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How to calculate the percentage of bone  in the cat's diet

organizzazione del pasto barf

One of the major difficulties encountered in formulating a raw diet for home carnivores is to establish the correct amount of bones to use.

Given the universally accepted scheme for the prey model diet, 80/10/10 (80% muscle, 10% bone, 10% internal organs - of which 5% liver), it is necessary to understand what it actually means. 10% of bones. It is not practical to administer a "pure" bone, unless a cut of meat is stripped to perfection and weighed the bone that we have obtained: only in this way we will be able to know the exact weight. On the other hand, it is much easier to know the average percentage of "pure" bone contained in certain cuts of meat, so that we can identify the quantity we need by doing only a few short mathematical calculations (and not an operation bordering on surgery).


How many bones do cats' main sources of nutrition contain?


Topo     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094 -5905c5c3-3194-bb3b94-136bad5ccc3 136bad5cf58d_  4.89% *

Rat      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b94-136baddcc3%

Rabbit   _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58,5% * 8bad5cf ***

Chicken     _cc781905-5cde-3194-3194-bb589094-5c3bcc5-3194-bb589094-136bad5ccc3 136bad5cf58d_   _cc781905-5cde-3194_5cf58d_cc781905-5cde-3194_b3b_d3b_b3b-136b5c3b_b3b_b3b-136b58-3194_b3b-136b

Turkey    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094_5cbad5-136b58d81% -136cbad5cf

Quail     _cc781905-5cde-3194-3194-bb589094-5bcc5-3194-bb3b94-136bad5cd 136bad5cf58d_ 10% *****


Different protein sources contain different bone content: the bone density of a prey is directly proportional to its size.


The key to a balanced diet, as always, is variety. An approximate average between these types of meat (the most used in feline nutrition) provides a figure of about 13%. However, it is necessary to modulate the amount of bones present in your cat's diet based on a guideline of this type but paying particular attention to its needs and therefore observing the consistency of the feces. A too high percentage of bones can cause constipation and therefore constipation, on the contrary a too low percentage of them can lead to not very consistent stools. As a result, one cat may need an 8% dose of bone and another, for example, 10-12%.


If you use a whole prey diet it is quite immediate to understand how many bones you are feeding based on the data above. If, on the other hand, one is based on a prey model or frankeprey diet, thus using not the whole prey (divided according to weight in one or more daily or weekly meals) but rather parts of different prey it becomes a bit more complicated. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

It is therefore useful to know in this regard the percentage of bones (data obtained from the USDA National Nutrient Database ) found in the main cuts of meat (and not only in the whole prey), in order to be able to calculate the right amount to be administered:


Chicken Wings   _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-5894-5c5c3-3194-bb589094-136bad5ccc3 136bad5cf58d_   _cc781905-5cde-3194_bb5-bb3b-136bad3-136b58c5%

Chicken thighs   _cc781905-5cde-3181_  _cc781905-5cde-3181- bb3b94-136bddcc3 136bad5cf58d_ 27%

Chicken Necks   _cc781905-5cde-3181- bb3b94-136baddcc5-3194-bb589094-136bcc5-3194-bb589094-136bdcc3 136bad5cf58d_   36%

Chicken back    44%

Turkey wings   _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094-136bdcc3-3194-bb589094-136baddcc3 136bad5cf58d_ 33%

Turkey necks    21%


An adult cat weighing 5 kg, following a diet equal to 3% of its body weight, must take 150 grams of food daily, of which:


120 grams of muscle meat (80%)

15 grams of bones (10%)

7.5 grams of liver (5%)

7.5 grams of other organs (5%)


If chicken wings contain about 46% of bones, it means that the cat will have to eat 32 grams daily in order to get to the 15 grams of bones needed. It is complicated to calculate the daily balance while it is much easier and more flexible to manage everything on a weekly basis. Following this reasoning, it therefore follows that a 5 kg cat must take a weekly food dose of approximately 1.050 kg of which:


840 grams of muscle meat (80%)

105 grams of bones (10%)

52.5 grams of liver (5%)

52.5 grams of other organs (5%)


If we decide to provide the dose of bones using, for example, chicken wings, it will be necessary to dilute about 225 grams of chicken wings over the course of seven days. While 46% is made up of bones, 54% is made up of muscle and skin. Therefore the weekly table can probably approach a pattern of this type:


718 grams of muscle meat (we got about 122 grams of muscle from chicken wings)

225 grams of chicken wings

52.5 grams of liver

52.5 grams of other organs


Based on these calculations, a weekly (or daily) table can be created using different types of meat of our choice in a simple and fairly precise way.







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Ethical and Amateur Breeding 

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