di razza è “qualunque gatto” perché seguito, perché amato, voluto, perché è conosciuto, e perché per questi motivi, potrà rendere felici gli altri. Meticcio non è sinonimo di "bastardo", di gatto di nessuna importanza, ma dovrebbe essere solo segno di “gatto nato da genitori di diversa, sconosciuta o non definibile razza”. Meticcio potrebbe voler dire anche “essere unico” e per questo forse ancora più particolare, prezioso.... I DO NOT SELL the life of cats Let's clarify a concept immediately: "I don't sell the life of cats." I, a 21st century farmer, ask to pay the price for my work. That's all. Follow the cats day and night, every day of the year, all life, always without holidays, always available, with the expense of many investments made to make them feel good, feed them every day as best as possible, to pay veterinary expenses, well all this has a price! And this price someone has to pay since the animals don't go to work alone, they don't decide to get married and set up a house, and they don't bother themselves to raise their puppies. Since cat weddings have to be decided by us, being pets, since the cat's health is in our exclusive hands, since veterinarians, feeders and specialists get paid, it is impossible to carry out the task of breeder without perceiving a reasonable income, not based on the value of the life of a living being, but based on the cost necessary to reach him. Each cat is as good as the other. A half-breed is no less than a purebred cat. A purebred cat is not a better living being or having more rights by its birth than a foundling. The choice of going to the cattery to get a cat can be as noble and as noble as that of going to a kennel, you just need to know what you are doing! Very often people do the math in your pocket, and wonder why you can ask for a certain amount for a cat. They make two quick calculations, how much the feed costs, how much does a vaccine and a microchip cost and they ask, or ask you, or think about it, how you can ask for such exorbitant amounts as hundreds of euros. Many from ignorant buyers, become ignorant breeders, thinking of making tons of money, and mostly end up giving up after some time, when they are tired and worn out from the effort it takes to be breeders, leaving their cats to the first that happens or to the nearest cattery, or they end up becoming vine traders. Breeding does not mean giving birth to a litter .. He is not a breeder who, having a female in his house, makes her reproduce and then arranges the puppies, as it is not to generate a child that makes you a mother, or is minimally so, but rather to raise him, love him, protect him. We as parents are mostly the fruit of how our parents were with us .. You are a breeder when you are able, litter after litter, to give birth to healthy little ones, who will be appreciated, loved, understood, and when you make a contribution to the species and breed in question, improving it, when you help people understand their own. animals, improving their life, or preventing them from ruining it by taking an unsuitable four-legged friend. A purebred cat is not a luxury item to own. A purebred cat is “any cat” because it is followed, because it is loved, wanted, because it is known, and because for these reasons it can make others happy. Mestizo is not synonymous with "nothing", "bastard", cat of no importance, but should only be a sign of "cat born of parents of different, unknown or not definable breed". Mestizo could also mean "to be unique" and for this reason perhaps even more particular, precious ... The fact that a mestizo has fantastic qualities does not make all mestizos suitable for the same person. I love any cat, but I breed purebred cats because I try to give birth to cats suitable for my life, cats suitable for certain people, cats that are happy, and to do this, it is more practical and safer to be sure of how they will be. these cats, rather than relying on chance. This is how the races were born .. In a hypothetical perfect world without chains, only the strongest and most useful animal would win and reproduce. In this life, the only one I know, the strongest cat is the most useful to man, and he has more chances of having a good life, and I want to give birth to lucky and beloved cats, cats that are important to someone. Giving birth to useless cats would always make me tremble for their life ... I don't want my cats to pity and be taken blindly, out of mercy. I want my cats to be useful, that people recognize their qualities and want them with them even if it costs money to maintain them, because they realize that they give something more to our life. A serving cat is a cat that can find accommodation even as an adult, in the unfortunate case its owner can no longer take care of it. Un cat taken only for mercy will always be in the hands of his god man, at his mercy, and I do not want_cc781905-5cde-319458-bb3cb-136d. **** Say that i cats should all be taken in the gattili and that the_cc7905 -3145b3b-84bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81-3194bd81- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_do not buy, it is pure e stupida demagogia_cc781905-5cde-3194-bbcia_bad5 who does not need to exchange animals for no one objects, and it is unfortunately often to say this ***** Maybe the best, the kindest and most unselfish of us stop having children of their own to go and adopt all the starving children in the world? Perhaps we give up the joy, the happiness of having our child, a little one who grows naturally, happily with us, without ever having suffered stress or having had problems or illnesses, due to the fact that many children suffer in other parts of the world? The suffering, the sadness of life, can make us all stop living a natural life and for this reason it also makes us happy? Should the feline species all go through abandonment? will we have to have one day only cats born by chance due to some criminal who has abandoned, abused, indiscriminately mated? Cats are not all the same. They must all enjoy the same rights of course, because no one is to blame, but they are very different from each other, in terms of capacity and health. We cannot allow "pathology", abandonment, to become the basis of the cats of tomorrow . Altruism must not and cannot lead us towards illness, towards an unnatural life, just as it is unfair that sick purebred cats are born, full of pathologies that can be cured only because medicine today has made considerable progress (a cat of sick race is the most disgusting thing that can be!). So why are many often ready to cheer up farmers? Why are they so quickly ready to do the math in their pocket? When animal rights activists take it out against breeders, well, I always think that we have not understood each other, that they have not understood that we are on the exact same side, that of the defense of animals. I could never blame those who love animals, even if they make wrong arguments in many other ways. I hope that by reading these lines of mine someone will realize that we are not all the same, neither they nor us. In many other cases, however, the problem is money ... and sometimes ignorance, and the two things joined together, do the rest. Well, whoever thinks that breeding means making money at the expense of animals, may he try it himself, that you spend a lifetime getting up at night to check on puppies, to follow dying or ailing elderly people, that you answer the phone all day long to people who need advice for growth, that you collect tons of poop (this particular fragrant of our life does not many calculate it, but perhaps it is the most present constant), that he deprives himself of vacation, private life, of a normal life, and after we will see if in the end he will still think so. Oh sure, you can not do all this .. You can be architects, engineers, bankers, and in the leftovers of time go and serve a meal to two animals kept in cages. You can find time to deliver the puppies but not time to meet people's needs. You can find the money to pay for advertisers and almost always illegal workers to better sell your goods ... Even today in Italy, you can be vine merchants, but this does not mean that we are all like this ._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ It does not mean that the fact that there are those who take advantage of the gatti and the naivety of others, we are all like that. Maybe a babysitter doesn't pay? Maybe a teacher or a doctor shouldn't get paid because they are all figures who should think more about loving than surviving? But how? But you should do it out of passion, some say when they have to pay these gentlemen's fees .. But since when do people who love their neighbors and animals live on nothing? Shouldn't she be paid just more, because life is based on it? The foundation for everything else? Why instead of trying to reward better those who in addition to providing us a job also gives examples of pure love, we do nothing but mortify them and try to give them as little as possible by leveraging their love for life and for what they do? A kennel does not have the costs of a single litter, but those of an entire human life to get to that litter. In a farm there are gatti sani that reproduce and gatti_gatti sani that reproduce and gatti_gatti_cc3b5 -136bad5cf58d_con some disease and that will never reproduce, gattianziani, but who are equally loved and_cc781_bad-136-badd5-136 often spend a lot of money, and these must also come through the lucky ones. In the farms look for i gatti olders, because these will be a guarantee for the farmer is always good, money is not always good. they are more and more beautiful. For a litter that is born and grows up healthy, there are often others in which everything went wrong, in which good money was spent to travel far in search of a worthy husband for our female, but maybe few puppies were born, maybe the mother had to undergo a caesarean surgery, maybe all the little ones died, maybe she didn't get pregnant and there are only the costs to pay .. A farm also has all the very expensive costs due to health and administrative permits to raise, to building ones, the structures necessary to make all animals feel good, at the expense of surveyors, agronomists and accountants, but nobody thinks about this. It is one thing to have a healthy female who has a wonderful litter in her own home, and everything looks beautiful and goes beautifully, and makes the joy of birth seem like a trifle, and another thing is to give birth and repeat this miracle of life over and over to give. this joy to many people. Nobody talks about all the people who, having a litter at home, found themselves faced with the shock of a first-parent mother, taken by convulsions, or the one who cannot give birth ... or the one who had ruptured uterus. The comparison to diminish the work of breeders is always and only with the very lucky litters for which few expenses were needed. A private individual who has a lot of knowledge on the gatti, who has spent all his free time for the passione on felines and who is willing to give all his love to others in terms of puppies is often a wonderful choice to find a puppy, I say this first, but there are very few of these people if you relate them to all the people who instead want and need the affection of an animal. The breeder and his way of breeding are nothing more than the fruit of the society that surrounds us. If there are vine dealers it is because there are people who al gatto degive the value of an object, who_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d the fact that they are rewarding an exploiter of lives. If animal life were given more value, it would be much easier for farmers to make animals feel good too, and only animal lovers would proliferate, because people would immediately recognize traders as an end in themselves and would always be ready to reward well for what really matters. And do we forget the tax authorities? Being a breeder also means paying taxes eh! Yet as soon as you name the VAT, people instead of being happy to have an invoice in their hands for the money given, instead of being happy for contributing a part of their money to this Italy that is doing so badly, instead of being happy to have a dealing with an honest person, takes and changes the air. (we are talking about professional breeders, when we are talking about amateurs, the equivalent is to have the contract in hand)) Having an invoice in hand for a purchase that will live at least ten years, it seems to me anything but silly, even economically and commercially speaking, considering the unpredictability of life, the difficulty of breeding well and the mysteries of genetics . It is one thing not to pay VAT for a coffee (and this is also wrong), and an account, much more foolish, is to have no trace of an often substantial payment, for something that will be with us for a long time. When money has to be perceived, they are all ready, kind, fast… but when the money is gone, things change, and all this kindness becomes a memory. Merchants have no time for kindness, and they even respond to rude ones, because they only have money in mind ... Will it come or won't it? This is their constant thought. A trader does not waste time in a thousand photos, he does not know the details of the life of his gatti. He doesn't waste much time in visits, he goes fast, he has no time to waste, yet there are people who from this false demeanor, from this icy coldness, sometimes from a jacket and a tie, from two notions about race that anyone could learn, gets intimidated into submitting to it, and end up rewarding it. A breeder should always have the answers ready to all or most of the questions of every buyer ... He should at least know his subject inside out. **** It is for this reason that nowadays we don't even reply to e-mails where they spartanly ask us only the price. ****** _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ When we feel full of philanthropism, we try to educate the most obviously ignorant without malice, but when someone asks us about gatti based on the stains of the coat, on the basis of sex to type of pedigree and that's it, well then it will just find a wall in your face and won't have any answer. We all love beauty, we all want to choose, we are all curious, we want to think for ourselves, but many of us also have to learn what it means to breed, and what are the important things to look at. Many think that if they choose first they will get the best cats, something to brag about forever and that will also give them love, because they are taken by an inordinate feeling of victory and optimism. "I want the certainty that the cat will become huge" ".... This is heard every now and then .... Please go elsewhere, I answer ... Given that to make the first choice and actually get a cat with certain skills it takes a lot of knowledge about the breed, the bloodline, cats in general and the ways in which kittens are managed, not always the first choice. , even on many, it is equivalent to a cat with great gifts. It all depends on who the parents are, what these puppies are like, who they choose. The best cat for me, to breed, to compensate for the shortcomings of my other cats, is not necessarily the same for a person who will have that cat and that's it for life. The best cat for me, who love taciturn and not very clingy cats, is not necessarily the best for another. Finally, tell me how I can best do my job as a breeder, how can I find a happy home and people who love my kittens, when I am asked for a cat with spots on its back well arranged vertically? As if you were choosing home furnishings? Tell me how I can think of animal welfare, when people want to take the cat for the festive occasion, regardless of the fact that the kittens need a certain amount of time to spend with their mother, to be sociable and safe cats when they grow up. of himself? Sometimes for three months I constantly change my mind about puppies, I have an enormous effort to understand which are the qualities of a puppy that are most suitable for me, yet many people, in no time at all, are convinced to come and play Bingo! How can curiosity, arrogance, haste ... and finally the money that each of us can spend up to a certain point can be reconciled with the most important thing: the life of the animal? When you have to get a cat, consider your life well, and look for the most suitable cat to make it happy and serene. If you get the right cat, everything will appear easier and even giving love and cuddles will be simple. It is useless to go and get the cat from the cattery filled with a sense of pity, not having enough feline knowledge to recover an often traumatized character, not having the money to pay an educator to recover this traumatized character, and not taking a cat congenial to ours. life needs .... and often having a complicated one too. What can the lady who lives in an apartment full of crystals and antique carpets do with it, with a cat that as a puppy was in so much pain and needed help, but when grown up by its nature and not its fault, loves to jump from one piece of furniture to another, nail the carpet or the armchairs ?? _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Doing good is wonderful and I recommend it to everyone, but you also need to know how to do it. And choosing a cat may seem easy, but it isn't. You have to know yourself well to the extent that you are ready to accept the life of a cat with us. We often want cute and hyper active cats like Bengals, but then do we have time for them? Almost always we want the puppy and not the most grown cat, but then maybe we work all day and we don't have the time to follow the growth of this puppy. What do we need then to indulge this morbid desire of ours? To make an animal grow badly? Feeling lonely and insecure and making him become a frustrated adult to be led to re-educate, if not worse, that he can no longer bear? Wouldn't it be better to take an adult who may have returned to the farm due to bad luck, life cases, and who would require less time to devote to him? An adult is no less than a puppy. So first advice: let's take the breed that suits us, but not only! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ After studying the characteristics of the breed, let's see if the cats of that breeding correspond to the standard. Let's go and see if those individual cats, that male, that female, that breeder, are as we imagine them. It does not matter if you take a cat that is not standard, spotted differently or that does not have the characteristics of the breed. It matters to get a cat that suits us first! It does not matter to take it purebred or mestizo, it matters to take it easy to love, suitable for our life and healthy. The purebred cat should just be the right cat for us. It should be a cat that gives us certainties or at least greater probabilities of health than the orphan or the cat born by chance and whose character we cannot predict. The latter will not therefore be a worthless cat, it will only be an unknown factor, and therefore a more difficult cat "in theory" and for which owners even more experienced and prepared for "everything" will be needed, but welcome! A breeder must pay for the work on knowing the character of their cats, not the fact of owning them. When someone asks me for a cat to go to the show, you can see that he didn't understand anything about me. I am looking for owners who love my cats for who they are and for themselves mainly. I don't care if they win fashion shows with my cat. And even with this, like everyone else, I love beautiful cats. Does it seem irreconcilable as what? And why? Maybe there is the need to show the beauty or the love that one possesses? Of course, you can also do exhibitions and parades, as in fact we do every now and then, enjoying victories like everyone else, you can have fun doing everything when you are comfortable together and happy, but this cannot be the basis. for a relationship. I don't want people who win cups with my cats, I don't want to satisfy someone's delicate aesthetic sense with my cats .. I want to give them friends forever. Cats to love and who are able to return this love. I want to give cats suitable for people and I want people to be suitable for them. I want to be clear about the characteristics of my cats, and when they differ from the standard or the average of other dogs, I mention it. I want to be called in the middle of the night if my cats are sick, I want to be tormented with questions because this is my life and there is nothing more beautiful than being able to teach what you know. There is nothing more beautiful than having a passion since we were children and passing it on, sharing it, making it grow day after day thanks to the questions and doubts of others, thanks to experience. This is paid for by a breeder ... the experience ... the knowledge ... not the possession of a cat, not the possession of a life. Everyone is good at buying, you just need the money. The aesthetic sense could have anyone, even the most selfish person or animal abuser in the world, but time, this simple thing, availability, humility, the ability to get dirty with mud and laugh with your cat, can to have only one father, only a breeder who truly loves his animal children. Always try to find out about the real characteristics of the breeding and the cats present. Pay someone for the good they have done and will do, not for their animal collection. First worry about whether a given animal is right for you, and about finding it, because once you find this, money is the least of the things. The expense for the purchase of a cat is really nothing compared to the good they can give us, but nevertheless we understand first, having never been rich, even this difficulty. Well, better wait then, and get the right cat from the right person, rather than running towards a trader, towards disappointments, towards a wrong relationship with an animal with which no one will help us later. A cat can cost a hundred euros, but an intervention to treat it can cost thousands of euros immediately and thousands more throughout life to continue the care. A cat can be healthy but if it has a bad temper, it will not only require basic education, but the expensive advice of a behaviorist will be needed. And how much does mental health, tranquility, joy inside a house cost? I'll tell you ... it's priceless. For this reason I never try to saddle my cat on the first come as if nothing had happened ... The best advertisement for me as a breeder is not the cat who wins a trophy, but the happy cat who lives with his human friend who is radiant with joy to be able to share his life with him. This is the image of my cats that I want to have in my mind, this is what I want to convey. In this kennel no show cats are born, cats with a label other than the one that first of all are cats that I like and are useful to my life, because without use, without real passion, nothing can come well. Disir Nornir cats are born here- If you don't need a cat, you can't love it, it's not useful to you, then you won't be happy and you won't be able to build anything good. If, on the other hand, you live your cats to the fullest, if you know everything about them because they make you happy and make you want to deepen your knowledge every day, then you will grow in your passion and pass on something concrete to people. It is not important to own champions, it is important to love your animals and to be able to talk for hours. Standards change, cats get sick, they get hurt, but the joy they give us remains forever. It does not matter if a cat has smaller ears than the standard, it only counts if that cat is in standard with my life and that of those who ask me. Cats do not take themselves for show as they do not take for pity. They take themselves to love them and to be loved. There is nothing immoral in longing to be loved, just as there is nothing immoral in longing for a wife or husband who will make us proud and happy. Purebred cat must mean "easier cat for our life", "easier to love", "cat with a family that will help you in difficult moments" .. For this you pay a breeder…. To reward him, to help him do better and better and to have help in turn. Here, I hope with these lines I have given some help to understand us, to those who often ask themselves “why buy a cat”…. "how much does a puppy cost"? cats are not bought, but anyone who works pays for itself. For your sake always look for someone who talks, who explains, who can be found often, not who is there for an hour a day, who is never found, who asks only and gives nothing, because if someone does not have time to respond to you, it almost certainly doesn't even have time for cats. Who does not know the weight of his cat, the condition of the coat, the nuances of the character, the details ... is someone who owns it but does not love it, or does not have time to love it ... Always get a contract or bill or a receipt for how much you pay, because whoever has nothing to hide and does everything right will have no problem guaranteeing your pet, and will give it perfect ... vaccinated, registered, guaranteed forever. Those who love their cats give them away with difficulty and are suspicious, they want to know who is on the other side. On the other hand, those who want to get rid of them or make money will often make everything easy, will answer briefly but also to dry and rude questions, will not be offended because they have no pride or love to defend, but only think about income. Who does not want to leave traces in the life of the cat, does not give answers by e-mail, no prices except live, no receipts, no bills or extremely low bills compared to the truth, no vaccines or chips, is someone who wants to hide, and of which one must be wary. If something is done right, it can be done in the open, it can be talked about anytime, anywhere. Avoid those who invite you to the kennel instead of answering your questions on the phone, because they want to lure you to move you with a few puppy eyes. Run away where you read "prompt delivery" .. "Puppies always"…. "Puppies for every pocket"…. Remember that puppies are always healthy except for exceptions, and that problems, diseases, come after a while, but they last a long time and are more expensive than buying a well-paid puppy. As a machine of any brand it will work well in the early days .. the difference of a dog based on quality you will only see it in the years to come. On the other hand, do not expect the moon, cats are not appliances, and if a puppy should show problems, try to understand that it is not possible to foresee everything. They are beings of flesh and blood, the imponderable will always be there. Do not think it is good to pay a puppy to take it away from a badly behaved breeder, because with your money he will give birth to double the unfortunate ones. Leave that puppy where it is to prevent others from suffering like it. If you have big doubts rather report! For all these reasons we will always have a lot of time for those who have it for us, we will ask to be paid for what we have worked and everything will be regularly billed, we will always be traceable for every question, we will avoid providing too many photos of small puppies or showing them continuously. , or to choose them before the age useful for fostering, to avoid indulging people in a hurry and not really fond of cats, since you cannot say much or advise anything about a puppy that is too small. -136bad5cf58d_ But then when the puppy passes by we will give a souvenir album of all the photos and details of the baby's growth, because we do not want to hide, but to avoid growing morbid curiosity and impatience. A puppy must be chosen calmly because it must be loved deeply forever, so if someone is in a hurry, we prefer that he change direction compared to us. We do not like exhibitors, a category that should not exist, but this does not mean that we will give birth to ugly dogs, useless or contrary to the "sense of race". Simply for us they are all beautiful because our children are desired, but we will not charge more for those capable of indulging the taste of some judge. Our work is the same whether we do our utmost for the puppy that fortunately is born more beautiful, or for the one that is born appreciable to the tastes of fewer people. We don't sell luxury cars, we don't sell lives, and we will never go out of our way to satisfy anyone's aesthetic taste. The costs will vary a little from one litter to another at times, depending on the difficulties encountered or the expenses incurred to get to those data puppies, but they will never be astronomical or miserable. We ask to sign a contract to all those who will take one of our puppies, where they will undertake if they have to reproduce it, to take the same responsibilities as ours towards the new families and the health of the species and the breed, but we will also be generous with advice for those who wanted this joy. We who nurture are the first to understand the joy of birth, care, of being mothers and fathers, how could we not help those who want to do the same? But as with all things, everything must be done well, if it can be done, and without haste ... We will forever be friends and a second family for all those who love animals like us .. We don't run a shop, so you can't show up at the gate as if we are always open or have a collection of butterflies to show you. We have many commitments with our cats, a lot of care to give them and therefore we must first of all perform these, and then by appointment, also show the fruit of our work. I know, many times it is said in the environment that the ideal to understand how they work in pensions and farms is better to fall upon them suddenly, and it would also be true, as it would be for each category to be able to control phone calls, conversations, private life … .But it is illegal as well as impractical. Certainly those who have many difficulties in meeting people, do not give a good image of themselves. We always try to be as available as possible, but we also need to plan our lives, so if it comes to your mind to improvise, know that we would certainly be forced to send you back home, from wherever you have arrived. Announcing a visit in time is also a matter of good manners. We will not jump to the throat of those who tell us that they want to give a cat to their child, on the contrary, we are pleased that children are educated in love for animals, but as a parent, it is he who we will ask to take responsibility for the cat, and we would also like to know the life expectancy of the cat. They are not toys but living beings! We do not sell cats to give to third parties without knowing them, and we do sign a contract in which they declare to take the cat "for themselves" and not for sale or transfer of material to third parties. We ask for the right of first refusal in case a person no longer wants our cat to avoid that dishonest ones we don't want to give cats to, send them complacent friends in their place. We sell cats only to those who plan to keep them for life, not to those who think of taking them on trial as objects and then getting rid of them if they don't go well. ..... TEXT READAPPED BUT COMPLETELY COPIED BY http: // I feel totally in tune with what these dog breeders have written and I don't find any difference in breeding cats. If all this were not enough to understand the breeder's profession ... here is an attempt to quantify the above: https: // of-forest-farming-idisir-nornir / receipt-how much-does-it-cost-to-a-breeder-norwegian-forest- / 483172488392725